Monday, August 10, 2009

My Life When "Resting": A Photo Diary

When you last heard from me I was finishing up IM Lake Placid in fine style, with a smile, a shuffle, and a UTI.

Here I am, just lifting those knees, sprinting away. Oh happy day! Well, actually, it was a happy day. Especially when it was over.

So, what have I been doing in celebration of successfully conquering my IM debut?

I am writing about The Rest in retrospect because it ended today. Thank God for this. I was well on my way to degenerating into full sloth-dom. Lest you think I'm kidding--let me just say that I managed to gain 6 pounds in two weeks. That's like a record for me. I am a competitive athlete, but I am also a competitive rester. No one rests (read eats and sits on her ass) like me.

Rather than detail the last two weeks, which, I fear, would bore you to tears, I will leave you with a few photos. We spent last week on Cape Cod. It's a beautiful place--and a perfect venue for sitting on one's ass.

This is not a flattering picture, but it does capture nicely the week's activities--going to the beach, sitting, eating.

Ice Cream was another theme of the week.

I also watched everyone else run, from the safe confines of my beach chair.

I watched Andy run a 5.2 mile road race (The Brewster Brew Run).
He made running sub-six minute miles look easy, which I find very hot. I am very much a sucker for fast, in-shape men.
He was 3rd AG in a race with more than 1600 competitors.

I also watched from my perch as my family swam, collected seashells, rode motorcycles and rested.

I admit it, though, I did get in one little ride.
This is sunrise in Chatham, taken from astride Mrs. Z.
It was a lovely week.
And now I am home.
Today I went for a run in the 95 degree heat and humidity. It was ugly. I was sweaty and disgusting 2 minutes into the run.
However, I will say that although I felt disgusting and was moving a bit like an overweight slug, I got some serious attention today.
It was hot and I wore just a bra and hot shorts. I never do this. But it was HOT, so off the shirt went. I am an old lady, and my thought, I believe, was who gives a fuck. I did not realize that just wearing a bra and little shorts is the key to receiving catcalls, however. Now I know.
A group of construction workers paving the road stopped, watched me run by, and then began applauding. I kid you not. I wanted to stop and say thank you--that really there's nothing better than that when you are 39 and have three kids and the stretch marks to prove it.
Later in my run I passed some guys doing lawn work and one of the men stopped as I ran by. He waited until I was in front of him and then said in a loud, deep voice-- Thank you-- and tipped his baseball cap.

Jesus. Am I hot or what?
The correct response, by the way, is YES, of course you are. :)


Jennifer Harrison said...

HILARIOUS, Mary! :)) I am like you, twins and 38 - running w/o a top? ahhh! :)
I have that SAME Polka dot splish suit, I wore it today! Glad you rested hard. GOOD.

Michelle Simmons said...

That's awesome. I'm sure there are not very many 39 year old moms of three who look like you. :)
I never run with a shirt on. It's way too hot here year round to do that, so nobody runs with a shirt on. Very well accepted practice here on the island. So it is kinda funny to me when I travel to the mainland and pack my running stuff (shorts, sport bra, socks, visor, and shoes) I *always* forget a shirt and then feel self conscious. Wonder why it's different on the mainland?

Kim said...

yay way to enjoy the rest and relaxation post IMLP! you totally deserve it.

and you are hot shit. i wish i had the abs like you to run sans shirt. hot mama.

jbmmommy said...

If I looked as good as you, I don't think I'd ever bother running WITH a shirt. Just extra laundry. In my case, however, the shirt's a necessity.

Glad to have read all of your recent accomplishments. Congrats on a great IM, and you rested as you should have. I look forward to following along with whatever you take on next.

Nitsirk said...

That's awesome! Sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed your rest.

Swimming for ME said...

So now that we are 39 we 'like' it when guys hoot and holler and stare. Very funny!

Speed Racer said...

You are SMOKIN' hott!

BUT... have you turned into that obnoxious tri-geek who wears her Mdot gear everywhere?! God, Mary, NO!

Amanda said...

You ARE hot! Way to rest up. Funny how it got hot all of a sudden, huh?

Judi said...

yes, you are so totally hot. and strong. and fit. and i so cannot wait for rest.

GetBackJoJo said...

Judi, that comment totally cracked me up. You're close!!!

Ange said...

So glad you had a fun vacation...looks perfect. You look like me on my rock last week....just sat there with a bathing suit, a book, and food in my hand. :)
Andy ROCKS on the run!!! Amazing. Tell him good job for me.
And yes, have to admit, those whistles do make me smile now too....funny how that is when you're 39 with 3 kids. :)

Regina said...

So funny! I could give you a run for your money on the weight gain thing while resting, however, I don't want to go up against you in jog bra/shorty thing.

At 42 I am also of the "who gives a shit I am old" mindset. However, I am not stopping traffic, I can tell you.

Get on with your bad self Miss Thing!