This is Portland Head Light. It's in Fort Williams State Park in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. It's home.
This summer we are having work done on our home in MA. I asked my mom awhile ago if I could move up to Maine for the summer after school let out-- with the three kids in tow. She agreed, and here I am. (thanks, mom.)
There are a few problems with this arrangement.
1. The hub. can only see us on weekends. We miss the hub.
2. I miss my dogs, who are home with the hub.
3. My mom and dad might go insane by the end of the summer, and if they do, I will feel really, really bad about it.
4. NO WIRELESS INTERNET. In fact, right now, no internet at all. My mom's ancient computer is getting repaired, and currently I am using my friend's laptop, which occasionally gets access online when it picks up someone else's wireless network. Sigh. Hopefully I will find a way to keep in touch with my online world.
Here are a few really awesome things about this arrangement:
1. We can go to the beach every day.
2. Training up here is awesome. It's beautiful and peaceful, and I can do my open water swimming in the Atlantic!
3. Alina, my best friend from H.S., is here with her three kids and our kids play everyday.
4. I'm now living nearer to my other best friend from H.S.--
Ange! We hope to do some great training together this summer!
In other news, I had a super deluxe bike fitting at
Fit Werx on Wed. It was truly awesome. I love it when the focus is all on me! Ha! It took more than three hours. I came home with a new saddle, a new cassette (I was using a 12/23--got a 12/27), and a whole new position! It feels way more comfy on the bike now. I'm pleased.
The hub., however, is not. Super deluxe fittings and new bike parts are expensive, and I "will not be denied." That can't be good. What do you think he's trying to say? (I can't hear you I can't hear you....) Acutally, I can hear you. I will never buy anything ever again. ever. Although I'm not really liking my wet suit these days....
Okay, what else? I have been a super slug all week in training. My heartrate refuses to be compliant and beat as I want it to beat. Instead it stays steadfastly in the recovery zone at all times.
And I'm tired. Like really, really, please let me sleep all day tired. I did all my required workouts this week, but I did them without any umph, and a few I cut short. Next week I will be BACK--. (right?) I don't even want to post my hours this week because they are so lame compared to last week!
Here are a few pictures from the QT2 Weeken

d. Thanks Michelle!
Out to dinner: Kim, Michelle, me
Kim "studying"

Birthday cake for me. Thanks, Kim!

Jesse making announcements in front of our Power Bar sign. We are a good little team, following all of our sponser's wishes. :)
Kim looking gorgeous, me looking scary.

End of the weekend. Goodbye!

There are no pictures of us training, because, well--we were training!