Thursday, July 26, 2007

Overtraining. That's me.

I am officially over-trained. 

That's not to say that I put in way more time than a regular person training for a 1/2 Iron in August and a marathon in October. In fact, I'm training far less than what the plan that was made for me calls for. My biggest week was 14.5 hours, and this week I think I'll probably log about 13.5. Not so crazy for the peak weeks, right? 

 Tell that to my body. Food goes right through her. Her lymph nodes are swollen. She can't sleep at 3 a.m. but craves a nap around 1 p.m. She doesn't want to eat following workouts. She feels nausea when running and biking. Her body feels achy. Yep. I had hoped it was just a bug, but when I let up , the symptoms disappear, and when I resume, they all come back. Rats! 

I see my superstar friends Ange and Petra train, and they are doing so much more, and they are thriving! Ange's times are dropping and dropping--. She's just kicking butt! And Petra must be putting in at least 18 hours a week right now. I want to to do the work. Psychologically I am ready to do the work. But my body is not adapting with the ease I would like. I know that if I keep at this for years my body will adapt and eventually will take on more. I have asked rather a lot of it. Prior to May I had logged a good 6-7 hours a week during peak while training for Boston. But that was all running. And I've doubled that and added two disciplines, one of which I hadn't done (biking) since I was a tot cruising the neighborhood. So I probably shouldn't complain. I haven't gotten injured, after all. 

This morning I swam (3200 yards). It was my least favorite workout that I have to do. The main set is 1 x 800--hard, 2 x 400--hard, 2 x 200--hard. Hard hard hard. And boring. Argh. I miscounted on the 800 and did an 850. Annoying. I space out for 30 seconds and the next thing I know I can't remember how much I've done. After my swim I dropped Jordan and Noah off at recreation, and took Lara with me to the gym. (They have child care.) I spun for a 1/2 hour and then did a 40 minute run with two 400 pick-ups at 6:40 pace. I have a 5k tomorrow night. Should be interesting since I'm feeling so disgusto. Right now I just want to put my kids in front of a video and take a nap! Next week is lighter. Thank God. Did I mention another symptom I have is that I am a whiny crab? Sigh. 

Next entry will be full of vim and excitement!

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