Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Teacher Hat

Today I put on my teacher hat for the first time in nearly four years. I have been the librarian for the last three years, though prior to that I had taught for 11 years already. So entering the classroom this morning was not foreign, but it has been awhile. I had fun. I like my students. It was a good day. 

HOWEVER, I was so tired at the end of the day that I didn't run, and I had a 10 miler planned! Not doing it pretty much decimates my running mileage for the week, which is NOT good given that Chicago is screamingly close, and this week should be a peak mileage week. 

When I picked up my kids after work, though, they were so grumpy and tired and in need of Mommy, bath, dinner and stories, that I just couldn't drag them to the gym. It would have been heartless. I'm not going to be able to schedule major workouts after school. It will be interesting to see what happens to my fitness this year. Likely I will turn into a marshmallow. What can you do? I love triathlon, but I have kids, a husband, a career which I love and a home to keep. This may not be my best running/triathlon year. In a few years I hope to go part time and train for a full Ironman. All in good time. Of course, we never know what is coming down the pike--what is in store for us. Hopefully I will have my health and so will my family--so I can pursue that Ironman dream. 

Tomorrow I'll get up for a swim before school and I'll squeeze in a 45 min run right after school, I HOPE.

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