Monday, September 3, 2007

Super Me!

Yesterday I ran for three hours and 1 minute, each 1/2 hour faster than the last. 

It wasn't that bad! I was stunned. I thought it would hurt a lot more and would be slower. 

Here are my 1/2 hour paces: 9:02, 8:59, 8:41, 8:26, 8:10, 8:04. 

My first hour was super slow, but I believe it allowed me to do the last 1/2 hour in marathon pace, and the last full hour close to marathon pace. I haven't run that long since Boston, which is why I was surprised that it was so doable. 

I guess the 1/2 Ironman training did leave me with a good fitness base from which to boost up my running mileage. I'm still not thinking that Chicago will be a fast marathon for me. That's okay. I don't think it will be a disaster, and you never know, I could surprise myself. I am going to take it out in 8 minute pace, and see how I feel at the 10K mark. 

I followed up my run with a short ride today of about 1 hour and 20 minutes. I don't know if I am just out of biking shape now or if it was yesterday's run, but I was really slow! I only averaged 16 mph and I was trying! 

A month ago I could do 17 mph with less effort than I put out today. That's what I get for ramping up my running mileage and leaving my swimming and biking in the dust. I am doing another long run next weekend (I'm going to try for 20-21 again) and the weekend after that I am scheduled do to the Lobsterman Triathlon in Maine. 

I'm not in good swimming and biking shape, but I'm still really looking forward to it. I can't wait to get in the water! I miss open water ocean swimming. I love Maine. I'm definitely planning on swimming Peaks to Portland next year. 

All three kids are in this tiny room as I attempt to write. Ah! They are wrestling, and messing with Andy's guitar and otherwise driving me bonkers! They are now fighting over a lampshade. A lampshade?? Where did that come from? I'd best attend to the lovable but high maintenance rugrats.  

School starts tomorrow! Good-bye free time and time with the kiddos! 

Here are a few pictures of life at home: Lara and Jordan playing dress up and Lara frosting a cake with purple icing. 




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