Monday, August 25, 2008

How I Got A Spot

Okay. Here's what happened.
There were, supposedly, only two spots allotted to the 35-39 women. I placed 6th. No chance. I went to roll down anyway, because you never know.

First up. Our AG got three spots, not two. I think this had to do with the projected number of athletes in our AG being different than the actual number that competed.

Ange got her spot right away, because she had finished first. I tried not to be too jealous. The second in our AG (Abby Dean) did not want a spot. By the way, I noted that Abby Dean was not only 2nd in our AG, she also competed in the Olympic Marathon Trials this year in Boston. Wow. Okay. Moving onward. Numbers 3 and 4, two women who I know and whom I thought would likely beat me, decided to take the spots. Game over. I slumped away, dejected.

Ange and I hung out awhile longer, then said our goodbyes and she got on the road. I couldn't leave yet, though. You see, I had these WHEELS. That's right. I rented race wheels from a company out in CA. The night before the race, I received an email from the man from whom I rented them that he needed me to hand them off to Michael Lovato (right, that Michael Lovato) who would take them with him to Ironman Canada. I learned that Michael placed fourth overall, and would therefore be receiving some cash, so I figured he would likely be at the awards ceremony, and I'd hand off the wheels there.

So I'm walking around with these WHEELS and asking around to see if anyone knows or has seen this Lovato character (I even asked Chrissie Wellington! Isn't it true that all famous people know each other???)

And then I heard it.

"We have three more female spots for Clearwater. If you want one, come forward!"

I dropped those race wheels and came running. Unfortunately, however, they weren't just handing out the spots to the first come first served. First they asked if there were any 40-44 women who wanted a spot, as they had the most competitors in their group. A few raised hands. The woman with the fastest time in 40-44 that had raised her hand was given the spot. One down. Then they did the same for the 30-34 age groupers. Two down. Then they asked the 35-39ers. Me me me! I waved my hand. (Yes, I was obnoxious.) They made us each give our times. And I was the fastest, baby. By a lot.

Yahoo! I jumped up and down. Later, Andy told me I was less than gracious about the whole thing. I would feel bad, except, well, I don't. I worked my ass off for that 5:20 God Damn it!

So that's the story.

In other news. I am STRESSED OUT. Here's why:

I have three kids under the age of seven.
Today I started a new job.
We are having our house remodeled, and so therefore we must live for the next month in one room (all five of us and two big labs) and one bathroom alongside plaster dust, band saws, tools, nails and construction workers. And did I mention one of my kids is a SON who is FOUR and who dreams of being a construction man?
I am competing in a half ironman in three months.
I can't find any of my shoes or work clothing. It was all packed away, and cannot be found.

I am a WRECK.


mjcaron said...
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mjcaron said...

That is funny. Thank God you have Andy to keep you in line. lol. Were those the same wheels that look like discs?

Ange said...

Hi Mar....great job with your story. LIke I said before, and Alina too, please become a writer. I'll buy all your books or read all your articles. ;)
Hang in there. YOu'll laugh about it one day. Give Noah a tool belt adn toy hammer and let him go at it. We had to do that with Tommy too. :) love, A

Anniversary Moments said...

Great story!!! Welcome Back!! good luck with the new job too!

Kim said...

who cares how the got the spot, you still got it, and you kicked ass to get it! :) congrats mary!! no stress, grab a glass of wine, things will be smooth sailing soon enough!

Speed Racer said...

I laughed out loud AT WORK about you not being gracious about it. Looks like those wheels really did the trick! Where can I rent a set?!

Congratulations, Mary. You worked for it and you deserved it, and I'm glad you got it.

Good luck with the 1-room thing. Don't they have hotels out there where you live?!

Rainmaker said...

Great to hear it all worked out for ya! They did the same thing at Providence asking if any women wanted the slots. It was kinda a brief moment of confusion...and then a quick scramble. Although it sounds like the way they did them at yours was much more organized that RI.


Judi said...

Mary - so your going to Clearwater baby! You deserve it! 5:20. Fuckin' eh. You are a speed demon woman. Crazy fast. It was all meant to happen this way. It was.

Have fun in that one room. No advice from me, sorry. I have a 4 room house I live in with 2 adults and 2 Dobermans. It works. One room would really suck ass tho.

Jennifer Cunnane said...

You need to sit back with a beer, put your feet up and be proud of that time you earned and that the clearwater spot is yours!!! On the other hand, sounds like you are completely busy but if you have done such a great job handling everything so far I am sure you will have no problem managing the current chaos!

Anonymous said...

Mary - Congratulations on earning a spot to Clearwater!!!! Great story - I loved every minute. You guys totally inspired me at Reunion -- I'm back on the road running again, slow but steady; and I have even done a few open water swims on lake Michigan. Good luck with the new job, construction, and training. I'm sending you well wishes for all of it -- Chris

Swimming for ME said...

It was meant for you! Yeah Mary!!