Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tonight's Conversation

My two youngest, Noah and Lara, ages 5 and 3, were taking a bath tonight.

Noah: Who are you voting for?
Lara: I'm voting for Jesus.
Noah: No. Jesus isn't here. You can't vote for him because he is in the air. You have to vote for Arak Obama or for John ACain. (note the cain reference.)
Lara: Oh. I want Arak Obama.
Noah: I wanted John ACain, but Arak Obama will be the first American to be president, so now I want him.


Ange said...

oh too cute. I love it. :)

triguyjt said...


Rainmaker said...


Speed Racer said...

Wow... I think I heard that same conversation going on on TV a few weeks ago...

Smart kids... sort of. Very cute.

Anonymous said...

I was skimming through some blogs from my phone last night and just had to read this out loud to my son. We both thought it was the cutest thing ever!!!

Judi said...


Jennifer Harrison said...

HA! We had the same type of conversation here last night and over the course of the past few weeks...first, when our son thought KID Rock and Barak Obama (oops!)...then, when our daughter asked what it meant to be "black?" And, I answered as well as I could - and she said, "What is the big deal about that, mom?" And, I said to Jerome - OH THANK GOD I sure hope our kids do not see ANY racism that some of us grew up with. YEAH!!! :)) Jen H.

mjcaron said...

Noah is so darn cute.

Pam said...

AWESOME JOB IN CLEARWATER!!!! this has nothing to do with your post which was cute, btw.

Kim said...

MARY - CONGRATULATIONS!!! you rocked clearwater, im so proud of you!!!!!