Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Florida Bound

Just so you know, poison ivy freaking SUCKS! I am itchy itchy itchy and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it except for squirm and examine the ugly red welts. Ugly and itchy. Just fantastic for my upcoming trip to bikini-land. humph.

Of course, I wont' be doing much sunbathing on my trip south. Nope. Just racing. And then splitting.  Luckily I get to be with Ange while there. She is taking the USAT Coaching seminar this weekend in Orlando, so we are hanging, talking shop and sharing a hotel room before I race the 70.3 on Sunday morning.

Last Friday I shipped Mrs. Z away. Literally. I dropped her at Fast Splits because on Saturday TriBike Transport was coming to pick her up and truck her down to Orlando. She got all spiffed up for the trip: cleaned, new cables, tune-up, race wheels on. She's ready to rock it. She's feeling good because she knows that course is fast. Unfortunately, it's not so fast for the swim (no wetsuit) or the run (heat, open sun), but she doesn't have to do those portions. Lucky.

In the last few weeks I've gotten a few packages from Tri Bike Transport. I'm a part of their Ambassador Team, and I must say, it's pretty darn cool. On the plane I will have on my fancy schmancy TriBike jacket and carry my super cool Blue Seventy transition bag, and I will be all decked in a spiffy new Rudy Project helmet, KSwiss shoes and a neat little kit for my race. I also, of course, get to use their awesome service to my travel races this season. There is nothing better than dropping your bike, fully intact and all cleaned and ready to go, at a local store and then picking her up just outside of transition at the race site. You can even send down a gear bag with your bike, so you don't have to haul all your race gear with you on the plane. I can attest first hand that it's a hell of a lot nicer way to get your bike to a race than to take it on the plane. Anyway, TriBike has treated me right, and I basically adore them. I'm eager to meet a few of my teammates who are competing in FL 70.3 too. I think we're all pretty proud to represent such a fantastic company.

As far as actually racing, I'm pretty excited to be kicking off the tri season.It's a tad strange that my first tri will be a half, and that my first OW swim of the season will be in Florida, in a race. Still, how can I not be psyched? I get to race! The long winter wait is over and racing season is here again! Wahoo!

I have a plan for the race, but it's not terribly complex. It involves going really fast for 70.3 miles. That's pretty much it. I also plan to drink a lot (of fuel and water, sillies) and take my salt tabs. It will be interesting to see how I hold up on that run. I'm a northerner. A non-heat-acclimated Northerner. The weather for Sunday calls for sun and 90 degrees. O.U.C.H.

You know what, though? Bring it on, Baby. I need to toughen up for IM, and this is my chance. How much would it help me to blast a 1/2 in cool temps just to prove I'm fit and ready to rumble? Better to test my mettle -- force myself to get my focus even when the conditions aren't what I'm used to. Right? (This is the line I'm feeding to myself.... )  Oh yeah. I'm going to tear up that course. Even in the heat. Just watch me.
(I'm not sure it's working....)


Michelle Simmons said...

Good luck this weekend!!! I'm sure you will indeed tear up that course. 90 degrees or not. ;)
And I'm jealous of your TBT sponsorship! I'm using them for Hawaii 70.3 in 4 weeks and paid a mint to make that happen. It's worth it though- the BEST part is handing over your dirty bike as soon as you finish the race and not looking at it again until you get home. :)

Running and living said...

I was thinking about you this week, with the cool temps we are having, and no chance to get acclimatized. But, you tend to do well in heat (think Chicago), so you are going to be fine. And you are so freaking mentally tough. Plus you want this badly. So you are all set. Really! You are! Good luck!!!!

GoBigGreen said...

You will be great! It's amazing how easy it will come back-my first ows was in Texas in the gulf and yes the run was hot but it was fine! You are going to be so happy to get out of the stinkin weather up there!
Or maybe I just want to join you:)
good luck and have fun with Ange!

mjcaron said...

So happy your bike is in good shape. She's a beauty and deserve the best.

Have a great race! You are on top of the mental part.. You have me convinced.

MaineSport said...

Totally agree on shipping the bike like that. The other end is even better when you really don't want to even be friends with Mrs. Z. They just take her away.... Have a GREAT trip and race! Not much shade down there- I imagine pacing and nutrition will be KEY. Remember to have fun!

Anonymous said...

have a great time! you have been biking soooo much, I am prepared to be blown away by your bike split.

Regina said...

Great rides, great transport, great race. I sum it up that way. You will tear it up.

At the very least you will be tanned. ha!

Good luck with your race!

Adrienne said...

Yeah Mary! Go FAST in FL!

donna furse said...

I am so psyched for you, have a great race, I'll be following you closely so kick some ass my friend.

LDub said...

you are SO ready! let that pit bull out to tear it up!

YOURE GONNA DO AWESOME! can't wait for the race report. :)

Velma said...


kerrie said...

have a great race this weekend! it'll be a great prep for IM CdA. i wish i would have thought of signing up for this race cause florida sounds really good about now. instead, i'm getting ready for a bunch of snow....and getting really familiar with my trainer.

Kim said...

you are gonna KICK ASS this weekend! enjoy enjoy enjoy!!! and have a blast with ange!

p.s. i need to find out if tribiketransport is shipping from the east coast to CA for Vineman.

runningyankee said...

have a great race! you are going to tear up that course!

Jennifer Harrison said...

YOU are so ready to really put together an amazing race!!! Be strong, patient and confident AND heat-willing, take some risks!!!!


Amanda said...

oh, you're totally going to tear it up! I think we all know it!
so glad i don't get poison...hope it clears up quickly. the salt water should do wonders for it.

Judi said...

oh mary! i am so excited for you! you will kill it as usual! RACE HARD!

Il Bruce said...

The lovely Mrs. M. and her delicate English skin has had a few bad run-ins with poison ivy in our garden The Caladryl Clear seems to be the best stuff to deal with the itch.


GetBackJoJo said...

@Bruce. Yep. Got the Caladryl. The rash is now less itchy, but so ugly. I look diseased. It's tragic. How can a little plant cause so much damage!?

Rachel said...

You'll do great. Have fun! Poison ivy/oak sucks. I just got over a bout. You're right about Tri Bikes. What an ingenious idea they came up with!

Swimming for ME said...

Good luck Mary! Not that you'll need any luck.. rip it up!

Running and living said...

Awesome job with the swim and bike Mary! I know you are probably not happy with the run, and I am sure there is a story behind it. I have a feeling the hot temps got to you! Still pretty amazing and very close to a sub 5! Great job!!!!