Thursday, December 2, 2010


Making lists calms me.

Unfortunately, I lose nearly every list I make so nothing on my lists ever get done.

This is likely why I have time to keep a blog. I know there are about 150 things I need to do, but having lost the list I made last night already, I can't quite remember what they are.  This makes me feel slightly panicky, but not so panicky that I can't write a quick post first--before I make yet another list.

One thing I never forget are the workouts I'm supposed to do for any given day. I constantly write future days out in my mind trying to figure out where the workout(s) are going to fit. This is likely why my workouts usually get done, but the laundry and grocery shopping rarely do. Oh, that reminds me.... grocery shopping was definitely on that list. I think we might be down to only a few cans of soup in the cupboard. Actually, I don't even think we have soup. We might have a can of pumpkin for a pie I never made...

Yoga is not helping me with keeping lists. The more I do it, and the more I'm asked to be in the present and let go, the more I do just that. I work hard in class to let go of the lists... and therefore less and less seems to be getting done lately. I think there might be a problem here.

Add to all of this that I think one of the first things I'm noticing about getting older (aside from wrinkles and gray hairs) is that I require more sleep than I used to, and more recovery time. This means there is less time to remember what is on my lists. I got up very early two mornings in a row to work out this week, and by last night I was completely exhausted. I didn't set my alarm for this morning, and was shocked when I didn't wake until 7:45 a.m., which gave me exactly 25 minutes to get the kids ready and on the bus. I used to be able to get up four mornings a week, work all day, and do all my workouts, and that was only a few years ago. What is going on? I'm I just becoming a wuss, or is this an age thing?

The one list I never forget is my list for Santa. I gave it to Andy yesterday, and I kid you not when I say the list was 20 items long. Unfortunately, Andy sort of laughed at my list, which included such things as a new tri bike, a move to Maine, and a tropical vacation. It is most unfortunate that he does not take that list more seriously. I mean I take it seriously....

In the last few weeks I have become slightly more fit, and slightly stronger. I am intimidated by how much I lost when resting and how far I now have to go, but I'm trying super hard to be cool about that. Another list I actually don't usually forget is my list of goals for next season... they loom above my head like candy I can't quite yet reach.


This has nothing to do with lists. It is a totally random request. If you are familiar with the Myers Briggs typology, will you leave me your type in a comment on my blog? I have a theory about personality and those who read blogs, keep blogs and also those who are obsessed with running/triathlon/swimming/biking. I think it might be interesting to develop a coaching protocol based on typology.
My type (because I just know you are interested) is ENFJ. I teeter with being an ENFP or an INFJ, however, depending on the day and the mood I am in.
If you don't know what you are, then you can go here to take a quick online test, which is not quite accurate, but will suffice for purposes of this experiment. Come on, just take the test. You're reading my blog right now to procrastinate at work... what's a few more mintues?
If I know you well  you can email me offline and I will tell you what type you are--or what type I think you are--and then we can see if it matches up with what you think you are.

Happy Thursday. Time to make a list.


Petraruns said...

How well you know our powers of procrastination - I immediately went ahead and did your test. I am ENFJ. A lot of "distinctively expressed" in there - which my family would agree with...

Let us know what your conclusion is after everyone's submitted their views..

Anonymous said...

LOVE MB typology... what a fantastic question about triathletes! I'm very balanced across all dimensions except for being a very strong (off the charts) N. I usually test out as INTJ or ENTJ, but if I take the test outside of a work environment my F bubbles up.

Emilie said...

ENFJ. Hmmmmm.

Michelle said...

ESTJ, although I will admit that a few questions I could have gone either way......

KayVee said..., anyway.

Tara said...

INTJ -- and I'm not happy about it.

Looking forward to your results.


Running and living said...

You know, though, that this test has really poor reliability and validity...I took it 5 times in my life and got 5 different scores...personality is rather stable...It's a fun test, though!

About lists...may I suggest a small to do notebook where you write everything (rather than on papers), and carry with you at all times?

OK, I'll stop with the advice giving...let us know what you find out about the MB patterns:)

Keith said...

All right, I'll bite.
I/E depending on exactly how I'm feeling and which questions.
N (mostly)
TJ (strongly)

Lists. I like lists. I'm getting more into the habit of putting them on the iPhone than scribbling them on pieces of paper. This is a work in progress. There has to be a better app.

None of us are getting older, right? So you must be becoming a wuss. Wait, that can't be right either. Aren't there any other choices?

kT said...

ESFJ, but the S is the weakest part. I also have a leftover can of pumpkin in the cupboard.

justme said...

i love lists.....i love buying note pads for lists, just got a new one yesterday

Jon said...

Im an ESTJ

sometimes the J is like a J+++++

yeah, DONT change dinner plans on me last second. A meltdown WILL occur! haha!

donna furse said...

I was ENFJ, with a high percentage of judging, don't know how I feel about that.

Anonymous said...

hehe... we were just talking about this amongst my running club. I'm an INTJ, with the middle letters being the ones that occasionally flip flop upon retesting.

Kim said...

i love lists. love em. but i also lose them! im with you on the workout lists. i print them out and make notes on them in advance.

i'm a ESFJ... ESFJs are people persons - they love people. They are warmly interested in others.

ummmmm. i love people? not sure about that.

All ESFJs have a natural tendency to want to control their environment.

um. yes! control freak!

Anonymous said...

I'm an ENFJ, though the F has been a T on tests in the past.

Judi said...

im procrastinating cleaning the bathroom right now. ugh.

thank you for your beautiful comment on my blog. i heart you mary. i really do.

i wish i could make lists. what i do is have like, all these little sticky notes with one word on them. little reminders and stuff. if i made lists, and crossed stuff off, my life would be so much easier.

on getting old and sleep - i think once we hit 40, something happens. seriously.

it's also this time of year, when all you want to do is stay asleep under the blankets. it's much easier for me in july, when its nice out at 6am, and i can just jump on my bike and go.

Ange said...

I am a chronic list maker. It's an issue. Because I have too many lists and then they are all useles becuase I am overwhelmed by my lists. See... I lost where I wrote my results of that MB test!! there it is.... ESFJ
if I write on here...will you talk to me again?
Your dog stories are killin' me. I can't imagine.

Jennifer Harrison said...

Funny, Ange and I are the same! I scored : ESFJ.
Now, I definitely think I am extroverted and the explanation did sound exactly like me. I have taken the FULL TEST back in my corporate days, cannot remember - I KNOW I was Extroverted....for sure...and that sounds like me now too: ESFJ.

ANYWAY: All my grocery shopping is done online here. PEAPOD....but I do not think they have that there.?

I am a huge list person. AND all in folders on my computer- most are work lists...only way I can keep track of the details...

AND the Christmas lists...WHAT is on your list? (I am serious).

Jerome had one thing:
$500,000 house in Tucson link.


Unknown said...

Basically, your opposite. But I have Eeyore on my side.

Running and living said...

This is completely unrelated, but do you know that Nora Ephron has a new book out? It's called "I don't remember anything"..

Pam said...

ESFJ... Strong emphasis on the E not so much on the others. I am never letting my husband read your blog lest it undo all my coaxing regarding the Lets Get a Dog issue. Oh ps- when you tabulate your results for this poll- think of this- perhaps there is a selection bias among those who comment(which is just a small sub-set of blog readers).

Amy Grzina said...

I'm an INFJ. I took the test online and it came up ISTJ but the S and the T were very low so I'm sticking with INFJ.

Heidi M. said...

I thought I was a ENFJ, but scored ESFJ on your link...S being the lowest percentage. Both, however fit me very well...can't wait to see your results!!

Michelle Simmons said...

This is totally me:
"They are ever intent on reducing bureaucratic red tape, task redundancy, and aimless confusion in the workplace, and they are willing to dismiss employees who cannot get with the program and increase their efficiency. Although Fieldmarshals are tolerant of established procedures, they can and will abandon any procedure when it can be shown to be ineffective in accomplishing its goal. Fieldmarshals root out and reject ineffectiveness and inefficiency, and are impatient with repetition of error."

Anonymous said...


This was pretty spot on.
I teach Math. I am pretty goshdarn logical and rational.
I like rules, being on time, and facts. And I am definitely take-charge.

Have you ever done the Compass Personality test? It is another good one that is spot on. I did it in a professional development once and was surprised how NORTH i was!

Unknown said...

ENFJ too! Apparently, they are ideal teachers. Heavy NF. Not so with me - I've little patience.

Love planning though! At the same time, tend to go with my gut and always speak up.

Aimee said...

I'm a huge list person too!

I'm actually an ISFJ. I had to look at the description page to fully understand what it means. I'm considered a protector, which I think suits me. It's funny too, b/c a good job for me based on the test is in education. Before staying home w/ my boys I was a teacher!

Aimee said...

I'm a huge list person too!

I'm actually an ISFJ. I had to look at the description page to fully understand what it means. I'm considered a protector, which I think suits me. It's funny too, b/c a good job for me based on the test is in education. Before staying home w/ my boys I was a teacher!

Jan[et] Cicelia said...

Do you read Beth over at Shut Up And Run? She had a good post today about (among other things) what you're going through coming off a break. The upshot is, don't push too hard, it will all click back into place soon.

GetBackJoJo said...

I'm waiting for a few more responses on type... so take the test and give me your result! I am especially interested to see if there are any more Ps out there in tri/blog land. I think the J might be mostly what we have in common... which sort of makes sense.
Of all 34 people who have responded so far (some responded on FB)There is only ONE person who is a P. In the general population P/J preference is about 50/50 in terms of percentages... so that is interesting....
For those interested so far the most common types to this survey are the ENJF's and the INTJ's. Note that those two types are NOT the most common in the general population--that goes to the ISFJ (we have one) the ESTJs (we have three) and the ISTJs (we have one). The INTJ is, next to the INFJ, the least common type in the general US population--but the MOST popular type on this survey. The results may be skewed in that both ENFJ and INTJ types are generally interested in personality theory, and therefore were more likely to want to take the test when asked....

healthyish said...

I'm an ENFP! (and have been in every version of the test I've ever taken)

Pigeon said...


very interesting....

Swimming for ME said...

Isn't that a change? You would remember better than I.

John said...

ESTJ. And according to the last personality trait test I took a few weeks ago, I came out as extreme Type A, although you probably would have guessed that. :)

J said...

ENFJ ... Ok well i do not usually use list, i use training peaks, is that holt-wilson approved?

Marisa said...

Late to the party, I'm INTJ.

Nat said...

ENFJ, first time I've ever taken the test. So interesting! Triathlete several years, runner for two decades.

tri like mary said...

ESTJ - Extraverted I am!