Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mean People Suck

I just got back from a run in which a woman in a big ass SUV almost took me out. I was running across an intersection of a major road and a small neighborhood street. She came crashing down the neighborhood street--like out of nowhere--and as she approached (going FAST) her head was turned to look for oncoming cars so she could dart out onto the main street if at all possible. No need to stop at a stop sign if there are no cars, coming, right?
She saw me at the last second and skidded to stop. I was like a deer in headlights.. I froze...I think I may have hopped forward. I don't know. I knew she was going to hit me.

She didn't.
Instead she gave me the dirtiest look imaginable. My heart was racing. I had just escaped being flattened by an SUV.
and then I was mad.
I flipped her off and shouted Fuck You! at the top of my lungs.

That is all this woman needed. She rolled down her window and started screaming at me.
It's not worth repeating what she said. I'm not sure it was even very intelligible. Lots of swearing.

I really don't think this type of thing happens as much in other parts of the country. Am I wrong? Boston suburbanites can be so freaking MEAN and aggressive when they drive. It's like everyone here is one step away from losing their minds because they are so stressed out. It's the family men and women in their super large and fancy-schmancy family cars who are the worst. More often than not a beater of a car or a rusty pick-up will slow and wave me on when they see me running. It seems the nice and bigger the car is, the more likely it is that an asshole is driving it.

All I know is that it makes me long to move out of here. People in Maine, where I am from, can be mean, of course. But it is so rare that this type of thing happens there.... or at least it has rarely (actually never) happened to me when running there. Here I have had people cut me off, run me off the road, people come close to hitting me with their cars who then lash out at me as if it was my fault they nearly took me out. I've even had a man drive up to me, seemingly to ask for directions, who rolled down his window and asked if I would get in his car and suck him off. And yes, he was in a nice, big SUV type car--and was a professional/father type looking man.

I've lived in Boston for nearly all of my adult life. But I will never consider myself a Bostonian. And today I just want to go home.
In workout news:
My running is going quite well right now. I feel stronger and faster than I have in a really, really long time. This is not to say I am running fast... I am just running faster. My running was in the shitter for so long; it feels good to be running somewhat normally again.

My swim and bike workouts are getting done, although without much feeling or analysis on my part. I look at what is assigned and I do it. My bike assignments are straight forward and uncomplicated, and I like this. Usually there is a small stretch of time in which I must work very hard (just at or below FTP). I like these little stretches. They make me work, but they don't leave me totally shattered because they never add up to more than like a 1/2 hour of total hard work time. I'm sure this will change eventually, but for now it is really nice.

When doing a long interval just below FTP the other day, I was listening to a cover by Mary Blige of U2's song "One." I love the song anyway, but this cover of it I find just chillingly awesome.  I blasted it as I rode hard, and I sang at the top of my lungs closing my eyes and using my thumb as a microphone. Even my dogs got into it:--barking and crooning with me. The way the song builds is just incredible... orgasmic, even.

That was a high point of my workout week-- no doubt.

And now I'm off to walk my dogs in the freezing cold and icy woods.
Miles to go before I sleep.
Just get me through winter, God. Just get me through.


Big Daddy Diesel said...

Very sadly, your not alone, I get that here in Ohio as well, and you are right, the more they are fault, the more of an a-hole they become.

That is why I try to train with someone and I rarely ever bike alone, always with my team or a group of people

On a side note, did you decide to get a Spinerval? if so which one? Did you like it or secretly hate me for suggesting it

Kim said...

not only do mean people suck, but so do IGNORANT FUCK HEAD DRIVERS THAT CANNOT OBEY THE LAW!

between the woman who almost hit you, my toes being run over, and my friend chris being hit by a car while running, i'm beginning to wonder what kind of people are in the world today. i thought this only happened with cyclists and drivers - now with runners and drivers. i have had it!

glad to hear workouts are going well though :) i love when a song can really get you going (if you know what i mean).

Nitsirk said...

When we were training for IMLP we would bike in the Boston 'burbs. I was run off the road twice and we had soda bottles thrown at us out of car windows twice. In Maine the only problem I have had is people just not moving over but nothing overtly aggressive. I don't miss that. That sucks.

Chad Davis said...

Bono and Mary rock that song. Also I love 'Bad' by U2. Builds the same was

Anonymous said...

Definitely not just Boston! Aside from numerous bike/car stories, yesterday I was running around a blind curve on the correct side of the road for pedestrians and runners (facing the cars) and a guy on a bike came blasting towards me... of course going in the proper direction for him. He almost hit me, but ya know, it's one of those things you have to shrug off. We were both in our proper places, it's just a dangerous curve. And he shouted & cursed me at the top of his lungs. Seriously dude? Mr. Asshole Cyclist.

Love and Puppies, Christy said...

Okay, I need to know if you did in fact suck the guy off. Inquiring minds NEED to know! Jk. Jk.

And not to rain on your parade, but if you could sing, you weren't pushing it hard enough. Haha. This from the girl who bailed on spin class this morning because I just didn't feel like it. :)

Glad running is getting better!

Running and living said...

Mary, I was in a similar situation yesterday. And I did something mean but do not regret it a bit. The guy in the SUV (yes!) who was pretty big started yelling but then I gave him the finger and called him a fat pig who should be running! His face froze and I loved that!!! I am a pretty shy person but I turn into evil when someone messes with me!

I want to move, too, except I want to go to a nice little town around San Diego!

Keith said...

What a scary experience! Def not the desired way to get your heart rate up. I would have advice on what I would have done, but I don't live in a country where every nutbar has guns. It just shows that we always have to be aware when we are doing our workouts outside.

Which gets me to your doing workouts without much feeling. Just doing them. That doesn't seem right at all. You might want to think about that.

Pam said...

What a B*tch!!! The only time I have had a driver yell at ME for being in the road (as a runner-I can't even count the number of times this has happened to me biking) was also in New England, also by the driver of a big expensive car. Come to Boulder! Not kidding, you RARELY see runners on the roads or sidewalks here because they are all on the trails and bike paths.

kT said...

I think you're just in the wrong part of MA, if I can be so bold. Today 3 cars/trucks and I (running) worked out who would cross a one-lane bridge in what order with no mishaps or yelling. We have no shoulder and really not much road left out here, and I suspect you're in the same situation. So yeah, move north or west. The downside is not really a lot of JOBS in these friendlier places. Except for right now, when I suspect you could make enough money in one week breaking up people's ice dams to retire comfortably.

Bob Almighty said...

I'm going to have to say that SUV's and little tuner imports have to be the worst. I've gotten flipped off by numerous guys in civics in the middle of the summer while out on my long runs. The roads in CT are pretty snow choked so it looks like the treadmill is going to be the way to go for a while. On the plus side glad to hear the workouts are going better and good luck in Boston.

Carlee said...

Ugh! People drive like that in CT. With all the snowbanks it's been a scary winter and I'm sick of the drivers that just don't know how to deal.

I'm really done with all those dirty looks. I do everything I can to be safe, but a girl's gotta run!

Unknown said...

The closest I ever came to being run down happened just like that; a driver of a large SUV going through an "optional" stop sign. Missed me by inches. Good thing she didn't mouth off to me like your driver did, it would not have ended well for her since my adrenaline was spiking through the roof at the moment.

You want to ride and run around Boston, you better toughen up. But you know that by now.

GetBackJoJo said...

Thanks for your support, all...
It felt really crappy... It took me all day to get over the SUV incident.
That said, I know that screaming at her was exactly the wrong thing to do. What did I expect would happen? That she would be sorrowful and promise to me more careful? Additionally, it has been pointed out to me that if you tell someone to fuck off, they will likely fight back no matter what state you are in.

Unknown said...

True dat! I grew up in NH and we called those drivers "Mass-holes" !!!

Bethany + Ryan said...

wow, glad you are okay. I live in Boston but avoid running near cars whenever possible because everyone is texting, speeding, in a hurry and running red lights. You've got some serious balls! good for you! The problem i run into the most is cars making a right turn that only look to the left. Whenever i see this i quickly stake out a spot where i know i won't get hit but i know the driver will see me once they turn and then i stop. I wait for them to look and then i flash a quick smile(with mouth closed, kinda fake looking) and i wave hello. I've done this maybe 50 or so times and i always get the same reaction, the OMG I'm so sorry hand over the mouth face. I'm such a badass :-p
People have too many distractions and are too busy rushing around. It's really sad and scarey!
My friends almost got hit by a car a few months ago bc the driver was texting and the driver pulled over, got out of his car and apologized, admitted he was texting and promised never to do it again. wow.
I typically ride in Rochester, Mattapoisett, Acushnet, Lakeville, Freetown areas and have had no problems.
but it's very scarey.

Swimming for ME said...

I like you new banner.
Stop running on the road this winter, okay? I don't want a dead friend.

mjcaron said...

I'm annoyed. With your post. I happen to love MA and think that MA is better than ME. Just sayin.

Ange said...

I am with Alina. I'm so glad you're ok!!! get a treadmill!!! :o)
I love the new banner too...summery!