Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Snow Go Away

and don't come back another day! Just stop! No more! I surrender!

I admit that snow is prettier than frozen dirt. But this snow is cramping my ... running. It is NOT a good winter to train for Boston, that is for sure. Most people simply resort to the treadmill when snow and ice threaten the possibility of a scheduled run. Not me. Why?

Because I don't have access to a treadmill.

How is this possible? Me... a person who relies so heavily on running to keep me sane has no way to run unless she has childcare and can go outside. I used to belong to the YMCA so that I could have BOTH childcare and a treadmill. But I found I wasn't using the membership much, and I didn't like spending money on something I didn't use. I will go outside to run barring the most extreme circumstances.  This was my reasoning when I canceled my membership last fall. I am a bad ass. I run in all weather. Me strong like bull and no need treadmill.

Alas...little did I know that, in fact, when the going gets tough I can only stand so much. I have been beeped at, covered in slush showers repeatedly, I have risked my life running around corners with snow banks so high there is no way I will be seen. I have run on ice, I have run on snow, I have run during snowstorms...
But this week. This week I caved.

On Tuesday there was a steady snow and when I started my run there was only a thin line of black pavement clear on the road. I wanted that pavement. There was no sidewalk, no curb, no break down lane--not even two tracks in the road for car wheels. Just one thin sliver, dead center in the middle of the road. But it wasn't mine.

I ran on the side of the road, slipping and sliding. And I tried to stay clear of cars... but they couldn't (or wouldn't) go around me. They would just stay behind me, going about 1 mph. They beeped. I kept running. They beeped. I wanted to cry.

And I went home.

The next day the roads were covered in ice. The snow had changed to freezing rain. Everything was a thick sheet of slick. School was called off. Everything was called off. I put on my running shoes, and walked outside. Then I slipped in the driveway and fell straight onto my ass.

And then I went back inside. Defeat.

Finally yesterday I made it outside. Sure, I got dirty looks. Sure, I got totally slathered in icy slush sprayed from cars. Sure, my pace was not rocking fast as I tried to navigate cars and snow, ice and slush. But I did it. I will survive this winter. I will.

Either that or I will move south. One or the other.


John said...

Move south! Come down here and train with us in Houston!

Adrienne said...

I have only run on the treadmill this winter- I am a wuss!

Ange said...

no, move to Maine. We don't get that much anymore. does make running tough. I agree. You DO need to come visit me a few times during the winter though b/c I will take you skiing and teach you to love the snow again. :o)

Aimee said...

I think everyone is sick of this winter!! Hopefully spring will come soon!

Kim said...

yeah really, this weather is killing me. for the first time in my training history, jen has gotten me on the treadmill. and boy does it suck. but much better than dealing with the crazy drivers out there. be careful!

Jennifer Harrison said...

You need a sunshine break first of all...!!! And, the treadmill is the 2nd best thing I have ever bought for Triathlon - I don't not love running on it - but on days we get 22" of snow - I don't have other options, so it is nice to have!

BUY A TM!! And have a glass of wine.

Running and living said...

You know, I love snow, but not when I have a training plan to follow.
I could have written this post. I had 12 miles on Tuesday, and was lucky to have cancellations and to start early, but still, it was ugly, and it took me 12 miles, and it was dangerous and in retrospect I should have stopped. The snow sucks this year!

solobreak said...

It sucks. I've been going to Field's park in Brockton. It's a 3.5 mile loop and it's plowed but closed to cars until 10 am most days, later on some. The Norwood guys all run in the old Polaroid but you must know about that right? It's close to you. Boring to run loops but better than getting killed.

runningyankee said...

i sweat NC is in some sort of vortex parallel universe. everyone is getting pounded and we had high 60s this week. WTF. good luck and take no prisioners!

GoBigGreen said...

Sigh i wish I had something good to say other than it will melt. We have had this since december and everytime it seems to be clearing ( roads, path) we get like 5 - 7 inches more.
I dont know if misery loves company but thought it may help to remind you its not just you:(

tri like mary said...

Amen! Though some guy shoveling his driveway at 6am called Sydney and I "inspiring" for being out running in the freezing cold, snowy/ice covered road yesterday morning.

Anonymous said...

I am just barely surviving the snow...and I have been running inside! Running is my time to relax, and when I am constantly concerned about being hit by a car (remember I live in the city!), there is no relaxing.

So...treadmill running has been the only thing that has kept me sane so far!!

Meredith said...

Training for a spring marathon while living where this is WINTER is so hard.

Michelle Simmons said...

Sorry. Can't relate. ;)

Tri to Balance said...

Do you wear "yak-trax" or anything on your shoes? They really do help with traction in the snow and ice....

mtanner said...

Come to California and train with this Mary. It is 60-70 during the day, live on the beach and have roads and roads and roads!

Unknown said...

I am totally with you on moving south. I thought last winter was bad, but I'm starting to think this one is worse! Fortunately I have a gym I go to for the treadmill, but I've just about lost all my marbles running and biking indoors.

Bob Almighty said...

You have proven you are way more badass than I am as soon as the shoulder of the road was taken up taken up by the back back blizzards I had to resign myself to running indoors. I'm praying for a mid winter thaw.

kerrie said...

i just run through the snow, it is easier and grippier than trying to run on the road. treadmills suck - i'll use them if i have a specific workout, but to just log miles - outside!!

Eileen said...

try paths or trails, in the snow! You will move at a snail's pace, but it will focus on some different muscles and still your endurance. Plus it's super fun! Get some knee-high gaitors and have fun! Use microspikes when conditions call for them, they help with grip when it's icy.

Doreen said...

Just came across your are a hoot!
Love the photo!
I am going to have a blast following you!

Shannon (IronTexasMommy) said...

I am so with you! Texas has had our share of bad either with more to come tomorrow. I ran on a treadmill today. I despise treadmills! Hang in there! :)

Marci said...

I am ready for winter to be done too!

Nick Holt said...

San Antonio and "Miss Fiesta Santonio await your arrival. What's your flight number?