Monday, October 24, 2011


Re-Entry has been tough for me. Poor me! (I'm kidding.... ;)

I spent 17 days in Hawaii. Yes, 17! And even though I spent that long, I still didn't want to go home when it was time. I loved the heat, the ocean, and the rhythm of each day. I loved being in a condo that was not my home and devoid of all clutter except that which we brought to it with our luggage. I loved going to Lava Java and getting a latte or a banana soy milk smoothie. I loved seeing sea turtles and colorful fish every time I swam. I loved trying to identify the various Hawaiian birds and flowers. I loved seeing a mongoose slip into the bushes. I loved waking each morning and thinking, Hmmmm, what should we do today?

If I were twenty-two again--single and free--and just post-college, I would do things differently. Of course, it's easy to say that now. It's easy to think I would just go to Kona and live there--teach there--try something new. Get AWAY. But at 22 I wasn't adventurous at all. I moved from Maine to Boston, entered graduate school because there were no jobs for college graduates (recession - 1992) and moved in with my best friends from college. It was the right choice for me then, I suppose. I didn't know then that it would be bascially my ONLY CHANCE to get away... to get out.

And I do know that it is only when the possibility of trying something new is not available that it seems so appealing. I know... I know.

Anyway. I have been inundated with the minutiae of home life since my return. Swim meets, drum and piano lessons, play-dates, homework enforcing, making lunches, doing laundry, walking the dogs, cleaning the house. (Guess it's no wonder I didn't want to leave Hawaii!) I have also felt really panicky, which I don't understand. It could be that I am on REST right now and my body does not like REST--(or  maybe, more likely, is simply not used to it). It could  also be that I put off an awful lot of schlock before I left on our trip, saying.. Oh, I will take care of that when I get back.

And now I'm back. And that list is long, baby... LONG.

Since my race I have done two short swims, two short runs, and one short bike.
I have one more week to bask in my laziness before I feel the pressure to actually adhere to the Training Peaks schedule set before me by the man. It feels wonderful not to feel pressured to work out... and also terrible. I know you know what I mean...

Speaking of plans...

I have been having fun creating my long term season plans for my athletes. I have some incredible runners and triathletes returning to work with me for another year, and I'm thrilled! Ange and I are both currently reviewing applications of athletes who hope to work with us this coming year. We both take on a limited amount each year, and we like to close out the roster in December. (Which is not to say we don't add or subtract after December... we do! But ideally we like to have things set by then.) 2011 was a huge year for Ange and me in terms of our own athletic successes, and also the successes of the athletes we coach. Our TriMoxie peeps have had many podium finishes, Ironman and 70.3 finishes and marathon finishes (including a sub three marathon! Go Jeff!). If you are interested in our coaching, now is the time to contact us.
For more info. on our coaching you can visit our website or email us at We would love to talk with you, or to set you up with one of our current athletes so they can talk to you about the work we do.

Sorry about the shameless self-promoting. ;) Generally I try to keep the advertising OUT of my blog, but hey...I'm in the off season and the best thing to do in the off season is to start thinking about the NEXT SEASON! (for you and for me!)

I just thought I'd let you know that as I sit and write, Ernie won't stop farting. I love my Boston Terrier, but no dog emits worse smelling farts... I swear to God.

I leave you with some Hawaii pictures... weep weep! I want to go back! Guess I'll just have to qualify again... ;)
Ange and me, sporting our bikinis before we gain that off season weight!

 Making sand cakes

 Andy and Lara

All six kids (Bancroft and Wilson) from left to right: Jordan, Tommy, Lara, Cam, Noah and Nick
 Drinks !
 Smoothies at Lava Java
 Jordan and me Pre-Shopping
Jordan, me, Lara, Noah- Pre-Snorkel

Walking through a rain forest (with a path... :)
 Volcano crater (Mauna Loa area)
 Steam vents in the crater

Steam vents and Sunset
Jordan--hiking in the crater

Kona--Sunset over the water


Petraruns said...

Oh man! You're just having a hawaii hangover. totally get that...

as for regrets - it's all that stuff about if you knew then what you know now.. and part of me thinks it's not too late. Maybe you can't move to Kona right now but maybe you can take some risks in your life now which you're afraid to take? Think about it.

Would love to be coached by you. But too slow and too broke right now as doing my own PT course. One day!

Kim said...

holy bikini bod mary!!!

Jean, aka Mom said...


Mrs. Topchik said...

Mary I feel the same way about Hawaii. Mike leaves tomorrow morning for Kona and I have been to all the spots you mentioned. We were suppose to take the kids tomorrow but we bought a new house in June so missing work for me was not financially advisable....damn I wish I hadn't been so conservative on this one! COngrats on your race....Love Heidi

Ana-Maria RunTriLive said...

Holy HOTNESS! You look like a 20 y old! Which means that you can still do what a 20 y old would do...OK, maybe only in your imagination, but still!

tri like mary said...

Love.The.Bikini!!! And, helps that you look rocking in it!

Swimming for ME said...

yup. I'm jealous.

donna furse said...

I'm so happy for you and what a great season you had. I'm looking forward to seeing what your plans are for 2012, keep us posted.

Jennifer Harrison said...

LOVE all the pics!!! Congrats again on a great race in Kona!!

Unknown said...

It's been wild catching up on your IRONMAN adventures, you are truly and inspiration to all female athletes.
I'm working with a coach right now who is great but I'd love to work with you ladies some day in the future, I know you have a ton of wisdom, experience and insight to share.
Keep rockin it!