Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Slow Down, You Move too Fast.

You've Got to Make the Good Times Last.

I should change the pronoun YOU to I, of course.  I'm listening to that disc now--the concert in Central Park--in an effort to get myself to calm down. Just callllmmmmmm downnnnnn. Woah, girl.

Before racing in Kona, I now realize, I felt relaxed. Ironic, I know, that my anxious, crazy brain fell silent before that race, but now that I'm home and should be preparing to hibernate for the winter, I have transitioned into a ball of frenetic, manic energy. I think I need Valium. Or maybe electric shock treatment. My eyes are pried open, I am radiating twitchiness, and I'm scrambling manically to get everything done that has been on my list of "things that must be done" since my last off season-- a year ago.

And this, my friends, is why I do and coach long course triathlon and running. If I had to deal with this list all year, I would be in a mental institution--there is no doubt in my mind. So I created a world in which I must train hours a day and spend the rest of my free time making schedules and conversing with athletes--and THEN I do not have time to attack that list! It just grows and grows... and I think, NO WORRIES. I will attack it in the off season.

It's the off season.  And I only have about a month before the off season is no longer the off season. MUST. GET. STUFF. DONE.  MUST GET IT DONE NOW!  Hence, the crazymanicfrenticinsane pace at which I am moving currently. It's rather frightening. Yesterday Ange, via cyberspace, told me to just SLOW DOWN.

Weep! Okay.

Enough on that.
Let's discuss a more soothing topic:
Next season's race schedule! Ahhhhh.... I can feel the rush of relaxation in allowing myself to be transported into that safe realm....

I'm not totally sure of the early season races.  There will likely be a 10 mile road race in my hometown, and maybe a few indoor TT on the bike. 

But starting in May:

Sudbury Sprint  (Jordan will do this one with me! :)
Mooseman Half
Ironman Lake Placid
OOB Rev 3 Half
Pumpkinman Half

Yes, I am signed up for IMLP once again. I toyed with IMFL or IMAZ but finally decided they were too late in the season. I have a hard time cooking much past October 1st. Both of those races are still on the someday list, however, of course!

I have been regretting not signing up for IMLP since the race this year. The only way into the race at this point is by purchasing an IM Foundation slot, and after probably not quite enough thought, I pulled the plug and decided to sign up that way.  ueueeu! I'm excited!

I plan to crush the course and take back my barf-filled race day of 2011. I honestly can. not.wait.
Unfortunately, though, even if I earn a Kona slot at IMLP this year, I will not be returning to the Big Island in 2012. I would *love* to compete in Hawaii each fall. Alas, until it starts raining money I will be unable to do so. Hopefully I will save enough of my pennies and be able to return in 2013.

Are you training for IMLP 2012? If yes, I would love to arrange a bloggy meet -up! Also, I'm thinking of taking my IMLP athletes to train in Lake Placid sometime in May. Anyone interested?  This reminds me that Ange and I are still filling our roster for 2102. Shoot us an email if interested!

 Ahhhh.... I feel so much better now! Simon and Garfunkel + thinking about next season...
Who needs to hang those pictures? clean the basement? wash the rugs? dust the floorboards (more like SCRUB them since they haven't been dusted..... ever.)
Not me!


Kim said...

BAH - mary your post for some reason stressed me out! hahah!! good for you for having your 2012 race season already scheduled! me, um not so much. at all!!

Ana-Maria RunTriLive said...

Yes, what Kim said. You scrub the floors? Hm, somehow all those things are just completely pushed out of my mind...

MJ said...

Wow, this makes SO much sense to me! I hadn't looked at my training and love of talking about it, reading about it, planning, etc. that way. 10 days till my A race and am looking for races next year and planning already! Can't say it's taper madness since I've been doing it for a few weeks. :)

Keith said...

Don't advertise you are cleaning after a long hiatus. The DBPL will be on your case. (dust bunny protection league)

I am crushed to see no races in Calgary, or Ironman Canada on your list.

Molly said...

How exciting! I just started the taper so I'm feeling the same kind of nervous energy and feeling so many things that need to get done. PLUS I'm thinking ahead to my off-season (should I enter more dog shows? should I take boot camp? should I go horseback riding? what else can I do with myself that I never get to? aaaggghhh!). Good thing we wear ourselves out with all this training most of the year :)

kT said...

My husband's doing IMLP; he doesn't blog or read them, but he does use email. And I think you should consider coming slightly west for the Jones 10-miler in February--it's totally your cup of tea (hilly, hardcore, bad weather).

Jean, aka Mom said...

Have you been drinking too much

Jean, aka Mom said...

Have you been drinking too much coffee?

czechchick15 said...

Are you picking Mooseman over Quassy 70.3 again? :) The water in is much, much warmer!