Sunday, December 21, 2008

2009 Racing Schedule: Approved Version or.... Yeah, Baby!

I have consulted with Jen, and I have a pretty solid race schedule set up for 2009. It includes plenty of winter road racing, plenty of room to become a zombie without racing during high training before Lake Placid, and a few end of the season races. I'm. wicked. psyched.

First I want to say that this season I'm running with/ for two teams--the Greater Norwood Running Club and Team Nor-Easter. GNRC includes some of the best running companions anyone could ever find, and Team Nor'Easter (a tri team associated with Peak Peformance In Portland, ME) lets me connect with all of my new, awesome Maine triathlon friends. It's going to be a great season. I know it.

And now....

2009 Racing Schedule

Jan. 1: Norfolk 5K
Goal: To not barf or wet my pants. To get my HR max for Jen. To not allow my heart to explode. To not hate myself for how slow I will be.

Jan. 18: Frostbite 15K
Goal: To win the top spot in our club. Two of my teammates who have outraced me here in the past cannot race that day... so maybe I have a chance. You never know. Right Mel? Right Maureen?

Jan. 25 Boston Prep 16 Miler in Derry, NH
Goal: To not allow myself to give into my extreme need to race and just allow myself to do this as a training run. I've never been able to achieve this, but I will really try, because the week after that I want to really kick butt.

Feb. 1 Cape Classic 10 Miler, Cape Elizabeth, ME
Goal: To PR. This is ambitious, but it's my goal. To outwit, outpace, and plain outrun people who think they have a chance at beating me, but who are downright kidding themselves.

Feb. 8: Back to Maine to compete in a Cape Masters Swim Meet
Goal: to enter every event, and to PR in every event. This is possible since I haven't done a swim meet since I was 17 years old.
Me versus 17 year-old-me. The lowdown-
She was a wimp. I am not.
She was heavy and lazy. I am not.
She was young. I am not.
She was nubile, fresh, alive and held hope for a perfect life. I am over that.

I think the current me has a good shot to smoke the past me.

Feb. 15: Foxborough Flat 10 Miler, Foxborough, MA.
Yes, I know you are realizing that I'm racing every weekend. Exactly. Perfect.
Goal: to PR at the 10 mile distance. I think this is possible given the only other 10 milers I've done are the Cape Classic 10 miler and the Apple Harvest 10 miler. Both are really hilly, and this course, as stated in its title, is flat.

March 15: New Bedford 1/2 Marathon, New Bedford, MA
Goal: Okay, I really dislike this course. My goal here is to make up with it. Last time I was there I swore I'd never return. However, it's a Grand Prix event, and I plan to be a contender this year in the Grand Prix, so it's a must.

June 6: Lancaster Half Iron or the the New Revolution 1/2 Iron in CT. Not sure which yet. Certain friends want to know, though, right Mel? So I better decide.

Maybe a Sprint or an Oly between June 6 and July 26. Not sure yet. It depends on how much of an energy hole I am in given my training for L.P. I've been told I won't be able to/want to do much. I've been told I will be miserable, exhausted and dead. Am I twisted in that I can't wait for this?

June 25-28 Lake Placid Training Camp with Team Nor'easter--and with Ange! not a race, I know, but I'm really excited about it.

July 26. IM Lake Placid
Goal 1: to finish.
Goal 2: to finish running as opposed to crawling
Goal 3: to finish up with a strong marathon--under 4 hours.
Goal 4: to go under 12 hours
Goal 5: to go under 11:30
Goal 6: to go under 11 and qualify for Kona

Goal 6 is more than a little bit of a stretch, but it's the off season, and I'm dreaming big.

Sept. 12 Pumpkinman Half Iron
Sept. 20 Lobsterman Olympic
No goals here at this point-

Oct 25 Marine Corp Marathon, Washington D.C.
Goal: Sub 3:20.

I still have to flesh out the fall schedule. You never know--big things could happen (like Kona??? haha--you know you have to dream...)

I want to know who's joining me at each of these races. Hmmm?
Can you hear me best, dearest, local running buddies?

Yesterday I finally pulled out the weights and the bosu ball.
My upper body is so sore today I can barely lift my arms. Makes me think that -- yes, it's true -- I am super duper out of shape.

I have a long way to go before I become the buff, superstar Mary that I plan to be -- someday. It's that someday that keeps us (well, okay, me--and maybe you-- I don't know.) going.
Thank God for it.


Swimming for ME said...

Well you know you'll see me at the Cape Masters Meet. Never to old to try and work out those high school demons or dreams or whatever. Must be something I need to work out.

You'll be surprised how tired you get racing 9 events in a row, even if the longest is only 1 minute 30 seconds. :)

Jennifer Harrison said...

HA! Made me tired just reading it...oh, just kidding! It is ALOT, but I know it will work out just fine for you! GLAD you are so excited!!

Ange said...

that is a full schedule Mary!! Woo..ambitious. You sound ready for it though. Tons of Running in there girl...I know it's your passion so that's great.
write me soon...

Tyler Ross said...

wow...competitive spirit much? haha enjoy that rigorous first part of the with the eye on the prize...IMLP!!!

Kim said...

woohheeee 2009 is gonna be a great year for you! chock full of races that you are going to kick ass at!

Rainmaker said...

Cool to see you'll be down in the realm of DC for the MCM - a great race!

Speed Racer said...

"To outwit, outpace, and plain outrun people who think they have a chance at beating me, but who are downright kidding themselves."
This is why I love you!

I'm planning on doing the Revolution race. There. Decision made.

If your ironman experience is anything like mine (which it may very well not be), you might want to hold off on forking over your money for lobsterman/pumpkinman. I'm just sayin'...

Judi said...

i lift a lot in the winter. it's helping my swim so much. i am SO much stronger.

your race schedule looks awesome. i am trying to figure mine out too, but can't with work.

Steve Stenzel said...

Nice year! Good luck with those multiple IM goals!

Merry Christmas!!

mjcaron said...

You are so lucky to have Team Nor'Easter. I wish there were a group like that around here in Mass. Nice race schedule. That's a lot. I'm doing Derry 16 miler and Foxboro so I'll see you there. Good luck at Frostbite.

Kurt P. said...

wow!! when do you train between 1/1and 3/1?? looks like all racing all the time:-)!

Velma said...

fantastic schedule - you rock. Thanks for the comment on my blog. You kick ass!