Friday, December 5, 2008

blah blah blah

So this was supposed to be my first week back at REAL training. But I'm still sort of in lala land. Jen gave me a few good swim workouts, and it's been fun to be in the pool, see all of my swim friends, and try to swim a pace that is not too upsettingly slow compared to where I was a mere three weeks ago.

Man, fitness goes fast. I was a rockstar just three weeks ago! Now I am wondering if I will ever be fast again....
Of course I will be.
It's good to be slow right now. It's good to be slow right now. It's good to be slow right now.

This is why I dislike taking time off from training. It's not that I dislike the time off. I've been living it right up in my time off! Who can argue with sleep, wine, and good food? No, it's that after time off you have to kick your own ass BACK into shape, which is an extremely trying and somewhat disheartening project.

But it's a project. And the thing is, I adore new projects.

Although my racing schedule hasn't been completely developed (or approved) yet, I have it in my head that I will get in a few good road races this winter. I also have certain little rivalries (most of which are in my head) which are getting me fired up to kick some ass this winter.

I've just put the followers tool on my blog and I am so psyched about it. I love finding out who actually reads my drivel! I know I've been very lame about posting, and also that my posts of late have been less than inspiring, but if you read me, add your blog to my followers list. Please. It makes me feel good.


Swimming for ME said...

Feeling good... isn't that what it's all about?

Tyler Ross said...

Thanks for the comment! made me feel accepted ;-) I feel ya completely about taking time off, i wasn't in peak shape a month ago, but a month can do some damage to your ego.

Based on Geography, i'm looking at Florida or Louisville. It's going to be a good trip wherever i end up, but i'm in college, roadtrips are life....

good luck getting back into the swing of things

Ange said...

I feel the same way....getting back is HARD!! Runs are slow, swims are slower, bikes...well....not many of those yet. :) But it hurts and not very long ago we were rockin! oh well.

Speed Racer said...

How about running Hyannis at a 3:39:59? I'll buy you lunch.

But really, what you're describing about losing fitness keeps me up at night (literally). I know they say that you need to suck sometimes to be better others, but what if this is the year that it just never comes back??? I know it's not rational, but please tell me you panic about it as much as I do!!! You worked so hard ALL SUMMER and fall... and spring, and now after just three weeks it's "gone". Sure, sure, sure, it'll come back, blah, blah, blah... That's what they SAY anyway. But working back to where you were before takes so much effort!!!

If you're going to rest, you might as well stick with the food, wine, and sleep for the rest of your life, right?

What I mean to say is, I feel ya.

Kim said...

i third your feeling on getting back training...IT SUCKS! im so gosh darn slow!! and my heart rate is so gosh darn high! it will make for a looooong season!

Judi said...

I'll add you and you do the same for me. :)

mary, you'll probably gain that fitness back as fast in 3 weeks. watch and see....

mjcaron said...

I hear you! It's really hard to get back into the swing of things. That's expected. Rest is what makes us strong and injury free. You'll be flying in no time.

Bob Almighty said...

I hear on getting my ass back into shape, somehow my professors fail to realize that there is more to life than late night paper writing and research.

Well I'll up your ante of getting fast again...I need to be Ironman ready in 3 months.

Jennifer Cunnane said...

Welcome back.... at least we can all eat more when we train!