Monday, May 25, 2009

Open Water Morning

First, I just wanted to point out that I basically agree with everyone's comments on the Effort post. It occurred to me that I was speaking to the wrong audience in writing it. WE are not full of shit. WE all try our little tushes off, failure or success by damned. WE work hard because we know what it means and what it should mean to work hard. WE teach our kids that hard work is worth it, because hard work, in the end, brings satisfaction, joy, and a transcending of the fear of failure. I guess I was really focused on society at large--and what our nation/culture appears to value, which is talent + hard work. I feel saddened when a kid is convinced it's not worth it to try because he could never really be "good" -- and I get equally sad when I see a kid forced to compete in soccer when it's not her passion--even if she is really good at it. Comments like Dwight's, "I sure hope you're good b/c it would suck to work so hard and not be good," send the message, perhaps not even subtly, that we shouldn't work hard unless we have a gift. This is crap, of course, but it's an amazingly common attitude held by adults--by teachers-by coaches-by parents--and it's absolutely toxic. That's what I was trying to say, anyway. Loved your comments. Thanks. On to new things!I got into the open water for the first time this morning. I met a friend at 5:30 am, and the lake (Farm Pond in Sherborn, pictured above--my fav. place to swim around here) was so calm, so gorgeous. At first I didn't even want to get in; I just wanted to stare at the lake and be peaceful. But get in we did.... Amazingly, the water was not cold at all. I think I could've even gone sans wetsuit. That said, I'm glad I had my wetsuit. I love the way it buoys me up and helps me to glide through the water. Rob, the friend I was with, decided to wear FINS, so I was concerned I wouldn't be able to keep up, but he kindly didn't really start cruising until the end, so it was okay. We swam around the pond, stopping a few times to catch our breath and to just look. I had forgotten how much I love swimming in the open water. I had several moments this morning during which I felt so grateful to be alive--to be in the water--to be experiencing the early morning on the pond. Fantastic. I love triathlon for giving me those early morning moments. Without triathlon, I would've been snoozing away this Memorial Day Monday morning. Enough said.


Michelle Simmons said...

Yay for open water swimming! I've become such a huge fan, especially since I moved here to Hawaii. I remember when I first got here... I attended a local Tri Club meeting and heard one of the spreakers talk about the importance of doing at least *some* of your swim training in a pool (for the speedwork). That cracked me up so much because coming from Arizona, I didn't know people trained in anything other than a pool? ;)

MaineSport said...

Idk, I kinda like smelling like chlorine for the rest of the day, straw hair and disintegrating suits. Must be nice living in the southern climes.

Kristina said...

What a great morning for us both! I do love that feeling-alive feeling.

Swimming for ME said...

Hello -- I would like to point out that tomorrow is exactly 2 months until IMLP -- Are you PSYCHED??

mjcaron said...

I am really glad to hear that the water was warm.. I wonder how warm it is in NH???

Jennifer Harrison said...

Yesterday I swam in the OW by myself - JEROME was watching me carefully from the shore (we had the kids w/ us) and I NEVER have been so happy in a long time. Peaceful and so theraputic for me - and you know what? QUIET. ah.
GLAD you enjoyed your OW swim too!

Ange said...

exactly. I had that same feeling on Fri when I went. Such a Perfect way to start the day. Serene. Refreshing.
We are lucky we know to get ourselves out there.....people have no idea what they're missing....

The Lazy Triathlete said...

Hell, I haven't even been in the pool much this year. Time to get my ass in gear. Great job.

Unknown said...

Glad that you had a great OWS. I'm still trying to brave the cold water. Better get my courage!

Judi said...

hey mary - i am glad you had a good swim - but i have to ask, isn't swimming w/ fins CHEATING?