Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I got a pap smear yesterday, but that's not what this is about...

I visited my gynecologist yesterday. Bet you can't wait to read this post!~

Actually, my gyno is also my primary care doc, so it was a duel physical/gyno kind of appointment. I have had the same doctor since I was 22 years old. She delivered all of my babies. She's tough, and funny, and well, I actually consider her my friend. An interesting side note--her daughter writes for and acts in the show The Office. She (my doctor) was actually in one episode of the show, playing Kelly's mom (who is, of course, actually her mom). Mindy is Dr. C's second child. Her oldest is an M.D./PhD. Talk about a gifted kids....

But I digress.
Dr. C (Swati) is freaked out by my weight. She is worried.
This is one problem with having had the same doctor for the last 16 years. She showed me a chart of my weight since I was 22 years old, and it has dropped a few pounds each year, aside from the pregnancy years. I'm a good 20 pounds lighter now then I was then. But--- OF COURSE I am! I am training like a mad woman! And I was slightly overweight in my early 20s because I was drinking like a fish and eating sausages late at night (remember I'm a Bostonian--that's what we eat when drunk at 2 am).
She pointed out the BMI chart and noted that one more block over and I am underweight. Right. But I AM NOT underweight right now. I am kind of exactly where I should be--which is not underweight, but not at all overweight.
This conversation went on and on.
She believes I need to gain 10 lbs.
"That's all, Mary!" (said with her thick Indian accent.) "10 pounds!"
Then she added, "Mary, I can see your wrinkles on your face. They will be gone if you gain ten pounds. And, Mary, you will have breasts again."
Oh boy.
She then suggested maybe I have my breasts injected with saline so they would plump up and I wouldn't look like a young boy.
Oh yeah.
Nothing like the raw truth from your gyneocolgist.
I must admit I kinda miss having breasts. But I run faster with no breasts and that's the bottom line. Fast is better than hot, especially if you are 38 and off the market anyway.

I have my first tri of the season on Mother's Day.
I'm getting nervous.
This is the first tri I ever did. It's a very short one: 400 yard pool swim, 7 miles on the bike, a 2.3 mile run. Yep, doesn't get shorter than that. Sprinting isn't exactly my strength. I seem to fare better the longer the event. I am far superior at the half IM than sprints, for example, and a far better marathoner than 5ker. Still, sprints are fun.
I have a person to beat. Her name is Mary, and she hauled ass last year, so I have to have my game face on to beat her this year. She won't be there to compete, but her time from last year stands, and I will race against her ghost.

The USAT rankings came out.
I got honorable mention this year. I'm #116 in the country in my AG (of those who completed two USAT sanctioned races, anyway.)
I'm happy with this.
But next year I want All American. I'm 11 spots away. I'm gonna get it.


Kim said...

wow, um this is some post. that is CRAZY that the daughter of your dr is on the office! and even CRAZIER that your dr said to gain 10 pounds! i wonder what jesse would say about that ;)

in other news, you are going to crush it on sunday.

holy crap #116 in your age-group? dynamite! i have a feeling youre definitely gonna crush that number at the end of this season!

maria conley said...

Your body is looking caliente! Who needs those bouncing things anyway.

Velma said...

"Fast is better than hot, especially if you are 38 and off the market anyway." Love it. I weigh less than I did in my 20s as well, and I am loving it.

Good luck on Sunday and congrats on the rankings! Fantstic.

Yes, intervals hurt like a bitch, but that is why we like them.

Rebecca DeWire said...

What a funny thing for your doctor to tell you, she must not understand that boobs just get in the way when you run..the smaller the better when it comes to running! Also, I LOVE the office so I that part of your story was cool. You sound like me in that you are better at the longer events. You might be surprised to learn that you are even better at IM than half IM! Good luck at kicking your old butt from last year.

Michelle said...

Another one left scratching her head at your doc's comments. Especially in this climate, when SO MANY people are SO VERY overweight. And I can't even comment on the fake boobs suggestion!!!!!!

NICE JOB on the #116 ranking - that is so incredibly fabulous. You'll have All American in the bag this year, no doubt.

Swimming for ME said...

Swati is crazy. Low BMI is where you want to be to avoid all the nasty stuff with BP, cardio probs, cancer and just generally live longer.
And injecting your boobs with saline... come on!

Very cool on the USAT rankings. Wow, I am impressed!

Kristina said...

With the fantastic attitude that fast is better than hot, you are definitely gonna get All American. Actually if you ask me, fast is hot.

Anniversary Moments said...

Where to start...#116 Fantastic!! And you are only going to continue climbing the ranks! I am so proud of you Mary...all your hard work is paying off in huge ways...I know sometimes you go back and forth struggling with the work/family/training balance...but you are SUCCEEDING with it all...and a low BMI to happy for you! And you're not in the underweight category, so keep doing what you're doing!

Anonymous said...

Come on! Give saline a chance!

Nitsirk said...

Wow, congrats on the ranking. As for the boobs, I miss not having them. I am nursing and I can't imagine what it must be like for women who are this big all the time. I actually need a sports bra now :)

Michelle Simmons said...

You crack me up! :)

I'm also lighter now than I was in my 20's... all that beer and pizza in college... ugh. So glad to be past that stage, eh?

And woohoo on the rankings!

Jennifer Harrison said...

Ah, for once a DR is telling someone to GAIN weight - you seem to be FINE! Boobs - over-rated. But, I do like your DR because she shoots straight. Wrinkles? Come on. it is a give and a take!!!

Congrats on your USAT Ranking!! AA next year? YES YES

Eric said...


#1. I LOVE the Office!!! That is totally cool!!! If you can get autographs, sign me up :-)

#2. Being someone who finds the "athletic female form" attactive, once again I am leaving your blog feeling confused and in need of that After School Special LOL!!!

Swimming for ME said...

Hmmmm.... who possibly could Anonymous be? I just can't figure it out.

GetBackJoJo said...

I know. It's a real mystery who wants the boobs back.
too bad my friend!

pwheeler said...

Remember, Body fat % and BMI for someone who races IM are VERY important and they go together. Skinny with no muscle mass is NOT a good thing for IM. I can't comment on boobs, but I must say, in general Im a fan.....Goodluck Sunday, we will see you there.

MaineSport said...

How does one respond to a post like this? I'm amazed I read past the title. You may be HM for races, but you are an ALL STAR blogger. By the way, would the saline help avoid hyponatremia?

solobreak said...

Being mean and lean is great but just don't overdo it too soon. You still have ten weeks to your big event and eating enough is critical. You want to get close to the edge but be damn sure you don't fall over it. Have a good beer and a couple of extra chips...

Judi said...

the office is my all time favorite show ever. that is so cool that your dr's daughter plays kelly on that show. and i totally remember the episode your dr was on too. we dvr every office episode.

ok, so you look like a boy. who cares. boobs just get in the way anyways....

and congrats on your ranking! holy shiz....

Swimming for ME said...

I just wanted to make an even 20 comments for you. Let's see... looks like posts talking about pap smears and tattoos earned you the most comments. What could possibly be next?

Amanda said...

You are so gonna get all american! You rock! And if I got news I needed to gain 10 lbs, I think I'd do the happy dance :)

Ange said...

sorry I haven't commented's cause we talked about this on email. I agree, I'd be SO HaPPY if someone told me to gain 10lbs. I wouldn't do it, but I'd be happy.
Very cool about your doc and her daughter. Love that show.
We got a laugh out of Mr. Anonymous' comment too. Yeah on you're ranking!!!!! YOU ROCK GIRL!! woohoo!

Kurt P. said...

My wife's friend commented to her that I looked "to skinny", I knew I was very close to race weight at that point.

Boobs are non-propulsive mass...u are all "go", and well past the "show" phase.

see you next month.

Rainmaker said...

Gain pounds? You know what that means. Cookies!