Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Give me a Crunchy Chocolate Chewy or It's Been One of Those Days

It got sunny for a bit.
But now it's raining again. I can't take it. I CAN'T TAKE IT!

ho hum. Okay. On to Other drivel. Jordan and I DID make crunchy chocolate chewies. I've had like 10 now. oops.

Today I took my kidlets to the gym so I could complete a pain-fest of a run on the treadmill. I actually didn't want to do this on the treadmill. I wanted to go outside. But there are two reasons why I couldn't:

1. Remember how I had the stomach bug like a week ago? Yeah, well, if you remember, I got it from my son, Noah. Right. So I took him to the gym before he was better last week, and he booted in the daycare there. Are you ready to give me the Mommy-of-the-Month award?
It gets better. I was out running when he got sick--with my cell phone so I could be contacted if there was a problem. You are supposed to always be within 7 minutes of the gym when you run outside. That's a little restrictive, so I just don't follow that rule. I was 25 minutes out when they called me to tell me I had to retrieve Noah, and could I be there in seven minutes?
So they kind of suggested maybe I not do that again. I did snuggle him nice and close when I finally got there. That's probably why I succumbed to that fucking bug 24 hours later.
2. It was thundering and lightning when I arrived at the gym today, and also pouring buckets.

So me and the treadmill = BFF.

The gym is always really warm. Don't get me started. People work out there. It should be like an icebox!
I wore a tank top and shorts and moved a fan so it was closer to me without totally screwing everyone else around me. The run was a fartlek-- you know like 8 min on, 8 min off etc. I started with 8 m at half mary pace (7:05) and then descended to 10K pace for 6, 5K pace for 4, faster than 5k for two. Holy fucking shit it was hard. I have no idea WHY it was so hard today; it just was.
I knew it was going to be a sweaty one from the minute I got on the treadmill. But oh man, even I wasn't prepared for this. Half way through the run I was SOAKING WET. My shorts were drenched and dripping everywhere--my hair was soaked, my legs were dripping in rivulets down to the treadmill floor. I was spewing sweat all over the place. People didn't get on the treadmills next to me to avoid being sprayed. I also was sucking wind violently and disconcertingly and every once in a while I'd let out a little whimper. It was pretty. and hot.

I stayed on the mill for 1:15. That's like three times what most people at the gym do, and when I got off one older woman asked me, "Honey, how long did you run for? That was some workout!" I just smiled. Not that long in the world of IM shit! haha! I had planned to do a few situps when I was done, but I was, as I mentioned, soaking wet and I thought people might be a little grossed out if I sat my drenched ass on the sit-up board.

So, I went to take a shower.
Then I got out.
Then I realized I had forgotten my regular bra.
Oh well. I'm flat. Who cares.
Then I realized I had forgotten SHORTS! I had no fucking shorts! Underwear, a shirt, clean socks,a towel, shampoo, soap, a hairdryer, a little spritz, a little make-up, a little snack, an extra water bottle, extra hair elastics, my phone, my keys, BUT NO FUCKING SHORTS. (I had come to the gym dressed to run.)

I just couldn't put on those sopping wet running shorts. I just couldn't.
So I sucked it up, picked up my stuff, and went to get my kids just wearing a shirt with no bra and my underwear.

JUST KIDDING!!!! That would be great, though, huh?

Actually, I put my towel around my waist. This was fine until Noah asked me WHY I had a towel around my waist and I had to admit I had forgotten key apparel to everyone within hearing distance.

Thursday is my last super long ride. I'm a little sad. I like my training. I don't want it to stop.
But I am really excited for this race. I'm excited because I know I can do it. Cool, huh? I can't be stupid, but if I'm not stupid I DO think I will be an Ironman in just a little under three weeks.

Then I'll rest a bit.
But not for too long because I have signed up for IM Coeur d'Alene!!!!!
Please let me know if there's anyone out there doing it. I want some Coeur d'Alene blogging buddies!


Velma said...

Sorry - no CDA - at least not this year :) You really had me for a second with the wardrobe malfunction - it takes balls to leave the gym in a towel.

Chad Davis said...

Hi Mary.. My cousin just completed it. I am sure he would share his story. He has info on his blog about it.. http://coachlogan.blogspot.com/

Kristina said...

I think you deserve all of those crunchy bars for that workout, plus an extra one for the nerve to wear a towel home from the gym. Glad you didn't have to stop at the grocery store on the way home :)

Jennifer Harrison said...

HILARIOUS! I have done that too - forgot some type of clothing at the gym. NICE workout and we are SOOOO very close! YAY!!! And, yes, don't be stupid. haha. :)

Ange said...

cracking up Mary. This is a funny day. Just completed my last 100 miles!!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo! I was not sad to finish because:
But yes, you are going to be an Ironman so so soon. :) Can't wait!!!!!

MaineSport said...

Very funny! That's either smart or ballsy to sign up for IMCDA before doing your first. I guess the stomach wasn't the only bug you got.

Judi said...

no cda for me. but that will be 3 im's in a year if you make kona.....you crazy fuck.

Rainmaker said...

Hilarious...I've been in the same situation...and unfortunately chose to put back on the shorts. :-/

Golden Girl said...

Yep, 2010. Gotta get my revenge on that course!

Kim said...

you know i love you but after this year, no more IMs :) back to normal life!

congrats on whooping the treadmills butt - and funny about the towel around your waist. you crack me up.

Regina said...

That sounded more like a gristmill than a treadmill. I think I would have rinsed out the shorts then put them on....I live in NYC, so that means public transportation; in a towel? yeah, not happening.

Sounds like you are going to kick ass in the race.

Amanda said...

hahahaha! I was terrified reading...but you did it. You actually walked out of there in your towel!

You're so gonna rock IMLP!!

You won't know what to do with yourself during that 'rest' period, but it won't last long :)

greyhound said...

Well, as a mom, you should have been very pleased that you had clean underwear. You had that going for you, which is good.

Swimming for ME said...

How can your little lean mean body sweat so much??

mjcaron said...

I believed you when you said you walked out in your underwear.. heheheheh.. That was a fun blog to read as I eat my din din solo tonight.. thanks for the entertainment. I'm a little jealous because you are so motivated naturally right now and I'm, well, I'm not..

Michelle said...

OMG Mary, I was laughing out loud at this one. Priceless! I think I'm looking forward to IMLP as much as you are at this point. Ok, maybe not QUITE as much as you, but I'm psyched to hear all about it!!!!