Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Last Post Before the Big Day

Thanks for all the wishes for L.P. and thanks for the sympathy for losing my chocolate lab.
Even though this week has been tough because of the loss of my pup, I'm still psyched and ready to race. Of course I am! Minna has bestowed her Super Dog energy and stamina on me, and so I am golden. She was a girl who took no shit, pushed her way to the front every time, took what was hers and then took more. When playing catch no dog could beat her to the ball. When racing her brother, he didn't stand a chance. She would steal food from your grandma, swipe the ice cream off a 2-year-old's cone, and eat the pizza you just made before you had a chance to put it into the oven. She dug under the fence or jumped over it--but no way in hell would she be bound.

She was a force. A Super Dog. A complete pain-in-the-ass. Unstoppable. With her energy, so am I.

Here she is, beating up her bro. Typical. Poor Linus. She really just ruled the roost.

So, LP.
Here we go.

I don't feel nervous, which is very strange. I do feel excited. I do feel a little concerned about the run. This is not because I think I'm under-prepared for the run, it's just that I know that the run is where I will have to really keep my head in the game, hunker down, and deal. But I'll do it. It can't be harder than labor. (Of course with labor you don't have the OPTION to stop...) Of course, unlike labor when you finish IM you are DONE. When in labor the end result is that you have a BABY, and really the fun has just begun.

Speaking of fun, it's funny. I already feel a sense of loss. I'm sure this is exacerbated by the real loss of my dog, but I do see that this huge-ass project is coming to an end. I'll start the next project, sure, but THIS project, the first IM project, is coming to a close. I really, really liked the training. The training was the thing for me. I love to race, and so I know I will love the actual day of LP, but moreso than other training I've done in the past I loved training for this race. Training was a safe haven for me this winter and spring.

I can't wait to get down there and see all of my friends and get nervous and excited and crazy about the race.

I'm going to have fun, I'm going to be smart, and I'm going to do well. And I'm going to be an Ironwoman!


NY Wolve said...

Good Luck, and I hope all the training, mental and physical, pay off. It is hard to keep that training edge, but for me, that moment before the start is the moment I know I can do it. I will do it. And the adrenaline starts pumping. I hope you enjoy it and feel fulfilled and proud.

Kim said...

i am getting all pumped up just thinking about the amazing experience you will have on sunday! nothing compares to the rush of emotions - i cant wait to hear all about it. xoxo

Swimming for ME said...

Funny how all these these life events cluster sometimes. LIfe, like racing, is all about pacing.

Love ya!


MaineSport said...

We're all thinking about you and the others. You worked REALLY hard this year, and it will pay off. Enjoy the next couple of days, stay light, go fast. You'll do great. Go get 'em, Mary!

Trisaratops said...

Go get 'em! You've earned a great Iron Day.

Meredith said...

Good luck. Looking forward to following you online!!

Regina said...

Good Luck! I'm only training for my first Oly this weekend (and my first "big" tri) and feel as you do; sort of sad that it is almost over. But at least I have 1/2 IM and IM ahead of me (fingers crossed).

I also like your analogy to labor; I think that about sums it up. I'm still running the aftermath of that race.

NY Wolve said...

It may be a cliche, but watch this for motivation...


Rainmaker said...

Good luck! I'll be checking in on ya!

Judi said...

go mary go!

Rebecca DeWire said...

Enjoy your day and the entire experience of your first IM. These will be memories that will stick with you forever. HAVE FUN!!!

Trisaratops said...

Congrats, Ironwoman!

Barb said...

Have been reading your blog for a few months. Followed you on the Athlete Tracker all day today.

Congratulation, you are an IRONMAN!! and a fast one at that.

Velma said...

Awesome work today - I can't wait to hear the whole story.

Bob Almighty said...

Congrats 11:45 on that brutal course...can't wait to hear the race reprot.

SM said...

Congrats on an awesome race!!!! You ARE an IRONMAN!!!!