Friday, July 17, 2009

Noah, Ethan, Maria, Jordan, Dara, Lara
10 points if you can figure out who belongs to whom.

Alina and me. Taken by Jordan.

We have been playing all week, but today we're just resting.  I feel wrong, like I should be doing something constructive. Life is so full right now that I rarely feel like there is nothing much I should be doing.  There is always something to be done.  And if I'm not doing, I should be working to figure things out, plan things, understand things.  And if I'm not doing those things I should be doing one of the things I long to do when there is not time--like read, or write, or cook or garden.  Guilt. What a burden it is. What freedom if I could off-load it somehow--or maybe put it in its appropriate place. 

Yesterday on my ride the clamp on my seat post broke in half and my seat shot down to the bottom of the stem.  I had to ride home like that.  Not fun!  I'm sure I looked like a tool.  I certainly felt like one. I had it fixed, but now the seat is too high, and I need help moving it down.  I should be able to move my own seat.  But I either I don't have the right tool ( I think I have a 5 Allen wrench that seems to be right) or I'm not strong enough to loosen it. Either way, I have to bring it back in to get it done right. 

On days like today I expect great things of the internet.  I want entertainment.  I want fun things in my inbox. I want to find something juicy to read and savor. 
And just when I want that, the internet and my inbox don't produce. 

I'm finally feeling like taper has begun.  I feel rested and restless. I feel like I'm getting rounder.  (maybe not good--should probably keep the weight off until at least next week!) 

I feel like I need a good, hard swim or a good, hard run.  I need to sweat.  I need a place to channel the energy I use exclusively to train.  Drinking margaritas, playing at tattoos and being feisty in general -- 
I need to keep myself in check. 


Kristina said...

Ok, ok, I can take a hint. I'll email you something exciting ;)

Kim said...

man i thought i was giving you some juicy gossip this morning :( ill have to try harder!!!

MaineSport said...

Don't give into the temptation to let out some energy...keep it all bottled up!

Regina said...

Go shop for the right tool, learn to adjust your own seat post. There! now you have something to do the next time you feel like you should be doing something. (btw, that must have hurt, womping down like that unexpectedly?)

Can't help on the "something entertaining", clearly my life is about as exciting as your today.

Michelle Simmons said...

Well that's really good that your seat post went out this week instead of next week!
Feel feisty is a good sign. Bottle it up his week. You'll be glad you did come mile 18 or so next Sunday! :)

Judi said...

mary, you need to ask the guys at the shop to mark your seat with electrical tape so they get it in the right position next time. :)

John said...

The restlessness is always the worst part of tapering. Glad Alina is there to help with the margaritas. :)

Nitsirk said...

Taper crazies are the worst. I always get the phantom injuries to go along with the head games. Save your energy, you'll have a plenty hard workout in the very near future. Best of luck and I can't wait to read the race report.