Friday, September 24, 2010

Give it To Me One More Time...

I got one more.
It needs to happen soon. I'm teetering on the verge of full break down. I just don't want to work out. Like at all. Like even for a half hour.

So this week I didn't fight it. I simply did not work out. It helped that I was also very tired from last weekend's dual-race effort. Until Thursday my legs actually sort of hurt to touch. Today I got on the bike for a bit and went for a short run, but it was lackluster. It was one of those Do I remember how to do this? type of workouts.  Of course I remember. Sometimes when it's been a few days, though, I start to actually believe I have forgotten how to ride a bike.

So.... I have ONE.LAST.RACE.
I am going to give it everything I've got. It could go smashingly. It could really suck. I'm just planning to make it hurt so bad I want to hurl. And then I'm going to get really lazy for a bit until my desire to work out longer than 10 minutes at a stretch returns. I'm not sure how long that will take. It might be awhile. I have hit a new and unprecedented plane of total burned-out-ed-ness.

I haven't worked out this week. (OKAY. Maybe I worked out a little bit, but not much.) Anyway. What did I do if I didn't work out?
An excellent question.
The answer is---I did very little.

Here are the things I did:
1. I took my puppies out about every hour to pee and shit. Despite this, their success rate is still only about 50%. I just noted that Hazel pissed right by my feet, for example. When the hell did she do that? She is a crafty one...
I have also been trying to train the pups to come. Ernie is into it. If I say Come in a silly voice, he runs up to me and does that four-legged spring into the air that only little terrier dogs can do. Hazel, though? She is very cool. If I get all giddy and sing Come! she just gives me a look that says, You are pathetic, and then she plops down on the grass to eat some acorns.

2. I have been doing laundry. I am on a mission to find a mate for every unmated sock in this house. I had 56 individual socks at the beginning of the week. I now only need to find mates for 43. I see that as success. If you have kids you know it is, in fact, possible to have that many single socks. I think kids eat them.

3. I have been reading. I read two great books this week: Testimony by Anita Shreve (I give it a 7) and The Piano Teacher by Janice Lee. (I give it an 8.5). I need to write reviews on them. Maybe I will do that next.

4. I have been doing homework with Jordan. I have to say it: Homework sucks. A good parent is THERE when her kid does her homework. I am working at this being a good parent thing (it comes in spurts)--but can I tell you how MUCH I DON'T WANT TO re-teach factors?  (clearly she was spacing in class...It was like she had never heard of the term...) Or can I tell you how much I don't want to re-test her 8 billion times until she not only spells Arkansas correctly but does not mix it up on the map with Arizona and Alabama? Or how much I don't want to fight with her about opening her damn book and doing some reading? (I ask you.. how can a child who has grown up with two book junkie parents NOT LIKE TO READ? I don't' get it...)

5.  I have also been driving my kids to piano, and swimming, and soccer. And while there I have had inane conversations with other parents who clearly feel it as painful as I do to make small talk.  (Okay, that was cynical.)

6.  I have been obsessing over my athlete schedules. Sometimes this results in a good plan. Sometimes I get disgusted with my effort and have to start all over again.

7.  I have been on the computer WAY too much.

So... this is my life.
It is a great one. I am not too busy. I am not too un-busy.
But I feel guilty.
Will I ever get over that?

I think it is the plight of the mom who once worked (very recently, actually) and is not only no longer contributing (financially) to the well-being of her home, but she is also picking her ass and counting freaking socks. (and reading books, and playing with her puppies, and staring at the computer).

 I should be contributing.
I should be doing something of great meaning and import. I should not be counting mateless socks.

(although you could argue that had I been concerned about mateless socks earlier I would not have 43 socks without a match...)

Often when I realize that I have been reduced to counting socks and cleaning up puppy poop I start to feel rebellious. Rebellion is not good.
I need to keep myself in check.

I will say that I love the smell of puppy breath. It smells faintly of pee. It is distinct. It is intoxicating.
One more race!


Running and living said...

I have been feeling a bit of guilt lately, too, like I have it too good and easy, like I am supposed to be struggling or something. I am working through it, though:)

Don't fight with Jordan about reading. I bet it is a phase. She will love to read, but it may be later. My husband reads constantly but told me he was all about TV until HS (and both his parents are book crazy).

Good luck with the race. Part of me wishes that I got to a point were I did not want to work out. I am planning a rest month after Baystate and I am freaking out bc I don't think I am going to be able to do it (though my body needs it).

Kim said...

kick some ass this weekend mary! i have been doing absolutely nothing for the past 1.5 weeks. i mean nothing. eating/drinking/watching tv :)

Michelle said...

Salami. Puppy breath smells like salami. Exactly like salami.

God, I love puppy breath. Salami? Not really. That's weird, isn't it?


Ange said...

ahhh...yes..... I'm with ya. YOu know it.
except on the puppy thing. They are so adorable though.
I don't even try with socks. I let them just find each other..or not.. and then I just toss 'em. Or pile them up as singles on top of each child's dresser.
I can't believe you're racing Again!!!! You'll do great.. I'm sure. I'll miss being there. This race never works out for me. THey need to have it in May. Please Ted? GOOD LUCK MAR!!!!!
( oh...the homework thing IS a pain.. I agree. )

Velma said...

Have a great weekend and race.

Working with the kids and homework is doing something. It is so important. Unfortunately, you don't get to see the results of what you do for another 15+ years.

GoBigGreen said...

You can race in your sleep Mary:) and that is a compliment, not the opposite. I was hoping you said you were coming to BOUS, but that would be a long plane ride. Have fun, hurl or not.

donna furse said...

you are friggin hysterical, good luck this weekend and after this get some rest.

Jean, aka Mom said...

Mary, About those solo socks.
I have a single 'Noah' sock here,
which fell out of a pair of jeans
in that pile of kids'clothes you left last week. I'm sure it'll match something! However, I have
a little bag of 20 singles to give to you. That would bring you to . .
what? . . . 62? These singles have
been accumulating since Jordan's birth.
Also, there are four (4)
shoes here without mates. Did you
come across anything like that?
How about single mittens? Endless
I'm so glad you are fully experiencing all aspects of motherhood. :)

John said...

What's wrong with a little rebellion? It's necessary at times to kick us out of a rut, give us something new to focus on, and keep our brains and bodies busy doing things outside our comfort zone. Now, heroin rebellion = bad, but new tattoo rebellion = good. :)