Tuesday, September 14, 2010


 On Sunday we brought home Ernie:
On Monday we brought home Hazel.
Ernie and Hazel are having fun together. They wrestle hard and then drop down and snooze hard.

After a ferocious play session with Ernie Hazel is currently underfoot sleeping in a way only puppies do. Ernie prefers the crate.

People think we are crazy for getting two puppies simultaneously. We have always had two dogs at once, and to me it made sense to bring our newest two to the house at the same time. I think it must be very traumatic for a puppy to leave his/her litter mates and then arrive at a new home, with new smells, and new people--and no dogs. Ernie was thrilled when Hazel arrived. They played and snorted and Ernie came to life in a way we hadn't seen since we had brought him home the day before. After they met, sniffed and played,  they crawled into the crate together, huddled up, and slept.

Yesterday Hazel cried piteously in the car on the way home. When Noah, my son, asked why she was so upset I explained she was frightened. She had to leave everything she knew. She was alone and in a strange place. Noah began to cry. It was a small snuffle at first, and then a full blown cry. "I am so sad for her that she had to leave her mom and her sisters and brothers!" he wailed.

It is making me teary to think about it.

I have not been posting much lately. This is partly because I am so excited about the puppies. I don't  feel overwhelmed, just really focused on them.  Honestly, nothing seems hard to me after having children. I think once you have birthed a baby and brought him home and survived the first three months you are hardened to difficulty in a way you never were before. But still, having the puppies is sucking my mental energy. I just want to be with them--watch them--cuddle them. I want to photograph every one of their moves. The time they are puppies is fleeting.

I have also not been posting much because I have been thinking and unable to write. I have been thinking about racing and competing and worthiness and respect and ambition. It is a big swirl in my head right now. It will settle, and then I will write.

But for now, there are pictures of the puppies.


Emilie said...

ooooh they are so cute! We got a puppy this summer too, and I worried about his loneliness. You guys have your hands full! Have fun with all that warm-bellied, sweet-smelling cuddling.

Nitsirk said...

ombalesThey are so freakin' cute. I can't wait to hear about their escapades. Are you going to train Hazel to run with you?

trailmomma said...

OMG, they are precious! Too freaking cute and Noah's comment made me tear up too. Kids are just so darn honest.

Enjoy your new puppy babies!

Ange said...

While I think 2 at once is busy, I agree with you. That is why we brought our two kittens home together too. Ok ok, I know everyone, kittens are NOTHING compared to puppies in terms of work. But my point is, they do need each other!
THey are adorable. enjoy.
interested to hear about those thoughts swirling in your head. :)

cheryl said...

I love puppies! Yours are adorable. Enjoy!!!

Velma said...

CUTE!! You are right - once a mom - everything becomes so much easier. You just multitask and get it done. HAVE FUN!

Michelle said...

A few weeks after we brought Eddie home, we thought about seeing if any of his brothers or sisters were available so he'd have company. We didn't go for it, but there are times when I wished we had (that said, he gets PLENTY of doggie time at his daily, 3 hour doggie playdate). I don't know that an additional dog would be that much more work, really. More hairy, perhaps. :)

Jon said...

They are gonna be best buds for life! That one of the dog sleeping on its back is precious!

Niki said...

Puppies are the best! Those two are precious! I can't wait to get another one!

Running and living said...

That's the way to do it, two at the time, so they can play which each other AND keep you entertained. They are super cute and you are such a mom:)

Ewa said...

These puppies are adorable.
We brought two kitties together (brother and sister) and they seem so much happier than many cats we know. Must be because they always somebody around to fight and play with.
Hope you will keep posting more pictures of your doggies.

Aimee said...

Aww...they are sooo adorable! Enjoy your new puppies! :)

Pigeon said...

The puppies are so cute!!!! It is amazing how fast puppies get big. Enjoy the new pups!

Swimming for ME said...

Can't wait to meet the pups on Saturday!

As for ambition and respect, try the book Drive by Daniel Pink.

Il Bruce said...


Regina said...


The first three months?! Try the first 18 years!