Thursday, April 16, 2009

Beating the Hours and Daughter Bonding

So here's the thing. Right now I want to best the hours Jen gives me each week. I feel like I must do this. I must put in just a little tiny bit MORE than she gives me. Not hours more--just minutes--like 61 minutes instead of 60. I know a minute is nothing--but it's a mental thing for me. I must beat time. I must win. I think it's a proof thing for me. You know when you are doing a really hard running workout and it calls for say, 5 minutes at an excruciating pace or something like that? I look forward to hitting that 5 minutes for the whole 5 minutes--but then--when it hits 5 I can't stop. I have to do 5 minutes and 5 seconds. I'm not always like this. But I am right now. Yeah, baby. ________________ Tonight my daughter and I looked at bathing suits online for at least an hour. We discussed each suit--and what cap would match it--and what goggles. These are the two suits Jordan chose in the end: Cute, huh? And OF COURSE we choose perfectly matching caps. Swimming is all about fashion. I was drooling over dozens of different Splish suits, but Jordan convinced me to get this Splish in the end: She liked the blue. I'm more of a pink girl, I admit. And this is also too preppy for me, but she was convinced this was the right one, so I agreed--cause she was so damn cute about it. The problem was choosing a cap. Not much matches the blue. We choose white in the end. There were a few Splishes that I really liked, though, that I may have to eventually get. Jordan liked these too, but they weren't pretty enough for her taste. (Love the tail. Jordan thought this one was only good for Halloween. The hub that the whiskers looked a bit like hands across one's breasts. Humph. Leave it to the guy...) I also liked: and this: The hub really didn't like this one--especially the Fast. I like that! humph again. Jordan thought the rabbit was cute, but thinks I have too many pink suits already. The fact that Jordan is now old enough to spend hours talking colors and design of swim suits and bathing caps-- is just Awesome. I'm a lucky woman.


Skye said...

Wow, I love those suits! Especially the shark - that one would be mine. I like all the ones you and Jordan chose. I'd be too scared to get one with "fast" on my bum because I'm so clearly NOT.

I LOVE choosing clothes with my daughter too. She's nearly 5, and it's just so much fun because she hasn't yet developed the concept of taste or caring what other people think. We get some great combinations happening! I won't let her choose my clothes though, because she ALWAYS chooses pink and I don't do pink!!

Jennifer Harrison said...

TOO CUTE! Yeah....I love the passion....

The Splish suits are fun...I have the blue/white polka dot one you ordered and it is very cute!

Keep up the good work! grrr

Amanda said...

Love the Splish suits! And the hard work!

Oh, and I got a couple suggestions for the night sweats:
- chaste tree berry extract

- Yogi brand tea from the heath food store called Bed Time

Happy training!

Ange said...

I love the shark suit. I love that you did that with Jordan cute. I won't have that...might have to steal your daughters sometime. My kids help with pick things like outfits and stuff someimtes but I can tell that won't last!

Judi said...

i like looking at suits too. i love the splish do-your-own.

Rainmaker said...

The rabbit one is pretty solid. The Girl got a suit from splish as well, it's hilarious!

Michelle said...

I love the Splish suits. The pink one is great.

Kim said...

you crack me up. hot mama.

Eric said...

I like the cat suit :-)