This can be bad, and it can be good. But they will come. I've learned that this year.
In the case of LP, I'm hoping their arrival will be good. Work I did months and months and months ago will make an appearance this weekend. Work I did just last week will likely have less effect, which makes me feel a little helpless. Was the work I did this winter/spring/early summer good enough? Quality enough? Focused enough? Was it enough for the chickens to have a comfy little roosting come Sunday? I'm being truthful when I admit I don't deserve a whole hell of a lot in terms of comfy roosting in most other aspects of my life. But I think I do deserve it in terms of the effort I've put in to prepare for this race. Hopefully the chickens will view things that way as well.
I will stop speaking by way of analogy now.
I have had a really shitty weekend in some respects. The good was really good. Yesterday was gorgeous and I spent nearly the whole day on the beach with Alina and our troupe of kids.
The bad? Started with my seat post clamp splitting in half on Thursday's ride. Then I blew out two tires in succession on a ride on Friday. Then I tried a ride again on Saturday and blew out the same tire 20 minutes in. Finally I found the god damn piece of glass lodged silently and stealthily inside the tire.
Other bad: the plantar fascitis in my heel is like-- not good. I don't talk about being injured at all, so I will stop there. It is not so bad that I can't race, of course. It's just there. and it hurts. and I want it to go away.
And then there was the traffic on the way home last night: a two hour trip became a four hour trip. That would be the chickens again--roosting b/c I spent too long hanging at the beach before I headed home.
And finally, the kicker. My chocolate lab, the invincible, high strung, crazy 11 year pup of mine--is not invincible after all. She will go before her big, senile older bro. She has a tumor in her mouth the size of my fist. And it's mouth cancer. And that's it. Not going to write about it anymore than that because doing so brings out that big lump in my throat and the quiet tears that won't go away.
If you don't have a pet--well, I know it seems dumb to get all messed up about one dying. But she was not supposed to go this way. She had the energy of a 6 month old puppy. And she was one of the first things Andy and I decided to do together--as a unit. We split the cost of her 50/50. And she was with us all this time, escaping the yard and chasing squirrels and stealing our kids' food right off their plates. And she drove me crazy. And I love her.
And her death is just--
And I think maybe God wants to shift my atttention away from LP, so I can remain calm and so I keep things in perspective.
But I feel like I am being punished.
Which is self-centered and crazy. Because this can't be a case of the chickens, and if it is--it's an awfully shitty way for them to announce themselves.

She was indomitable.
Sounds so tacky but maybe she'll send me her hyper-crazy-superdog powers for IM.
By IM she will be gone.
Oh my. You are not being punished. But I get you. The best thing for grief is to sweat it out, which you are perfectly trained to do next weekend.
Mary - I can relate to your sad news. My cat of 16+ years may be on death's door as well. How do I explain to the girls that it may be best to put her to sleep??? So complicated and sad.
Anyway, I wish you the very best this weekend! Go get'em!
{{{Hugs}}}. I am a dog person. I get this. I'm so sorry.........
I have tears in my eyes now after reading your post. I am a dog person so I get this. So, so sorry :(
Also, that stinks about your foot. I hope it behaves for you during LP.
I have a dog, so i know as well. All that dog energy will be with you at the race. She will be there to help.
You have put in the time and are ready!
aw mar :( sorry to hear about the no-good-very-bad time you are going through with your pooch. hang in there this week; take care of your foot. you are ready to take down Placid.
I don't normally cry when other people'e pets die (only my own)... but I just got all choked up reading your post. I'm really sorry to hear about your dog. I'm sure he will be with you on Sunday, giving you every bit of strength that you need.
I am so sorry. That sucks. I am total dog person and there is no pain like losing a pup. Sending hugs your way.
Oh Mary, so sorry about your pooch. I don't have a dog or a cat, but I'm a pet lover. You had me in tear reading this post.
Wishing you the very best in LP. The memories of your dog and his energy will be there with you. Hugs
I am so sad for you guys. It's a hard hard time for sure. Hugs to you all.
See you soon!
xoxo A
OMG. I'm really sorry. I can't imagine losing our weimeraner. On a more practical note, I had the same foot flare-up before IMWI. I could barely walk for the 10 days prior. Three successive days of Active Release Technique worked a miracle for me. The treatment hurts like hell, but it works. Find someone local, then they might be out at LP. Good luck, Mary. You'll do great. I'll be following!
mary mary, i am so sorry about your dog. people who loves dogs understand. it is so hard to lose a pet, especially when you just love the shit out of them.
you are so so ready for imlp. i am really psyched for you!
for the PF, go stand backwards on a step and let your hell hang over the step. do it for 4 minutes 2xs a day and your pf will be gone. i had it in both feet and those stretches made it disappear.
I'm so sorry to read about your dog. We lost our beloved dog after 13 years to cancer. I get what you are going through.
I look at your bad luck (regarding training) as a "getting all of the crap out of the way" before race day, this way there is nothing left to go wrong.
Good Luck this weekend, your race sounds infinitely harder than mine!
So sorry to hear about your pooch, I know how hard that is. Good luck in Placid this weekend!
And... Hobart is not in the middle of no where, it's located in the Lake Trout Capital of The World! (hope that brings a little smile)
So sorry about your dog. We lost my 7 1/2 year old lab mix to cancer last fall. His littermate has adjusted, but it was sad.
Best wishes for a good race after all your hard work and preparation.
Good luck this weekend! (Consider the crap luck as of late the fact that luck is turning in your favor - SOON - as in your IM race!) Try to get some rest this week so you can have fun on race day - you will go great!
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. Our oldest ones are 12.5 and 13, and we're dreading having to go through what you're dealing with now. Hang in there, know she had a wonderful life with you, and that we're all wishing you the best as you deal with this.
Mary, I just a chance to read your blog in full. I'm really sorry about your Chocolate Lab. I can not imagine having to put him down so soon. Poor doggy. Anyways... take care and good luck..
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