Finishing the run, through the oval.
Oh! I can't wait to the whole Lake Placid story! But not tonight... too tired.
Here are the highlights:
Strong swim. I did get hammered in the beginning, though, and that made me want to quit five minutes into the race! Men. Argh. If you can't swim, don't go to the front and clobber the rest of us!
Good Bike: I wanted it to be faster, but it quickly got warm and really windy coming into Wilmington (esp. on the 2nd loop) and that made it tough. I hit 43 mph going downhill!
The Run: Oh boy. Here is where I need to learn how to do IM! Wow! That ranks up there with one of the hardest efforts I've ever made. The best part of the run was walking through each aid station and pouring cold sponge water all over my body. It got hot. And my body is used to running in the cold and wet.... grrr!
Really , though, my downfall was that somehow I got a UTI infection (which is now a bladder infection, I think) and it became full blown during the run. No fun. My doc thinks I got it from peeing on the bike early on and then staying in said wet shorts and continuing to pee into them for the next six hours. My immune system was down from the effort--and something about proteins not being processed correctly and bacteria building quickly etc. etc. Be warned! It could happen to you! It happens fast-- and if it does, it's so not cool.
More on the later. :) Of course, you know I love to be graphic and gross. I bet you can't wait to hear all about burning, bloodied pink pee. Oh! I can't wait to write about it!
Here are a few pics of me finishing her up. I had a great, great day, despite the little UTI problem. There were serious high points and low points, just as I had been told there would be. But I am now and IronWoman!

Yahoo!!!! Congratulations!!!!
mary, it looks like you werent even tired in your finishing photo!!! amazing job! i cant believe you had to deal with a UTI during the run, what a pisser ;) CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN MY FRIEND! YOU ARE AN IRONMAN! xoxo
Congrats!!!! Can't wait to hear the whole gory story... :) Never heard of getting a UTI like that but it makes sense. Good warning! :)
hope you're recovering well!
It was cool tracking you the day of - glad you look strong at the end! Congrats and enjoy your recovery.
Congratulations, I look forward to reading a full report. I know you don't rest much, but I hope you're enjoying some well deserved rest and recovery time. Hope you're through that infection quickly, yikes.
Congratulations, amazing!
Fantastic effort, Mary. You should be very proud of what you accomplished!
Get some rest - we can''t wait to hear about it. Way to go!
CONGRATS!!! Can't wait to hear all the details.
Way to go, Mary. Everytime we saw you on the bike (on PAPA BEAR and in town) you looked happy. Feel better soon--I used to get UTIs when I was younger and they are not fun.
Yikes. Sounds like you had a great day regardless. Congrats and I hope you are feeling better now.
Just awesome job. Despite your UTI infection. You are An amazing athelete. I'm so proud of your accomplishment!! Hugs & besos!!
Sorry about the UTI, I get them, but never during a race! I don't know how you finished, they suck!
But you DID IT!!!!
WOW!! Congrats! Take care of yourself and enjoy the rest period!
Wow! Looking really strong on the run!
can't wait for the full RR!!! GREAT pictures! I'm so proud of you. :)
Wow!!! Congrats! I can't wait to read all the deets.
Can't wait for the full race report! Congrats again!!!
Great job on your IM! I am not sure how you finished with a UTI - ouch!! Even better, hope you are recovering with something like chocolate or vino!
Fabulous photo!! You look great!!
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