I haven't been posting.
This is basically because I'm too busy drinking margaritas with my friend Alina. This week we put the kids in camp and we've basically been swimming, lunching/margarita-ing, and shopping all week. It's not good to shop AFTER margaritas. That's what I have learned in my travails. Just so you know.
Alina (after a margarita) bought me a really pretty pair of Peridot studs to wear for IM. Peridots are green, for those of you in the gem-know, and green is my favorite color. They also stand for luck, success and friendship, according to the marketing description in the pretty showcase in the jewelry store. I thought it was pretty fucking sweet of her. That would be why she's a best friend, huh?
I bought nothing for her, though. Yep. Lame. I did buy myself some hips jeans in a second-hand store, a couple of fitting, worn t-shirts (from the same store) (I SO do not need jeans and t-shirts, btw. I have a billion), and finally a neoprene hat and mittens to swim with in the ocean b/c I have been freezing my ass off this season. Did I mention the water was 57 degrees on Monday morning? Lest you think that's not too cold, I need to tell you -- IT IS.
Alina also bought these super funky shoes. You can't really tell in this pic, but they are ruby red.

Yesterday we went down and cruised Old Orchard Beach after Alina returned from a swim there that landed her at the Pier. OOB by the Pier is like--? Don't know what to compare it to. It's the kind of place that has rides, video games, tattoo parlors and cheesy gift shops. At said cheesy gift shops you can usually find someone to paint you a henna tattoo. So we did. Alina got a shark swimming up her back and I got a skull on my ankle and a stamp that says BAD GIRL in bubble letters. It is pretty fucking funny. At least I think so.
Okay! What else?
I'm not really freaked out yet about LP. I'm calm. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I'm feeling fit as a fiddle, so maybe that is why. After that horrible stomach bug of two weeks back I am also smaller than I've been since I was like eleven. In fact, unless you look at my face, I look like I'm eleven. It's a little scary. I'm looking forward to gaining some weight back after IM so I will have more than mosquito bites for boobs before the end of summer. I'm fit -- and flat. It's a wonder my bikini tops don't just fall off of me, given there's nothing to hold them up.
sigh. I need to stop complaining about that. Irony. Irony. Irony. You needed to have known me at sixteen to get that.
MY NUMBER IS 2217. You'd best be following me on that big day! Just kidding. Ange is 2223, so we will be near each other. Yeah!
I was going to post pics of the tattoos, but that would be just too risque. Just kidding. Actually, we don't have any good pics. They are all kinda blurry and not worth posting.
On deck for tomorrow: a nice 1.5 hour ride, a quick 30 min run, and an ocean swim with Alina, of course! I'm looking forward to donning my super cool hat and mittens. I will look like AquaWoman! If only my wetsuit and accoutrements were fluorescent green...
crazy ,my sister's # is 2227 @ LP this year, so even though I don't know you I will remember your number! Best of luck to you! The big place to go out drinking here in town is connected to a huge shopping plaza. I can't tell you how much junk I used to buy after happy hour...
Good luck!
Sounds like you're hitting your taper just right. It's good to get engrosseed in something so you don't think about THE REALL BIG DAY THAT'S ONLY 10 DAYS AWAY! Hehe. Have a great day in LP. I look forward to following your progress.
i'll be tracking you for sure mary! yay for tapers - especially those that include SHOPPING and BOOZING! enjoy it!
You are going to have a blast at IMLP. As for the boobs, be glad they are small. I miss my fly bites and can't wait to get them back. Running and nursing aren't mixing well!
Don't forget, margaritas are green too, just for the record.
Those shoes scream "sex", love 'em.
Good luck with the race!!
Enjoy the taper! Nothing better than buying some jewelry (good luck charm) to give you the extra boost at your first IM! Hopefully, it matches you outfit, which matches your bike, which matches your transition area/towel... well you get the picture.
good luck!!
I love U, Mary. You are so funny. And you better believe it, I will be tracing you down. Thanks for posting your number.
good luck mary! i am SO excited for you!
You rock; I want that tattoo. Will it stay on for IM?
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