Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I'm back at it.
In theory.

My first workout back was last Thursday. I ran a few miles at the slowest pace ever... and it's not like I wasn't working it at all. I woke up sort of achy--achy from a 4 mile run. lovely. Then on Friday I went to my very first Masters swim practice.

I live literally one minute away from a great pool with plenty of good open swim hours. I'm friendly with the lifeguards there, and friends with many of the regular swimmers. The pool's one problem is that it doesn't have a Masters swim team connected with it. I hoped to begin a Masters program, but because of conflicts with the pool director the plan of starting one just never got off the ground. So, all of these years I have been swimming my workouts alone. I'm motivated, and I usually work hard, and for a long time I was making subtle, but genuine improvements in my swim times. That is, until this year.

For six months or so  I have been struggling with my mojo when it comes to swimming. The shift into "struggle" was gradual. First I would just cut back on warm-up or cool-down. Then I would both cut back and not work that hard. Then, when I got to Maine for the summer and pool swimming was not a possibilty, I switched over entirely to open water swimming--which I did without much enthusiasm, all at the same pace, and not for very long each time I went out.

So you'd think my swim would suffer by the end of the season, right?
But it didn't. Not really. My times stayed basically the same throughout the summer, and I actually PR'd at my Timberman swim in August and at the CELT Sprint in late September. Some of my swims were slightly slower in my final races, but in my final analysis of the season I'd have to say my swim times were basically fairly consistent with what I've done in the past.

The conclusion should be, then, why swim? Why bother if I am not getting any faster-- or slower?

But really, what kind of a conclusion is that? A defeatist one. There is a way to get my swim faster. I just haven't really wanted to go there.

My run, too, has stagnated. In truth, the only reason my season was relatively decent this summer is because I have made improvements on my bike. And why have I made improvements there?
I believe it's because I am still relatively new to riding. I'm still in the phase where I can get better just by putting in more hours than before. This phase may end--it may end this coming season.  I don't know yet.

What I do know is that even though I am not a superstar swimmer or runner, I am a true veteran to both of those disciplines. I've been swimming since I was a kid, and I've been running since my early 20s. I can' t just put in hours in the pool or on the road and get better. I may be able to get myself to go LONGER, but I am not able to get myself to go faster. UNLESS.
I need to overhaul both my swim and run training to see  improvement next season. I cannot keep swimming and running the same way in training. It is not working any more. It needs to change.

So, in short, I'm changing a few things.
But how?

Well, back to the beginning of my post....
I joined the Cambridge Masters Swim Club, and on Friday, I swam with them for the first time. They swim at Blodgett Pool at Harvard which is a full half hour away from where I live. There are no other clubs closer to me, and CMSC offered many different workout times, so they were the ones I chose. This was a hard choice, understand, because I live ONE MINUTE from a perfectly good pool.

I was nervous to attend practice. I admit it. I hadn't been swimming in three weeks. I hadn't done ANYTHING in three weeks.

I arrived early. I said hi to people. I introduced myself to the coach. I twitched nervously.
And then I watched as the coach began writing the workout on the board.  And he kept writing. And writing.

5000 yards.
It was a 5000 yard workout. The warm-up alone was 1000.
Oh. sweet. Jesus.

I tried not to panic. I found a lane with swimmers who looked to be about my pace. I slid in quietly, smiled politely, and I made sure to go last and not get in anyone's way. I can be pushy--but God knows, the first day of Masters practice is not the time for that.

We began swimming. And we swam. and swam. and swam. My lane mates didn't take a long time between sets. They didn't chat and bond. They swam.

And then suddenly it was over!
And I had done it! And I only felt like Jell-o--like a little!
I was unbelievably proud--unbelievably relieved. I could do this. Would it make me faster? I don't know. But it is a change--it is different from what I have been doing. That is for sure.

I went to Masters again on Sunday night for a freestyle swim clinic. This is the number 2 way of changing up my swim training. I am going to improve my stroke if it freaking kills me.

I hate drills. I hate kicking. I hate swimming more slowly and focusing on correction. I hate cooling down. I hate anything that is not time efficient in the pool and which requires slow, methodical patience.

That will change. My new theory is that it is the drill work, the kicking, the focusing on correction and the cool down which will make me faster. This may or may not be true. But it is a change. That is for sure. So far I am focusing on not dropping my right elbow, pulling straight back with my left arm, starting my catch earlier by stretching as I enter the water, and working on my SNAP with the pull as I rotate--especially to my left, which is my side which is rotationally challenged.

As for running? This is harder. I have done all sorts of interesting things in the last few years, most of them Jen-inspired. This year I had to reach deep to figure out what new things I could do....
and here they are:
1. I am running the Boston Marathon in April. I don't care if you think this is a dumb-ass idea. It will give me a huge base going into the final three months of run training for Lake Placid. I know the reasons not to do it. But hey, I haven't done it in the past, and this season is all about trying new things, right?
2. I am focusing on changing my form so I do NOT lean back when I run. This is very hard for me.
3. I am running hill sprints, especially early in the season.

I am going to look to Jen for the rest of my running renovation. She just completed a season of run trianing, and I just know she will have good ideas.

The final way I am changing my training...
I am doing strength work--season round. I am little. I am a woman. I am over 40.
And that's all I think I need to say about that. This training is coming in the form of TRX. I plan to be a TRX master, and I plan to not consider strength training less important than my other training.

So there you have it.
Here's to change.


Swimming for ME said...

and btw 5000 is way more than I ever do in a single workout unless I am training for Chesapeake.
Go Mary!!

Running and living said...

This is great! I think Boston is going to be great prep for Lake Placid. I think higher mileage, if you can pull it off, is going to be very helpful (like 60-70). For me, it changed my form and made me stronger - I don't collapse toward the end miles like I used to. I also think that doing longer tempos at MP or faster, including 20 milers will help. Both Hudson and Fitgerald talk about this. You are strong, and your body surely can handle that.
I looked into that Masters program, looks really good. I am however going to do the WOburn Y one bc I am a member and it is less expensive. I think you'll see great improvements this year. I am so excited for you.
I decided against Boston this year. I am focusing on HIMs, so I'll be focusing on half marathons and doing lots of biking and off the bike running.

Kim said...

"why swim?" yup, i question that every time i see a swim workout on my schedule. which is why i skip it, and then wonder why my swim sucks so bad. bad athlete, bad athlete.

anyway, i too am going to be a TRX master at the end of this off-season. we should have a TRX off.

you are going to kick butt at boston!

Velma said...

Great work at masters. I am still a new swimmer, but I have seen a ton of improvement by attending masters.

Dumb question. Does TRX come with a book or DVD. There are no TRX classes in my area, but I am intrigued.

Caratunk Girl said...

I like the idea of changes.

I am so jealous of your pool so close! Truth is I hate swimming in a pool. I am going to try to get there once a week (or else Ange might kick my butt ha ha) because I am super slow right now and want to improve speed.

I think running Boston is an awesome idea, what a great way to be sure you have a strong base for IMLP! Just stay healthy!

Aimee said...

Yay for changes! I need to make the same swim changes that you did! I'm tired of my weak swimming ability and need to step up to the plate and work harder at it!

Adrienne said...

Oh, so fun that you will be running Boston too!

dawn said...

I'm new to posting to your blog -- but I've been lurking for a long, long time. I think it is terrific that you are making changes and I have been thinking about doing the same. I just needed a little nudge -- thanks for that --but I'm debating about master's swim team. I am just off a three week break as well -- should I do masters and more speed work so early in the off-season? Or should I concentrate on Total Immersion and focus on technique. So torn!

Thanks for your blunt and honest posts. They have helped me more than you know. :)

Judi said...

masters swim will be good for you. you will love it. i hated it. but then again, im me. :0)

rungirl said...

"Oh. sweet. Jesus." That is so funny. I've been there, but not in swimming. Usually when I heard what the track workout was!! I could NEVER do 5000. EVER. EVER.

I am a firm believer in hill workouts. I think hill repeats will do more for you than track workouts without the risk of injury. Especially as you get older. (BTW ... my big 40 is next spring.)

Get after it Mary! I'll be waiting to see how it all comes out next season.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I just started masters swimming too! Although for me it's even more intimidating/embarassing since I never learned all the strokes properly... oh the indignities we suffer to get faster!

Kurt P. said...

good with everything.

SwimmingforME said...

@Dawn - a good master program will give you BOTH speed and technique. No need to choose one over the other. Right Mary?

Linda said...

Dare I ask how much time 5000 yards took you all? I'm so intrigued by Masters swim bc I don't totally understand what goes on there.

Welcome back! :)

Michelle said...

I love swimming with my Masters group - while I can push myself hard on my own, I can't push myself THAT hard on my own!!! And I like the competition and camaraderie. I've looking in the Cambridge program as well, but it's enough of a PIA for me that it's not worth giving up my Woburn Y program for (Running & Living - do you regularly go?????? What days???????).

Boston '11? You must have been Ms. Fast Fingers - I have some friends who qualified but didn't get in, even after trying for hours. What a CRAZY registration this year!!!!

Amanda said...

hmmm. so many similar issues. your insights are much appreciated. can't wait to see how your swim gets kicked up a notch!

Barb said...

I love the sound of all your changes.
I think it is very hard to SWIM hard on your own. I need someone kicking my butt. I wish I had a masters group closer than 45 minutes. But I coach the local hs kids and they can usually give me a good butt kicking when I get in and swim with them.

What is TRX? I am going to have to take a look at that. I am all about the strength training. I think too many women and triathletes in general don't focus enough on it.

I will also be running Boston this year. Unfortunately, my husband got me registered but could not get in again to get himself registered. So I will be at athletes village alone :(

It will keep me running hard over the tough winter months.

maria conley said...

Mary, I swim with the masters @the Dedham High School. We have an awesome swim coach. This coach has nasty workouts and you do it. In my lane is just me an another swimmer like me (you know special needs level). But the other lanes have elite triathles. It's only 10 or 15 minutes away from us!!
I am so excited too that you will be running Boston!!!

mjcaron said...

It's a shame about WW pool. She must not be a swimmer.