Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Cannot Be Trusted with Granola and Other Randomness

The other day I purchased a box of raisin granola. My plan was to add a little sprinkle of it to the top of my daily helpings of very bland Go Lean cereal or Fage yogurt.

I ate the entire box in two days.

I do not even want to think about how much sugar, how many calories, how much fat was in that box. I am pretty sure that each bite of granola is about 1000 calories. I remember looking once at the calories per serving size and thinking, that's not so bad! until I realized that the serving size was like 1/16 of a cup.

I have no point in bringing this up. I only wish to lament my poor lack of control, and the consequence of it, which is that I simply cannot bring granola into the house. It's really sort of sad, especially since there are other foods I can't bring into the house for the same reason--like brownie mix or chocolate chips.

In other news, I went into lululemon at Legacy Place in Dedham yesterday, and this is what I saw!

A big big big poster of me! I'm famous! Okay, maybe not famous. But there I was, in all my lululemon glamor.
On the side of the poster it says
Triathlon Coach
TriMoxie Mulstisport Coaching
and Lululemon Ambassador

or something like that.

I am very proud.

Let's see. What else is going on here...
Because I am not really working out I have gained some weight, and I am actually FILLING OUT my size A bras! This is very exciting, and also temporary as I will begin training again soon, so I am trying to relish it as much as I can.

I have a swim suit fetish and it is becoming a problem. I simply can't stop buying swim suits. Last week I got two Splish suits on sale. This one:
 and this one:

They are both adorable, and I am excited, but I am also feeling quite out of control. These two suits brought my count up to 18 suits...most of which are in decent shape. This means that if I swim 3 times a week for the next month, I will not have to repeat wearing any one suit.

That is not right.

My husband, I know, is ready to send me to rehab. It isn't even really funny any more. Some women buy purses. Some buy shoes. I buy swimsuits.

AND WORSE STILL. My obsession is being carried to my daughter. Jordan now has 8 suits herself. I recently let her design one from Splish:

It just came and it is so cute...

There is nothing else to say today, except I am thoroughly and completely disgusted with the WTC, and I hope they know they just gave a huge boost to Rev 3 and to all the local 140.6 races. Stupid, greedy fucks.

Here are pictures of my super puppies to negate that ugliness:
Jordan and Ernie
Hazel sitting on top of Ernie


Unknown said...

you are famous! super cool poster!

Running and living said...

Love the Lulu pics, and the dog pics, of course! About the granola...have you tried buying the Kashi granola? It's super healthy, not as tasty as the real stuff (of course!) but a box can last an entire week! I've got 3 Splish suits on sale a few weeks ago, I have now 9 suits! I'll be catching up to you shortly:) Jordan's suit is adorable - and not a bad obsession to have!

Michelle Simmons said...

I got a bunch of single serving samples of Erin Baker's PB Granola a few weeks ago... and was SO SAD to see how little granola you can get for 190 calories. Seriously. It was shocking how small a single portion actually is.

And I'm with you on WTC. I'd say that everyone is, according to slowtwitch and FB, except that those limited special access slots sold out in a day. Yep. Now you can't even buy your way in to the special access club because it is sold out.

Aimee said...

That lulu pic is awesome! How fun for you!!

You should check out my homemade granola on my blog under Humpastry Day Recipes. I think it's pretty good and it's much healthier than store bought ones!

Ugh...WTC! Ridiculous!!!

Kim said...

look how hot you are!

i desperately need some new lulu stuff. gotta go to the store soon.

mmm granola. it shouldn't be bad for you. it just shouldn't.

Linda said...

Mary! I could've written this post! With the following edits:

Replace granola with Trader Joe's sweet & salty trail mix, replace lulu poster with Honey Dew commercial, replace swimsuit fetish with yoga clothing fetish.

Ditto on the bras and the WTC.

:) xoxo

Relentless Forward Commotion said...

I saw those shorts on some chick at the playground the other day and I wondered where they were from! Sweet! I have 2 splish suits and can see where the addiction comes from...waiting patiently till I can order more :)

Adrienne said...

You look adorable in your shorts! And fierce apparently since WTC must have read your blog and then cancelled that access program =)

Ange said...

Hazel is sitting on top of Ernie AND some other little critter. :)
Love your Lulu pics and clothes! How fun to have a POSTER of you!!
Granola is evil. And I love it. And I am quitting. 200 cal per bite.

Anonymous said...

that is SUCH a fun promo picture. i just went to check and see if they still are selling that shorts pattern, but didn't see any... not that I need any more running shorts!

I have gone through granola inhalation phases before. Cascadian Farms fruit & nut and Trader Joe's Granny Apple are my favorites with a reasonable number of calories (210-220?) for the serving size you get (2/3 cup) :)

maria conley said...

Omg, yeah you are famous. I'm going to have to go Lulu and check out your poster and of course buy something special for me. Those little doggies are so adorable!! If you get tired of your old swim suits, I like hand-me-downs. I'm just saying!!

Jennifer Harrison said...

I LOVE LOVE your lulu pic - poster....send me one. KIDDING. I will put it above my bed. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS I have an obsession with suits..I have literally 20 hanging off my masters swim mates make fun of me!

dawn said...

YOU ARE FAMOUS!!! Wow. can't wait to go to lulu. Didn't know there was one in Portland. My husband's cousin works in the Dedham store.

granola is the root of all evil :)

Pining for Pinterest said...

What a great picture!

Love and Puppies, Christy said...

Hahaha. I don't like granola so this is soo not an issue for me, but my husband buys giant bags of trail mix on road trips, thinking, "oh, I'll just eat a little and save the rest for later"...and in 20 minutes, 3000 calories have been consumed. It's pretty amazing actually.

As for the WTC...I feel your pain. And then in addition to that pain, I am pissed because I registered for IMTX...and then got knocked up and the most they are offering to do is to refund me $150 (the normal refund). I know I shouldn't be pissed because I knew the refund policy and I purposely had unprotected s.e.x, but STILL...way to support the women in your community guys. Nice job.

tri like mary said...

Love the lululemon poster and they couldn't have a more awesome ambassador!

Regina said...

I completely sympathize with your granola addiction. I can't keep it in the house, especially the pumpkin granola I just found at Trader Joe's.....le sigh.

Great poster shot of you!! You ARE famous!