Monday, October 25, 2010

I may have Bad Blood, but at least I'm the Lead Dog

Apparently the composition of my blood is less than stellar.

It could be worse.  It could be very very sick blood, and since I have a friend right now with very very sick blood, I feel blessed that it doesn't appear, at this point, to be that sick.  But it's not good, either. In short, it needs to get better or I can kiss any hard training in the near future good-bye.

During my rest time each year I always make sure to get my yearly physical.  At this year's physical I felt things went relatively well. My pap and mammogram were clear. My blood pressure was low/normal. My colon appears to be in good shape. My weight is fine. I measured at very nearly 5'3" (did I grow taller during pregnancy? I mush have!) All good.

All good until the lab results on my blood came back.

My white blood cell count--very low.
My red blood cell count--very low.
My cholesterol--borderline/high
 (low HDL and high triglycerides. LDL was okay though... so there's that....)
My blood sugar--borderline/high

My doctor had me in to talk about the results. Actually, she really had me into so she could calm me down. I was kind of FREAKED OUT when I got the results.
My doctor is pretty chill, and she is funny, and she has known me since I was 22. She knew exactly what I would say when I came in:

But I'm like in uber shape! I eat well! I take vitamins and iron! I whined. My blood should be perfecto!

Mary, she said in her Indian accent, you are in great shape, and you are fine. You are FINE! We will re-test in a few weeks. We need to see those White Blood cells go up in their count, but I believe it will be fine. If the number does not go up when we re-test, then we will talk about what's next. 

Then she cracked a few jokes and asked me when I was going to get that really ugly  (but not irregular) mole removed from my inner thigh. 

I peppered her with more questions about my blood. I mentioned I'd had a bad virus the week before the blood was taken. Could that be the problem?

Well, of course! she said. That is likely the problem. You have been run down from all that triathlon stuff you do, and then you got sick, and of course your blood is all off! You rest and it will be all better in a few weeks. You cannot worry about it right now.

Then she changed the subject back to the mole. Let's just get rid of that thing. It is just so ugly, Mary. And then, Did I tell you Mindy bought a house? She wanted to move near to the ocean, and I said, No, Mindy! The ocean is tooo tooo sad. It calls to you!  (Mindy is her daughter--the writer for The Office--remember? I love Mindy stories and Dr. C. knows it.)

But what about the cholesterol! What about the blood sugar! I continued on, undeterred.

Argh, Mary. They are not too high. They are within normal ranges. Are they the center of each range? No, Mary. But they are not high. When your cholesterol is over 200 and your blood sugar is over 100, then we can talk about that. You are fine. We will test in a few weeks again and the sugar will be better. Your cholesterol has always been high. You know that. It is genetic. 
And so then Mindy said she wanted to live in the mountains, and I said, Mindy! Do you remember that big mud slide they had in California that took out all those beautiful homes? You cannot move to the mountains! So now she is buying a house on the flat land....

So I'm trying not to worry. I get re-tested in a week, and we'll see what happens. Until then, I'm not really working out. "Not really" is an operative term, of course. I am working out. Just not hard. Or for very long.

(Note: She took the "very ugly" mole off last Friday. Mole removal is just no fun... I tell you. Just one more hallmark of getting OLD, and that needle they use to anesthetize the area hurts like a MOTHER going in--especially in the inner thigh! But it's all gone now, replaced by three neat stitches.)

So what have I been doing instead of working out long or hard?

I've been working at being the Leader of the Pack to my puppies.
I am the Top Dog. The Alpha. I am Calm Assertive. I Rule the School.

Or at least, that is what I'm shooting for. You may recognize those terms as Cesar's Way, the Cesar of dog show fame. I have never seen his show, but I have recently read his book. Cesar believes in treating dogs as dogs--and understanding that they are dogs and not humans clothed in dog fur. This means recognizing that they think in terms of pack mentality, and if you are not the pack leader they will basically rule your life and also become totally neurotic, because they will see themselves as the leader instead of you.

It's fun to work with my puppies, and we are making progress. They don't jump on me. I can give them a look and they sit. They come when I call. They obediently go into their crate when I ask them to. The one problem I have is that they insist on trying to walk in front of me when we go on walks... That has to be fixed.

But enough on dogs. I've been thinking how I need to be Lead Dog--like in my life.

I'm not just talking about being Lead Dog with my kids, or with Andy (snicker). I mean, I need to be Lead Dog--with me--like in me.

That is harder than just being Lead Dog to your puppies, or to your kids, or at your job or in your marriage. I don't think I will be a fully realized person until I figure out how to do be Lead Dog with me--and in me. It is, I think, my life-long task.
(This is Ernie's rendition of being Lead Dog. We affectionately labeled this photo, Hazel is my Bitch! Unfortunately for Ernie, he is actually third in line in pack-ville after me and Hazel, and he knows it.)


Running and living said...

Did you read "The last well person" by Hadler? or Atul Gawande's "Complications"? You should, they are both very good. I don't remember which, but one of them makes the point about how it is OK to have one or 2 "risk factors" (e.g., like high blood sugar and high cholesterol for you), that people are overmedicalized for things that are not necessarily dangerous in everyone (if you were an overweight sedentary smoker, the high blood sugar and cholesterol would be red flags). Seems to me that you have a GREAT doctor. Hold on to her, she sounds like she knows what she is doing:)

MaineSport said...

Fingers crossed...Btw, DO NOT google anything to get an idea of what's going on. Nothing good comes from that. Just let the docs do their thing.

dawn said...

I love Cesar! In fact, it is a great discipline strategy for teaching high school freshmen. To keep my sanity with challenging classes, I think of the boys as young labrador retrievers and they all have a lot of energy. They don't mean to be obnoxious and immature -- but they have to be redirected in an assertive and no nonsense manner.

Have you read the "What Shamu Taught Me About Life, Love, and Marriage: Lessons for People from Animals and Their Trainers"? Use it everyday with my husband and five year old!

And YES! You do run right through my neighborhood! I have run the Cumberland hill too many times to count. Would be much better with a running buddy!

Stay chill about the results. Triathletes do tend to be very literal about numbers. :)

GetBackJoJo said...

@Steve.... Too late for that... I already know all of the WONDERFUL things associated with a very low white blood cell count. Fingers crossed is freaking right.

Caratunk Girl said...

I 100% bet it was from being sick earlier. That happened to me (messed up blood counts and liver levels) I had my blood tested a week or so after fighting the flu and I was so scared, but then after my second test things were back to normal counts...I was like, ARE YOU SURE? Shouldn't we do a third test? I am all about best out of three. ANYWAY, my fingers are crossed hoping you have the same experience as I did.

Keep us posted.

Cesar rocks.

donna furse said...

Big breath my friend, the virus you had a week ago definitely could of contributed to your low WBC, it would be interesting to see your counts so I could decipher myself but wait to you get the next round. Take it easy, eat well and recover. You will be fine.

Jean, aka Mom said...

Really, I'm sure the answer is lab
error. That's what I always say,
when the numbers don't make sense.
Don't you mean that the HDL is OK,
but the other is not? I know what I
went through this summer with (supposedly) too high calcium and too low vitamin D levels. It all came to naught in the end, after
many (expensive) tests.
Dr. C. IS a treasure.
And, listen to Steve.

mjcaron said...

Glad to see you are lead dog. I'm lead dog in our house. Fergie does not really listen to Kathy. It's pretty funny. I'm sure your book will be fine.

Judi said...

cesar rocks. you need to watch the show. good luck w/ the bloodwork. sounds like it was probably your cold silly girl.

Kim said...

errr, not really sure what to say about this, other than "dont worry!"

i had a mole removed from my buttcheek last year - WORST PAIN EVER! i didnt get stitches after i told her i was a triathlete, and now i have a big ole scar. thanks lady for ruining my playboy career.

anyway. your pups are cute.

The Lazy Triathlete said...

Just be patient with everything. If your doctor is not worried, don't worry yourself. Nothing good comes of it. I watched my father have "high blood pressure" because he always stressed out prior to going to the doctor.

Ange said...

I'm sure your counts are off from that sickness...or like Mom said a Lab error!!! Gosh Cam had blood work done as an infant and it was wrong but boy did it throw us into a tailspin for a few months trying to figure things out!! Retest soon and you'll be good as gold.
Your puppies are so sweet...want to see them again!!

Bob Almighty said...

ouch. Hope the second blood test runs better, granted being run down/recovering from an illness may have had a factor. Likewise good luck with the retest...also your dogs are very cute.