Friday, October 1, 2010

If you can't work out... at least you can read about working out....

The Off-Season.

Boy do I feel NASTY!
It's been three days since my last race.   It occurred to me on Tuesday night that I had to shower.
It has been about 10 months since I needed to shower just because I needed a shower... and not because I had just completed a workout.

A few days ago I wrote of my all-important by wholly unattractive list of chores.

I admit. Instead of attacking my list of chores I have been chatting long hours with Ange about TriMoxie, and I have been reading. I also cleaned out my closest and donated a bunch to the American Red Cross. Some of the nicer, more designer-type clothing I decided to try and consign at my favorite second-hand store. They took NONE of my stuff, however, which just goes to show that I am indeed the fashion loser I have always suspected I am.
 I am clearly better off reading than trying to be a fashion maven.

I have been reading, and thinking how now would be a good time to write a few reviews. I realized, though, that I am intimidated by the idea that these reviews need to be OF HIGH QUALITY.  Intimidated probably isn't the right word. I simply don't want to have craft each review so that it is the perfect combination of witty and wise. I know it just appears that I am witty and wise without trying. Tricked ya! I actually have to work at it. No comment if you find me neither witty nor wise.

In order to get over that it needs to be witty and wise hurdle, I have decided to allow my reviews to be short and snappy--to the point and perhaps lacking humor. If a book is just SUPER and warrants my full attention, perhaps I will slow down and write something of true quality. But for now--expect a succinct thumbs up or thumbs down -- and a short WHY this is so.

Today I reviewed The Piano Teacher by Janice Lee. It's fiction and does not relate to triathlon in any way at all, but I figure if (like me) you are in the off-season, or if (like me) you are just a book junkie (I'm speaking to you, Mom) then perhaps you need a good piece of fiction right now. I also re-posted the following reviews which you may have missed if you are new to my blog.

They are
Racing Weight by Matt Fitzgerald
The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle
Age is Just a Number by Dara Torres and Elizabeth Weil
The Time-Crunched Cyclist by Chris Carmichael and Jim Rutberg

So ho hum. That's my life.
I just read and think and read and think some more.
AND OKAY! FINE! I ADMIT IT! I ran for 16 minutes yesterday. It was a lapse. I couldn't help myself.
I am never going to make it two weeks.


Jennifer Harrison said...

I love that you admit you ran 16 min - really? that cracks me up. All those books you listed, I have read, my favorite was THE TALENT CODE, by far.
Oh, I did not read the Piano book.

Keep on keep on resting!

Jean, aka Mom said...

Well, Mary,
The Book Junkie's Mother, here. Have you read that book? I am unable to figure out how to comment on your book reviews, except here. That's even though I saw Pam's and Ange's comments. So you recommend The Piano Teacher? I looked at that and thought it seemed a bit depressing and sordid.
Not that I have anything against'descriptive' er...r stuff. (I've read most of Norah Roberts' series of J.D. Robb's futuristic mysteries with Lt.Eve Dallas as protagonist.)
What I'm reading at the moment is Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Pultitzer Prize for A Midwife's Tale. Would you consider reviewing it? I do enjoy your blog!

GetBackJoJo said...

Mom, The Piano Teacher is depressing, but not really sordid... no. And it's depressing in that the horror of WWII is always depressing--but that said, in this novel it is also fascinating because it takes place in Hong Kong at that time. The book is tragedy for sure. But it's satisfying.

Chris said...

Great book reviews. Glad you posted all your book reviews here!

Kim said...

hahahaaaaa 16 minute run. you are funny mary! today is Day #1 of the "Kim is slothful 2 week drinking and eating fest". i already feel the weight piling on.