Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Really Don't Care if It's Pretty

The snow annoys me. I don't ski. I don't snowshoe. I don't like being cold or wet.

This begs the question--why do I live here? Oh, I don't know.....

Cause I am a wuss who can't stray far from home? Or maybe I do like the seasons... I have always felt that the torture of winter in New England makes the spring time so, so sweet. If it was nice year round, would I become apathetic about spring?

Yesterday we had a major storm. I think we have about 2 feet out there. And okay, I admit it. It's really beautiful  with the snow capped trees and stuff.

But let's talk about my run today, shall we? Within 30 seconds of leaving the house I had slipped and slid into an icy mush puddle. Then, when I got onto the main road, two cars beeped at me (and not to say hello) within the first 1 minute of being out there. And I know what they were thinking, Why the hell must she run today? Get out of the road, you psycho!

But you all know why I had to run, so I won't even explain myself.

To my credit, I did cancel the long run I had planned, and I did the hill workout for tomorrow instead. The hill I use to do hill repeats is about .25 miles long, and straight up--and devoid of cars. So it was a good choice. Unfortunately, like every other road, it was a slushy mess. Hence it was a really really slow run, and a wet one too. By the end I just ached for the crisp cold of winter WITHOUT any freaking snow.
In other news. My dog (Ernie) needs $1500 dollar eye surgery to fix his inner lids. (AKA cherry eye.) Argh. He also needs to get neutered, so they are removing his balls and fixing his eyeballs in the same day. I also found out Jordan (my oldest daughter, not a dog) needs braces. I discovered two things when I had the meeting with her orthodontist. One, it will cost $5000 to fix her teeth. Two, she has to wear her retainer for the rest of her life! Holy Cow! That has changed since I was a kid. But yes, I admit, if I still had my retainer maybe my whole bite wouldn't be completely screwed up now.

So I am soon facing poverty and with very cold, wet feet.

I just noticed that Ernie and Hazel are playing with a cake knife.
Ernie says, What's the big deal? I found it here on the floor!

Hazel says, It wasn't me. I didn't steal it. Blame the red-eyed little guy.

I leave you with a few pictures of our winter wonderland which makes running outside suck.

Here Hazel is inviting Ernie to play.
 And here they are doing the snow wrestle.

Stay warm.


Kim said...

trust me, i would do my run outside today if i didnt bust my ass walking to work today. not to mention the ice, but the slushiness - and the 2 foot puddles that soak your feet. NOT interested thank you very much.

wow, remind me not to have puppies or kids - i can barely afford my electricity :)

Running and living said...

I ran both yesterday and today. So slow. Yesterday was easier bc there were only a few cars on the road. Today I had to do some speedwork, which I ended up doing (8 out of the 16....I gave up...I never give up!) in a parking lot running around a .3 circle and having to slow down when running on ice. Yes, not sure why I live here:)

Love your dogs. Sorry about the expenses. I wish I had a retainer and braces, I have a crooked bite which my son inherited...I see braces and retainer in his future!

donna furse said...

you are so hysterical, aren't dogs soooo expensive. I think in total we have spent $15,000 grand on our Bernese Mountain Dog, he had Bloat, an infarcted spleen which ended up in a splenectomy, a left ACL repair, multiple UTI's, Xrays for hips and legs, blood work for unexplained weight loss, need I go on. Its absolutely crazy. Anyway, I pick my days to run outside in this crap, at 42 it just aint worth getting hurt. Keep up the good work.
my son needs braces too, at least we can wait a year before the process begins. Good lord.

JBM said...

my dog had the same thing and we found a cool laser thing (it was in sd though) and it was super cheap and was done in an hour did not put her under and no cone on the head. only a few vets carry it but its worth looking around.

Unknown said...

My mom still makes comments to me about how expensive it was for me to have braces. But, I've been 8 years out and I still wear my retainer! Only the top one though, the bottom one won't even stay on my teeth long enough for me to try to force it on.

John said...

At least she doesn't need headgear. I think that and the jaw widener were the worst part of orthodontics.

GetBackJoJo said...

actually, she does need a headgear and she already had the palette expander! The headgear is different now--it is placed in the mouth and GLUED there. ! ek!

GoBigGreen said...

Yaktrax help with our daily 2-3 inches we've been getting but when it's > 6 you're kinda screwed if you have to run fast:)

Unknown said...

ahhhh...snow! if my danged knee wasn't "resting" right now, I would have been out running in that mess!! (not a lot of cars on Rt 9 by Fortunes Rocks) I love running in the snow
Great job getting out~
hope all of Ernie's balls-THOSE, his eyes-are A-OK!!

Emilie said...

you need to embrace the snow! show shoe or cross country ski as cross training and then you'll crave more snow! (worked for me).

And I know it's not funny that Ernie needs surgery, but it did make me laugh that he's getting all of his balls fixed at once.

have a great weekend!

tri like mary said...

I could have written this post today! The cold I don't mind so much it's the treacherous roads and sidewalks that people don't shovel - grrr! I've been trying very hard not to break anything this winter.