Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Very Grumpy

I am at work. I should be working. But I just want to say this: I don't want to work. I

 don't want to work because I am grumpy. 

 These are the reasons I am grumpy: 

1. I have lame snacks today. Lame! Usually I bring a variety of sancks, most of which are pretty good for me, but which also make me happy, like trail mix with chocolate chips mixed in, or fruit yogurt with lots of sugar, or a Luna bar. But yesterday I decided that I need to start being better about my eating. First of all, I'm still carrying a little extra around my belly. I notice this mostly when I put on biking shorts. Biking shorts are so, so very unflattering because of the muffin top factor. I need to get rid of my small but lurking muffin top. So, today I packed an apple, carrots, raw cauliflower, cottage cheese and a Pria Bar, which I told myself I'm not allowed to eat until this afternoon's snack. I have eaten the apple, the carrots, the cauliflower and the cottage cheese. OH MY GOD. I am STARVING. I feel like I'm going to swoon for lack of energy and food. 

 2. I'm supposed to be taking a week "off" according to my training plan. Yesterday I did run slowly for 20 minutes and this morning I went to the pool and did 30 minutes of slow swimming and drills, but I am basically going sans working out this week. I hate not working out. I feel lost and out of control. I think I may have a problem. This makes me grumpy, too. 

3. It's gray and rainy. 

4. Have I mentioned I'm hungry? 

5. Having gotten a little taste of racing on Sunday I want MORE. I have to be calm calm calm. I have to follow the plan. But I want to go out and run hard, not rest. I want to feel in control by proving to myself that I can still run fast and long. I am doubting myself. I am grumpy for doubting myself. 

6. I hate correcting and I'm buried in sixth grade papers. 

7. It looks like Clinton might be it--and I'm scared she can't win it. 

8. I miss my kids. Tri-Boomer wrote this great post on the why of triathlon. I've been stewing about it. 

Next post I will focus on that and stop being a whiner. promise. Have a good day full of good snacks.


Kim said...

can i just tell you that i am a TOTAL crankshift today too? i also had to run 20 whole effin minutes yesterday. 20 effin minutes?! are you kidding me????????

i hate recovery weeks.
i hate eating healthy.
i hate always being hungry.
i hate work.
i hate not racing.

wow i am full of hatred today :) at least you are in good company!

jbmmommy said...

Must be in the air, a little grumpiness here, too. Mainly because I missed going to the gym this morning. That's partially because I ate crap yesterday that made me feel awful all night. (well, and being up with a cute but not sleepy five month old baby) I am however, eating a Dove dark chocolate heart as I do every day. The best 36.5 calories of the day. Hope you day improves.

Michelle said...

Not working out makes me cranky, too.

And what is up with this weather? I'm so sick of the cold, gray, rainy days. I need spring!

Liz B Davis said...

You look beautiful (particularly bright and beautiful today - red pants - Wow!). Dieting makes me hungry, so I try not to do it ;)

AtlantaMom said...


You're cranky because you're detoxing! Imagine how drug addicts act/feel when they are "jonesing" for a fix - well without your daily rush of endorphins you're in the same pickle.

Don't fret.

And EAT! :-)