Sunday, April 6, 2008

RJ Crowley's 3 Mile Run: Mary Gives it All up in the Last 1/4 Mile

This race report won't be long. This is because I ran LIKE EFFING SHIT yesterday and I would prefer not to dwell on it. However, it is time to own up to my lame ass performance, so here goes. 

I drove there. I warmed up. During warm up I felt slow and heavy. This was not good, but I figured it was because it was drizzly and cold and after I got warmed I'd get my legs. Wrong wrong wrong. I ate some GU. I went to the starting line. Like usual, my warm up was soon all for naught b/c the race director felt the need to start the race a good ten minutes past the hour it was supposed to start. I was chilled and grumpy. I looked around at the field. It seemed large, but mostly nonthreatening. I chatted with my friend Barbara-- who asked what I'd been doing for training and raised her eyebrows a bit when I admitted that I had only been running 3x a week. 

The race director gave an uninspired "go"--and we set off. Within about 300 yards I knew it wasn't going to be a good race. I just didn't feel zippy. But, I reasoned, better to stay strong and upbeat. It could be okay. The first mile I was the second woman. 6:46. I was too tired, though, and I knew I had to scale back. Second mile: 7:15. Strange. That is the EXACT splits of the first two miles of my last race. Interesting--and depressing. At the start of mile 3 I was passed by another woman. Okay. Third. I can deal with third. I just had to hang on. I did my best to pick up the pace and stay strong. 

 A quarter mile to go. A little (and I mean little) girl zips by me. I found out later she was 11. Okay--4th--but hey--at least I knew she wasn't in my age group. ' Last 1/8 of a mile--I get passed by not one, but two women. FUCK! I try to kick, but I have nothing. There's one more girl on my tail. I hold her off just barely for 6th--3rd in my age group. A shitty time (21:09) and a lame ending. I felt bad. Really bad. I also felt angry. 

Why did I run like shit? Enough of this running 3 x a week in zone 1! If you want to run fast, you have to run fast when you train. I felt pissed. I still feel pissed. I get home and check the results. The fucking bastards (who were writing down who came in where--no chip in this event) REVERSED me and the chick who I held off. So she got 6th, I got 7th, and she took my 3rd in AG. I was seething. I still am. It's bad enough to have a shit race, but to be denied the only good thing you did in it--to hold someone off--that just SUCKS. The only thing to do now it train like a mad woman and smoke everyone, everywhere from this day forward. Watch out ladies, I'm running you down. Sincerely, pissed in MA.


Ange said...

I'd be nervous if I were racing in your next race Mary. You are a fast little thang and you're gonna rock as soon as they let you out of zone 1!!! Hang in there girlfriend. Sorry you had such an annoying day! I'd be pissed too if they got the results wrong!

Swimming for ME said...

I'd be happy if I ran 21:09! I probably will never run that fast in my whole life.
Love your friend,
the Leo Swimmer

Rainmaker said...

Note to self: Do not become female and get in the way of Mary. Bodily harm may occur.

jbmmommy said...

I guess if I ever got to your level I could understand better, but a 21:09- wow that's fast. If I am ever disappointed with a 21:09, I will have become my own hero by being the fastest woman in the world. (or at least I think that's how it would feel to be that fast!)

Sorry about the place, though, that does stink.

Speed Racer said...

Oh boo frigging hoo. Top ten OVERALL and you're whining! I can't believe that time was SLOW! But if you say it was a shitty run, then I believe you (but not without a boo-boo on my ego). But still, a top 10 finish and you're pissed? And no one cares about who got 6th or 7th other than you and whoever that girl was, who I'm sure is sitting in her living room right now feeling shitty because she knows she didn't beat you and now she feels like she cheated. You are WAY too hard on yourself.

Plus, judging from what I've learned about you on this blog, that shitty race is going to make you angry, which will make you MUCH faster in the long run (no pun intended).

The weather really WAS shitty yesterday, though. Blame it on that.

Kim said...

dont beat yourself up over this mary!!! it was ONE race. early in the season. you KNOW how fast you can and will run. you still did kick ass in my mind.

Anonymous said...

I know how disappointing it is having a race like that, but I know you'll have much better ones this year! BTW, I will never be able to run a 21:09 5K!

You're a running animal, and anyone in the upcoming races should be very afraid!!

I like your attitude though...I think getting pissed has it's place in pushing us to do better. (although I think you did AWESOME!!)

The Lazy Triathlete said...

Mary Mary Mary. Take a deep breath. We don't always feel our best or race our best on race day. We are HUMAN!!!! You are out there running (swimming and biking too) and that more than most people do. Enjoy the experience because thats about all you can control.

BTW, I am gonna put off that sex change surgery. I don't want to race you. LOL

kodiacbear said...

I feel the heat way out here in western MA!!

Could you work with your coach to put your races into your plan? If I have a 5k or 1/2 Marathon coming up she puts in the plan with a running progression so I could do it. Another friend of mine is doing Lake Placid but also running Boston and her plan includes the build up for it (to actually race it and do well!!) [we have the same coach.]

Just a thought--don't blow your whole PLAN and A race in the heat of the moment.


and yeah--it's the weather!!

Anniversary Moments said...

i would be totally aggravated about the rankings too - races without chip timers stink! But you know you beat her, so hold on to that. you are sooo gonna smoke everyone. Even on your worst day you kick my butt on my best!

SM said...

I think everyone better watch out in the next race...Mary is coming after YOU!

AtlantaMom said...

Well damn, when did 21:09 become a bad time?? Remind me to NEVER EVER EVER EVER run any sort of race with you! I wouldn't stand a chance in hell.

Judi said...

I am not gonna race you, no way. LOL. You should contact the race director and let them know they got it wrong.

Thanks for all your comments and support thi week too. Means a lot.