Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Vacation... Free at Last!

Lara came with me on my transition run yesterday. She was pretty happy about it! Usually I have two in the stroller, but my older two were at wilderness camp for the morning. They looked at budding leaves and found salamanders and turtles. They loved it, and I got a few hours with just my baby (okay, I know she's not really a baby anymore), which is an unusual occurrence!

Today I swam before the kids got up. 3000 yards. It was a hard workout, but I'm really psyched about how much stronger I am in the water than last year at this point. I did 3 x 400, descending, hard--ending with a 5:44, which is good for me, and faster than my TT time of a few weeks back. Then I did 6 x 200 alternating IM and free. The IM's were hard, because my fly is only sub par and it really tuckers me out.

When I got home from the pool the kids had just gotten up. I fed everyone, endured the wrath of the hub. who had missed his train b/c I swam so long (oops), and then packed up the kid and went to the gym. I put them in the daycare there, which they (fortunately for me) really like, and then went out for a run with my cell phone. It was 82 degrees out! It was really nice to be outside in just shorts and a top. I was only supposed to go a 1/2 hour, but who runs for just a 1/2 hour? So I ran for 50 minutes and went inside to do a few sit-ups.

I love vacation!


Here are a few jobs I would like to try:

  • Animal trainer. I'm particularly interested in training dolphins or maybe working with polar bears.
  • Writing. I don't know what I want to write, though, or for whom. And I don't want any due dates.
  • Professor of the 19th English novel. Maybe teach a course on the novels of Edith Wharton. Get paid a huge salary, offered tenure, and not required to publish at all.
  • Professional triathlete.
  • Coach.
  • Sports nutritionist.
  • Researcher on personality theory, with special focus on Myers Briggs Typology.
Unfortunately, barring I win the lottery and can pursue whatever I want without causing my family total financial disaster, none of these job ideas are actually possible.

More likely I will do one of four things next year:

  • Elementary librarian in a school setting. This I'm actually applying for, but I am not certified as a "library media specialist", and so this may prevent me from getting the job. We'll see.
  • Part time English teacher. I'm not seriously considering this opportunity. I'd have to convince them I really want to teach 8th grade (which I don't) and that I am up for another year of teaching (which I'm not).
  • Stay home mom. Here I become a slave to laundry, dishes and housecleaning. I'm actually already a slave to this stuff anyway, though, so who cares?
  • Tutor. I really don't like tutoring, so I'm not seriously considering this either. It pays well, but the hours don't work. I need to be home when my kids get home from school, not tutoring other people's kids.

Stay at home mom appeals to me the most. Unfortunately, I'm not sure it's a true possibility. The hub. can barely contain his panic every time I bring it up.


I'm getting really psyched about my first tri, which is coming up in 2.5 weeks. It's just a little sprint, but I'm still really focused on it. It marks my one year anniversary of becoming a triathlete. I did well last year given I had only been riding a bike for 6 days prior to the race and I was terrified I wasn't going to be able to unclip when I needed to. But it went well, I placed 6th in my age group and I was hooked! Anyway, I'm so excited to do this race again. I want to see how much better I can do with a year of experience and training under my tri-suit.The only problem is that I have to wear my QT2 uniform, in which I look a little like a sausage.


Anniversary Moments said...

first, i doubt you look like a sausage in your uniform - you have no fat!

second - love the pic - cute, cute, cute

third - awesome job on the swim

fourth - i heart edith wharton, i took a semester of her in college

fifth - you are going to blow your time off the charts at sudbury!

oh, and, stillettos = me = female, birkenstocks = men -- we do not see eye to eye on most things lately at my office!

Swimming for ME said...

Obviously I still vote for journalist.. you rock!

Rainmaker said...

Very nice swim times - that 400 is rather impressive.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought about using your teaching skills in corporate America? Teachers can transition well to corporate trainers, and train-the-trainer programs because they understand how people learn. I have a friend who has her own train-the trainer business, teaching people with knowledge but no training skill how to create their classes.

Just a thought--

kodiacbear said...

I vote for Pro Triathlete, Coach or Nutritionist. If you are going to be a stay home Mom-could you work it in?

or stay at home business like anonymous said...pursuing your interests on the side?

and I can't believe you look like a sausage..no way..ut uh..no how..

Speed Racer said...

Vacation! I'm so jealous! I can think of 3 great reasons to be a teacher and they're called June, July and August.

I'm so jealous that you've got a REAL race coming up! I may have to stalk you, if only to get a load of you dressed as a sausage. I'm sure you're the spicy kind of sausage that gives you indigestion and doesn't go down without a fight. Will you teach me to go really fast if I show up?

Speed Racer said...

Poop! It's sold out!

jbmmommy said...

I must agree that you cannot possibly look like a sausage, at your size and shape.

I wish you the best of luck finding what will work for you. I still don't know what I really want to be when I grow up, however, with a family to support and house to pay for, I'm stuck where I am for the duration. It works for us, some days more so than others.

I'd go for stay-at-home-mom in a heartbeat if I could afford it.

Judi said...

If the hub is cool with you being a stay at home Mom than you go for it. Maybe you just need a couple years off teaching and you can go back to it.

If you have only been doing tri's for a year and you already did a half IM and have a IMLP in your future, you are a HARD ASS!

Thanks for sending in a donation to the dogs. It means a lot to me Mary.

Things are going good except D's ankle issue, hoping nothing is torn.

Take it easy Mary.

triguyjt said...

mary...one year tri-versary coming up...fantastic....

i dont know why you go with that sausage statement...nothing could be further from the truth...

being a sports training coach..that would be cool....

stay at home mom is the most noble of all things one can do..

AtlantaMom said...

...so my mentor in graduate school just happened to be the editor of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator...

Inteddesting, no?

Anonymous said...

Cha...sausage...not! You did make me laugh, though :)

You are gonna do so awesome in your first tri of the season!!!

BreeWee said...

Thanks for the well wishes & your family is WAT cute too! I am glad you got the little one back in the stroller- nothing like some hard resistance training!
You list of "jobs to try"... COUNT me in on most of them too! I taught 3rd grade for several years so I have a few other paths I want to walk.
Enjoy your week :)

Triteacher said...

I'm not buying the sausage story either! Yes, vacation does rock. Get rested -- well, the way we triathletes rest anyways. ;-)