Sunday, April 27, 2008

He's the Man

The hub. doesn't race much. I think it's because he was a college runner--and a really good one--and racing now reminds him of what he could done then--and isn't doing now. But he's still so good, and I don't think he understands this. He's been mostly cross-training this winter in anticipation of his first tri this summer, so he wasn't sure what he could do in this race. He finished in just over 37. That's sub-6 minute pace! I can't run a sub-6 mile for longer than 400 yards, and he can just sort of blithely go out there and run 6.2 straight. Geez. As he crossed the line we all chanted, "There he is! The Daddy! The Old Man still has it! Go Daddy!" It was fun. The kids were really into it. I was a little sad I wasn't racing, because as you all know, I love to race, but it was fun to spectate for once. After the race I caught up with a few of my running buddies, including Vision Board, who ran well and was 5th master's woman, and 2nd in her age group. Yeah Mel! This weekend I (drum roll, please) did a lot of training. On Saturday I went for a 55 mile bike road solo--just me and the roads. I left at 6 a.m. It was cold. Much colder than I anticipated it would be-- and I froze. Every 10 minutes for the first 4 miles I had to stop so I could warm up my hands--and I DID have gloves. Finally I hit some good hills, though, and warmed up enough to forget how freezing I was. 55 miles is a long way to go alone. Usually I like to be alone (doesn't happen much these days with work and kids) but after a couple of hours I began to get sick of myself and my thoughts. Still, it turned out to be a great ride. I finished strong, averaged a little over 16 mph (which is good for me when I'm alone) and discovered a few new routes/loops because I got lost quite a bit. I did run across a rather frightening gaggle of turkeys. Yes, real turkeys, not the turkeys who try to run you off the road... (although I encountered a few of those as well...)   They're ugly, huh? Scary too. There was probably twenty-five of them, and they put out their big fans and made their ugly gurggley, "I'm pissed" noises. I seem to be encountering lots of interesting fowl lately on my work-out excursions. Anyway. Sunday. After the race this morning I went out for my own 12 mile run. I was beat from yesterday's ride and transition run, though, and so I didn't haul ass like I had planned I would in my master PLAN. It didn't help that I was feeling digestively challenged, and had to make a few pit stops along the way. It was a super hilly route, and so I spent more time out of my correct "zones" than I should've, but whatever. I tried to push the pace the last three miles, but I was pooped, and only averaged about 7:50 pace (I was shooting for 7:30's). Tomorrow: Back to work. Boo! Thank God it's a recovery week.


Rainmaker said...

Wow, that's smokin' fast indeed. And congrats on getting out there in the cold and pushin' through - nicely done.

As for the Turkey's... DINNER! Just grab a bungee cord and toss it on the back of the bike.


Jamie Anderson said...

Speed of a puma! Nice. Mmmmmmmmm, turkey.

Anniversary Moments said...

Boy, you're kids probably inherited some super fast & speedy genes between you & the hub!!

Those turkeys would have scared me -- they are like the damn canadien geese which totally freak me out.

Let's talk about carpooling to mooseman, i'm heading up friday too - we'll figure something out!

Speed Racer said...

I was going to say just what Ig said, those Iron Cubs are going to be quite the speed demons. You should start having them run repeats around the playground now rather than saving up for college tuitions. I smell free rides.

I was thinking about you this weekend as I did a lot of riding too. We should definitely get together for some training rides sometime. We go about the same speeds, and you have a lot of nice country out where you are I imagine.

Do you ever wonder what it would feel like to kick a turkey? I do.

Ange said...

Go ANDY!!! He does rock huh. I'm impressed. Give him congrats for me.
Great training too Mary! Nice job.
I'll talk to you when I get home tomrrow.

Kim said...

holy crap!!!!! andy is a speed demon just like you! unbelievable talent you have going on in your family!!!

those turkeys are super scary and i probably would have fallen off my bike!!

AtlantaMom said...

No wonder the man is so supportive! He's just as ridiculously fast as you are! You guys kill me.

triguyjt said...

Mary...Can I just say...I hate Andy!!!!!!! kidding of course.

Wow.. you guys are a super swift couple... is he doing a sprint or an oly.....cripe,...he should just skip all that and go IM on us.

jbmmommy said...

That's a fast family there. I can dream of running "only 7:50" pace. Nice job on your ride, we've got turkeys, too. They wander across the road with no apparent rush, it's annoying.

Anonymous said...

I had the same thought as lg...your kids have probably inherited some super fast running genes from both parents!

Wow...big turkeys!

The kiddos are adorable :)

Judi said...

Wow, the hub is fast. No wonder you are too!

Rachel said...

Very fast! Pics remind me of Thanksgiving. It's awesome you brought the kids out to support daddy!

Judi said...

Mary - need a favor. Can you email m a half IM training schedule?

BreeWee said...

Holly cow! (I had a lot of catching up to do on your blog) I am just seeing this post! Your hubby is amazing! What a speedster... I wish my hubby wanted to train/race with me! I bet your children will be speedy between the 2 of your genes!