Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Since Saturday I've been thinking about something. I've never puked on a run before, but yet, the feeling was soo, soo familiar to me on Saturday--. I've been wracking my brain, trying to think why the puking while running thing seemed not too foreign, something I had done before--more than once. And then it came to me.

Keg runs.

I played rugby in college. Yes, yes. I know you all have images of women rugby players in your mind. But in division three (I went to Bates College way up in Maine--a really small school) the girls who play rugby are just girls who like to drink (a lot) , like to get gross and muddy, like to sing vulgar songs at the top of their lungs, and who didn't make the soccer team, were bitter as a result, and decided to apply their talent elsewhere...

I never did play soccer, but I did fit the other criteria. Plus, I really like to tackle. I'm better at tackling than I am at triathlon. Remember, I am really an aggressive bitch hiding behind a nice person facade.

Anyway. I digress. KEG RUNS! and also PUB CRAWLS! My boyfriend (at the time) and I kicked ass on team pub crawls. I could chug fast and run fast. But I NEVER kept the beer down when running. I just puked and kept going.

Just like Saturday.

You never know when a skill you have acquired in a previous life will come in handy.


BreeWee said...

This is so funny! Ha ha ha... I can picture you totally running and barfing and playing rugby and keeping up with the boys in your drink fest!

I just read your race report too... way to tuff out the hills and the mental monsters! Super fight till the end there momma!

Swimming for ME said...

It is wierd to read this... it sounds like you are talking about someone else... the college Mary who was only here for a while.

Ange said...

I'm laughing so hard. Ahhh, college. We did interesting things back then didn't we. :)
I had no idea your puking was nostalgic on SAturday. A

Trigirlpink said...

It's so funny how you come to find other blogs! As far your race report, Good for you in that you just kept moving forward which each mishap and didn't give up. You did great! EVERY race is a learning experience. After being in the sport for over 10 years, look what I did.... COULDN'T FIND MY SPOT TO RACK MY BIKE. What a dope...you can be sure I won't take that for granted again, thinking I just "know where to go"

Oh, Karen S is suffering from PF like I am right now. She's had a tough spring with injuries and is just now trying to re-gain some fitness. Not to take anything away from Catlin. She is some powerhouse and is having a great season.
Happy training!

triguyjt said...


i remember many keg runs in college and I was quite the drinker...

now, i don't drink and never toss my cookies...even when I flew with the Blue Angels...

Hey, wasn't it just an extra gu or something that got you??

Anonymous said...

Oh, this brought me back to Gulf Shores, Alabama in college on Spring break! But, I was LAUGHING my butt off when you said you were a bitch hiding behind a nice person facade!!!? LOVE THAT. :) Thanks for the laugh. Jen H.

Kim said...

umm, can we do this in VT next weekend for your birthday?! xoxo!

Anniversary Moments said...

Too funny!!! But missy, i find it hard to believe you are a bitch behind the nice person facade -- feisty, spunky & a spitfire definitely, but bitch?? I mean, you're the one that didn't take that guys drink bottle on the course when you really needed it. I would definitely want you on my team for a pub crawl - that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

Mary...this is hilarious!!

I remember in college trying to chug down a six pack with my friend before going in to a bar. She chugged too fast, and up came the foam in the car.

I avoid puking at all cost, so in my book you are a tough chick. Seriously, I go decades without puking...it's a fear of mine.

Judi said...

Mary! Projectile vomiting is NOT a skill! :)

Rebecca DeWire said...

Hi-I am a new mom who reads ever tri blog I can while breastfeeding and can totally relate to your description of rugby. I played rugby at UConn and LOVED tackling. Most people who know me honestly don't believe that I played since I come across as so nice.

Ange said...

Hey Mary,
YOu're pink! What happened to the green?
love, A