Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bad Air Quality and Other Little Tidbits

   This is my playground, baby! Apparently the air quality here in Maine is super bad this week. This is a result of the pollution sent our way courtesy of the mid-west and the south. Thanks, guys! Kidding. Anyway. Generally speaking if the newspapers warn us of bad air quality I notice, tuck the info away in my bag of info I plan to ignore, and then put on my running shoes. This is not easy to do when you are living under the same roof as your mother, however. Take this morning's conversation. Mary: (comes in dripping with sweat after a refreshing 90 minute bike ride..) Hi Mom. Mom: Please tell me you're not going to run now. Mary: Ummm... Mom: Did you read the paper? Look at this-- (Mom quotes in a pinched voice, "'Ozone doesn't have a smell, and you can't see it, so it's the perfect thing to ignore,' said Edward Miller, Executive director of the American Lung Association. Miller acknowledged that many residents don't pay attention to air alerts and don't change their behavior, refusing to follow general tips such as refraining from strenuous outdoor activity." Mary: ummm.... Mom: And this, "Miller likened the effects of ozone to 'a sunburn on your lungs?'" Mary, we are talking sunburn of the lungs! They advise not to exercise at all and between today and yesterday you have been out there for hours! Mary: Ummm.... Mom: I really don't think you should go on that run. Mary: Ummm...Ummmm..... Ummmmmm.... So, are the kids at the beach with Lauren? (Lauren is my awesome 17-year-old cousin who babysits the kids when I am working out each morning.) Mom: Does your throat feel scratchy? Mary: (Thinks to herself, yes, in fact my throat feels like I just smoked a pack of Marlboro's... Hmmmm....)No, I'm fine, Mom! I feel great. I think that thunderstorm yesterday really pushed that bad air out of here. I'm not going for a long run. I'll be right back. Mom: Why? What is missing one small run? Mary, I'm starting to believe that you have a problem. Normal people do not work out in this weather. Mary: Really? How come I just saw about a dozen people out riding and running this morning, then? (Mary thinks to herself, hmmm. I guess I was the only one at the track yesterday, wasn't I....and, I guess I didn't see anyway out riding this morning, either. strange.) etc. etc. Of course I went on the run. Did you even doubt me for a moment? Come on. You would've too. I know you out there! Admit it! Admit it! You run in this shit too! Anyway. My child care arrangement with Lauren is working out superbly. Each morning I rise, ignore my children as Lauren gets them breakfast, and then leave the house to do my thing. :) I return, and they look at me and say, "No! Mommy, you just left! Go out again! You're not done yet, are you? Don't you have to swim in the ocean now?" It's really quite awesome. After a shower I collect the kids, haul them to the beach as they weep that they want Lauren, and that is that. They are all in love with her. She takes them on walks, does puzzles with them, plays games with them, feeds them their favorite, forbidden snacks, watches Curious George with them on TV and paints their nails and does their hair (well, the girls, anyway.) They are IN HEAVEN. I'm getting anxious and excited about my race on Sunday. This week has been a recovery week for me which I really needed. My heartrate has been stubbornly low for weeks now. The last two days it has just started to rise (hopefully this isn't due to the air quality!). Also, I slept well last night. This has been a problem the last few weeks. I have that jumpy leg I've been doing too much thing going on. This week I have just done a few recovery rides and only a little bit of zone 2 work. It's been nice, and I'm back! Super Mary!


Anniversary Moments said...

Super Mary is right!! I love this post -- your mom & my mom could get together and form a group! Have a FANTASTIC race -- can't wait to read the report and find out you placed!

Anonymous said...

Heck yeah...Idda been out there, too!

Sounds like a great arrangement for you and the kiddos with your workouts this summer! Boy, wish I could swim in that ocean with ya :)

Best, best, best of luck this weekend. You will do great!!

Anonymous said...

I love it when the kids LOVE their sitter and they are having SOOO FUN and whine when we come home! Classic. I would have been running too in Maine...My mom would have said the SAME THING to me though!! :) GOOD luck this weekend racing! Jen H. :)

Speed Racer said...

Mom: Claire, do you think you're doing too many of these races too close together?
Claire: (Rolls eyes in EXACTLY the same way she does when mom tells her it's dangerous to drive in the dark). No, mom, EVERYbody's doing this. It's just how it works.

I find it helps to remember that mom doesn't ACTUALLY know what's the truth and what's a lie in these cases. You could always do what I do and make her feel silly for even suggesting it. I heard that sunburns on your lungs are so effective in making you go faster that ozone is going to be on the Banned Substance list in 2009. Go get 'em out there this weekend!

Judi said...

"Mary, you have a problem." LOL! Like you're on dope or something! Maybe she'll arrange an intervention! ROTF!

Kim said...

hehe your mom makes me laugh! you are going to kick ass this weekend. i wish you all the luck in the world!

Ange said...

Oh what a riot!!
I can't wait to see you tomorrow...
Re: air quality. I noticed it this week too..had that asthma thing again. but did I stop?? Hellno!
see you bright and early. A

triguyjt said...

mary... can't blame a mom for worrying about her kids.....

triguyjt said...

mary... can't blame a mom for worrying about her kids.....