Friday, September 11, 2009


I find it interesting that one day I can feel so completely motivated that I can't imagine not being completely obsessed with triathlon, my goals, Kona, my own personal, athletic perfection. Then, overnight, that motivation is GONE. I can longer reach it. The push for Kona seems unrealistic and stupid. The need to spend my days squeezing in workouts seems hardly worth the occasional pleasure of succeeding in a race. Pushing so hard I want to puke seems completely asinine. The chant from the movie Meatballs begins to ring in my head, "It just doesn't matter! It just doesn't matter!"

I got up this morning to get in some time on the bike.

Just as I was to begin my son came downstairs with poop all over his little legs and ass. Oh boy. I went upstairs and poop was everywhere. Clearly he had attempted to clean himself up, but hadn't quite succeeded. Yep. This was going to delay the bike start. Blek.

It's been a week like that. I got up the other morning to find that my youngest had cut her own hair and then painted her eyebrows in fluorescent yellow sharpie so that that her hair and eyebrows would match. I screamed when I saw her--the flourescent sharpie was truly scary-- and she burst into tears. It took me forever to convince her it was okay, but that generally it's a bad idea to color your eyebrows with permanent marker and cut your own hair on a whim.

But I digress. I cleaned up the mess, gave Noah a bath, and by then it was too late to start. Jordan and Lara came downstairs and demanded breakfast--as in "Where's my breakfast!" in high pitched squeals. As I poured cereal and milk, Noah dressed himself in maroon, flannel-lined long pants and a green rugby shirt. He threw himself onto the floor in a fit when I told him he needed to change into something else--that he'd swelter at school in that outfit. As I poured myself coffee I began to calculate how I was going to get the workout in later on. How many hours do I have here? or here? Could I stick it in here? And then I noticed that Linus, my ancient pooch, had pissed and shit on the floor in the dining room. Then Lara came in the room, scissors and Barbie in hand. Barbie now has a crew cut. I found the remains of her flaxen locks all over the family room floor.

And then it hit. Who fucking cares. I felt tired. Did it all really matter? Who cares if I don't get that bike workout in?

I care. I do care. I do love this--the training--the racing--the goal setting. All of it.
It's amazing, though, how real life can just drain you sometimes to the point that you're numb to your own passions.

So this morning I didn't get on the bike. And now that my kids are in school for a few hours (preschool, alas, doesn't last more than 2.5 hours at a stretch) I am writing. And then I'm walking Linus. And then I'll get on the bike for the time that's left. And it will be good.

On another totally random note, I just want to share that when you let your kids do things all by themselves, they usually rock.
I have been letting Jordan cook. I hate cooking and she loves it. So she's the chef. I really let her do it all. She turns on the burners, puts things in the oven. She's gotten especially good at pancakes, but she's very good at cake making too. This is the cake she made for Andy's b-day yesterday. You need to know she did everything herself, and she even managed to let her sibs help her. I had no part of the whole thing.

I think I'm a bit of a braggart when it comes to my kids. Sorry. Can't help it. But really my point is that if you totally ignore your kids and let them just do shit--adult shit--like cook, they get really good at it because they had to figure it out on their own.

My friend Mike sent me some awesome pics of Jordan and me in that 5k. Here's one.Her form is really good. Especially compared to mine. Andy has agreed to take me to the track and teach me how to run. He's convinced I have no idea how to run fast. I think he may be right.

Good luck to all my Peeps racing this weekend! That means you, Kim!


Rebecca DeWire said...

What amazing photo of mother and daughter! And that cake is spectacular.

Judi said...

you are a good mom mary.

Jennifer Harrison said...

Great pic of you both and how fun! Um, you are leaning back a bit, eh? Perhaps b/c you were running Jordan's pace....See Jordan's knee drive? KIDS are amazing with their knee drive! !!!!

Motivation - yes, it comes and goes...and sometimes is even dictated by hormones and /or the weather....but you do JUST fine!

Kim said...

hahaa awwww your kids are amazingly creative and talented! jordans stride is no joke, and neither is that yummy cake! thanks for the good luck shout out :)

X-Country2 said...

I can't wait to have kids so we can race together. The hair cutting and shitting, not so much, but cake making and running sounds awesome!

trailmomma said...

Thanks for this! Hits home with me. I have only 1 child, 16 months who is apparently nocturnal so when I am fighting her back to bed at 3 and 4 am . . . workouts seem less important. But I love it too and it is a part of who we are and some day our girls will be (I hope) in awe of what we've done and are doing.
That cake IS amazing. Quite the talented chef you have. Great photo too. I can't wait for a race photo like that. :-)

robinbb said...

Wow, that cake is really great. And that is an awesome picture of you and your daughter. I can't wait until my girls can run with me.

Ange said...

Jordan's form is so good it Cracks Me up!! I tell ya! that is unreal! :) I think you are running her pace so you're just not doing your real thing...agree with Jen.
My motivation is teh SAME WAY!! Soem days we want to conquer the world and other days....not so much. love the're brave to let them do it all. I think i need to get better about that. Bet Andy loved it.
oh friend cut my pig tails off when I was 3.

Ange said...

Jordan's form is so good it Cracks Me up!! I tell ya! that is unreal! :) I think you are running her pace so you're just not doing your real thing...agree with Jen.
My motivation is teh SAME WAY!! Soem days we want to conquer the world and other days....not so much. love the're brave to let them do it all. I think i need to get better about that. Bet Andy loved it.
oh friend cut my pig tails off when I was 3.

mjcaron said...

I wish you had a picture of Laura and her new eyebrows. Good post. I can relate to the motivational challenge every once in a while. That's for sure. Jordan looks awesome. She is lucky that you are introducing her at a young age. Not all mommies can or will do that. Mine did!

MaineSport said...

There's something else going on...your blogging pace is way up. Prolific, even. Nice cake!

Ange said...

I was just upstairs hanging out with Nick and broke into laughter imagining Laura's eyebrows. That is really funny. don't you have a picture of that? Nick couldn't understand why I started laughign for no reason.

Speed Racer said...

You had me laughing out loud at the yellow sharpie bit. Then I had to stop reading because I couldn't stop laughing, and there's nothing more embarrassing than when you're laughing alone in a quiet room.

I feel you on the motivation thing. Something throws you off and then, POOF! Who gives a flying fuck? It'll come back, though. You'll get so sick of yourself that you'll find a way to make everything fit together again. There can't be poop on the floor EVERY day, right?

Speed Racer said...

(PS I know this is a bit audacious of me, seeing as I've been horrible about keeping up on blogs, but can you stop by mine? I really, really, really want to hear your input about it.)

Running and living said...

Well, I wonder how many people would find some motivation after having the early morning "excitement" that you had. Don't sweat it. Motivation is inside you. It will come. It will come.
BTW, I love your parenting style. Kids have the ability and desire to do much more than most people allow them to do. Not all have Jordan's talent, though..that cake is beautiful.
So, looks like I'll be seeing you at Baystate. I am going to try a 3:30...will see.

Rainmaker said...

Dang, her form is pretty good - far better than mine. Nice!

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