Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reset Button

My grouchiness has passed. I didn't know it at the time, but I was suffering from stick up my ass syndrome. The cure is to do a bunch of shots. It's an ailment that happens to the best of us--usually sneaking up from behind in such a way that we don't immediately recognize the culprit. Luckily for me, Ange (and Mark) had a 40th Birthday Drink and Dance Fiesta on Saturday night, and a few hours in and several shots later I was cured. Huge relief. Thanks Ange and Mark. I needed that.

Here are a few shots of the cure-all shot evening. 

Alina, Ange, Me--
perhaps at our peak hammered-ness.

Jeff, (Ange's little bro) and Mike. Mike and I, against all odds, got up after 3 hours of sleep (ahem, separately...) to run the next morning. 

Alina and Darrell. Not sure what the conversation was here.
Alina and Andy being goobers. 

The next morning, as I mentioned earlier, I met a group of Mainers to run a few miles.
It was not pretty.
We had closed the bar the night before.
Here is evidence.
Observe the lights, now on:
(Ange and Mike)
Anyway! We closed the bar, got home, and I got a few measly hours of drunken sleep before awaking for said run.
Usually I am unbelievably and annoyingly chatty on such runs. This morning I let the others talk. (Thanks Stacey, Erin and Nate!) I .WAS. HURTING.

My heart rate was low, but I was breathing audibly. My stomach churned. I felt like someone had put bricks into my legs.
But worst of all was the pain in my FEET.

I have pretty ugly and deformed feet as feet go, as I have discussed in earlier posts. However, said feet (and legs) still look pretty sweet in boots. Hence, I felt the need to wear boots and a little skirt at Ange and Mark's little fiesta.   This is unusual for me; generally I WANT to look sexy, but I just can't bring myself to wear anything other than Uggs and jeans.
But, in case you have forgotten, we are turning 40.
So all bets are off. There is no longer any fucking around. I need to wear the damn boots and little skirt while I still can.

Unfortunately, my feet suffered from this reasoning. They suffered a lot. By the end of the night I had to stop dancing so I could sit and  fantasize about taking the damn boots OFF.

Which brings me to my run. My little tootsies were NOT (really really not) pleased about that run.
Oh, and wait, did I mention I only packed my Nike Frees? You know, like bare-fucking feet running????
(What the hell is wrong me?)

The pads of my feet are still STILL on fire.

We ran around 10. I still needed to run for 39 minutes, though, to get my assigned two hours in. I was no longer sick to  my stomach at this point, just really tired and trying to ignore my SCREAMING feet.

But I did it. I finished the damn run.
I wanted to curl up on the side of the road and whimper, but I did not.

We are back home now. The kids are watching Wall-E and I'm typing while my poor little feet are raised, smoke lifting off of them like burnt pieces of pork.

The boots were still worth it.

Happy Birthday Ange and Mark!
We are following closely behind you.....


Bob Turner said...

Cannot BELIEVE you guys ran this morning! You are nuts. Great time had by all.....

Ange said...

oh but it was so fun!!!! So sorry about your feet. I didn't run 2 hrs...but I DID Dance 'til 1:00 in fairly sexy boots for me. It's so funny...I was on a mission to find boots and a little skirt for last night too but failed...anyway..My feet hurt today too.
You guys are the best! I have the bestest friends! Thank you for celebrating! LOVE THE PICS!

donna furse said...

you guys are hysterical, its so hard to recover but you kicked serious ass to even consider running the next day. I truly believe all triathletes are sick and twisted. Happy Birthday to your friend Ange.

Running and living said...

Sounds like an awesome time, minus the run, but I bet you are glad you did it! The pics are awesome! I am excited to meet you in person at Derry!

Michelle Simmons said...

LOVE IT! And love that you are wearing your sexy little skirt and boots. Perfect. Except for the pain on the run I suppose...

Sounds like you guys had a great time!

Relentless Forward Commotion said...

my head hurts just THINKING about running after that night, haha!

This particular run aside, do you like your Nike Frees? I'm thinking of hopping on the nike free bandwagon...

Velma said...

Hungover running is dedication. Nice work getting the time in and glad you are in a better mood.

mjcaron said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun..Yeah! You are crazy to run in that state. I probably would not have done it. But I'm a wimp I guess.

Unknown said...

So that's the cure for that syndrome...sounds like fun minus the run the next day. You crack me up!

Jennifer Harrison said...

LOVE IT! WAY TO bring in the 40th bdays! Jerome always says sex and /or alcohol cures everything - like your "stick up your ass" syndrome, glad you are feeling better.I could NOT believe you ran on 3 hours when I saw that. HA! Rest up tonight!

rungirl said...

Working out hungover ... yeah ... sucks. You looked great in your skirt and boots. We look good because of all our hard work! Might as well show it off!!

Bob Almighty said...

Haha...I'm still laughing at the 24 year old who "has it all together." I don't think there'sanyone my age who has it all together yet. Glad you had a good night out and where able to get your workout in the next morning.

Jessica said...

way to rock that run the next morning. I have tried that and it's HARD--I also don't think I have done it for 10 miles!! Nice job!

Regina said...

ah, how we suffer for fashion.

Feels good though to make it through a run when you feel you can't. Some strange masochistic sense of triumph.

John said...

Running for two hours as a hangover cure, huh? Anthony Bourdain says the best cure is "a Coke, a joint, and some really spicy food." Maybe a combination of the two is the ultimate cure. :)

Kim said...

YOU DRANK WITHOUT ME?! :) glad you had a fantastic time, although the run the day after must have suuuucked

yay for getting back those positive thoughts!

maria conley said...

Little skirt and boots, that's the perfect combo to party!!! I'm glad the cocktails took care of your grouchy state.