Thursday, June 10, 2010

A little photo shoot:

Does Mrs. Z look sexy OR WHAT?
I'm slightly worried she will make the boy bikes swoon if she's seen in public. I'll try to counsel her through it, as I know just how this feels--to be objectified because you are so damn hot. It's just really hard to deal.

Seriously--she does cleans up well. And also seriously, I will be giving no advice on how to fight off advances since right now I am positively homely with stress acne and raggedy nails and untamed hair that I am too busy to give a damn about. I'm going to have to get myself cleaned up to match Mrs. Z before I make my way to Idaho in just two. short. weeks. Oh mama!

This paragraph is really for the chick readers:
Don't you feel like you need to beautify before you race? Pedi/Mani, waxed and shaved, trimmed and colored and coordinating attire? Really! I don't know about you, but I treat races like the prom.  Then on race day I get up at the crack of dawn, pull my hair back without combing it and go sans make-up. Then I pummel myself into oblivion until I am a blistered, bloody, chafed, salty, sweaty, urine soaked wreck.
That pre-race beautifying-- it truly defies logic.

But I am off topic. Mrs. Z has had her new crank installed--her new crank with the ever so hotter than hot SRM. Now I just need to learn how to read the meter and interpret its (hopefully not) cryptic knowledge about what I need to do on the bike at CDA--all before Tuesday when she is sent off via TriBike to the wild west.

NO. PROBLEM. I have Andy working for me 24/7 installing and calibrating and hooking up and mounting (that doesn't sound good--although perhaps it speaks to my open-mindedness as a wife?) and so on.
I am frantically in touch with Jen to figure out how to determine the ballpark IM wattage goal for CDA before next Tuesday. ek!
I am trying to figure out good ways to thank my friendly SRM dealer for helping me on the power front. A case of beer? Eternal gratitude? 1000 more PITA emails from yours truly asking how to use power data to up my game?

And now I'm off to play with my new toy.


Annie Crow said...

Wow - perhaps it's because my races are way less serious affairs (and also I'm not prone to beautifying at any time) - but it has never occured to me to prettify before a race (beyong making sure my attire matches nicely). Why bother? As you say, I'm only going to get hot, sweaty, and disgusting during the event.

mjcaron said...

I gave myself a pedi with black nail polish before my race and it still looks good. Must look good!

Mrs. Z looks fab. I can't believe it's only 2 weeks away. So exciting! Wish I was going to watch.

Ange said...

I'm singing that "hey jealously...." song in my head.
She looks hot. :) All beauty cares DO go out the window on race day. (hence the gorgeous photo you were so kind to post on your blog for me girlfriend.)
can't wait to hear how that things works...
2 weeks?? OMG!

Michelle said...

Mrs. Z is absolutely, positively gorgeous!!!!!! And I'm green with envy on the SRM. I trained with power this winter on the trainer and fell in love with it, and now that I'm meterless riding outdoors, I miss it terribly. :(

I also do the beautifying routine pre-race. I am convinced that having well manicured toes mentally screws with the competition. "Yeah, I'm so laid back and confident that I had time to relax and get a pedi. I'm THAT good. Yes, you SHOULD be crapping in your wetsuit right now..." LOL!!!! I'm such a loser.

GOOD LUCK Mary!!!!! Can't wait to follow you at CDA. You are ready to kick ass.

Velma said...

She looks amazing! No pedi for me before races - I need the callouses. TWO WEEKS - HOLY COW. You are ready - no question.

Running and living said...

OK, I don't do any of the beauty stuff prerace unless I go crazy with free time during taper (that rarely happens). I do obsess about my outfit though, and figuring out what would be most flattering (as opposed to comfortable...vain, I know). Two more weeks, can't wait!

Adrienne said...

Mary, I spray tan before every marathon.... then again, I have run the last two Bostons in a skirt. Hey, it makes me feel faster!

Regina said...

Mrs. Z is hot! I had to wash that gray right out of my hair before my race, pedi for sure. Like you race day, no shower, hair pulled back, muddy mess by the end of it all.

I am stoked for you!

Kim said...

i shower the morning of every race. i dont know why, but at least i go into the race smelling clean :) oh, and just like adrienne - i use self tanner :)

so jealous about how clean and fancy Mrs. Z looks - and your SRM - maybe when i grow up, i will get one too.

John said...

You might finish all sweaty and urine-soaked, but just think of how much worse you'd look if you didn't pretty up beforehand. :)

Pining for Pinterest said...

I hope you had a great ride :)

LDub said...

Mrs. Z is READY TO GO!!! You are too.

Its funny - b/c we used to beautify in college for shave and taper swim meets. And I was starting to feel like I needed it for IM CDA.....but then questioned it. But - since you said it....I might just go get my eyebrows waxed after my deep tissue massage! ;)

Now go get on the bike and get those watts/power dialed in!


Trisaratops said...

OMG--I just laughed hard at that prom comment! So funny! I don't know if I go quite as far as you describe but it is funny that I try to clean up a bit and coordinate to sweat profusely and (if it's a long enough race) pee on myself.

That is one hawt bike! You are totally going to kick ass at CdA. Go get 'em!