Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's been a relief this week to do some training and not worry that I am setting myself back. Don't get me wrong; I haven't done very much, it's just that not very much is still considerably more than I had been doing.

We traveled to Maine for Thanksgiving. I got in two longish, slowish runs which felt fantastic. I had to really force myself not to hate myself for my very slow pace. I am heavier than I have been in years, and I am truly out of shape, so of course my running is slow right now. Still, you know how it is. You gaze down at your watch thinking that Wow! you are really trotting right along~! Only to gasp, OH MY GOD. Really? Eek!

At Thanksgiving my mom commented that I looked more full of face, butt and boobs than I have for a long time. I don't feel I look that different, but the way my clothing fits and comments like that make me realize that yes, it's not in my head, I am indeed bigger.  Like with the running pace, I'm trying very very very very very hard to be cool with that. You have no idea how desperately I want to be above caring about weight. But I am not above it. I am only above it when I am extremely small--which is, of course, not being above it all.

The fact that I have gained some poundage didn't change my T-day eating frenzy, of course.  My favorite thing about the day is eating stuffing. Stuffing ranks as one of my top ten favorite foods. I also love dessert. I'm not a big pie eater, but this year my Aunt Carol brought whoopee pies. I had more than one, but I will not reveal how many I did have....

On the way home yesterday Andy and I dragged the kids to look at properties north of Portland. This would have been an extremely pleasant experience (I love to fantasize about moving to Maine) save the fact that the dogs were with us. Before we left my parents' house the dogs found my dad's compost heap fresh with Thanksgiving scraps. Most notably it was filled with leftover eggplant casserole. My dogs consumed nearly all of that delectable treat. Then they preceded to fart eggplant casserole for the next five hours as we toured north of Portland, stopped in Ocean Park to look at a house there, and then headed for home. It was the most horrifyingly barfable smell ever. Had a match been lit inside the car the car would have blown to smithereens. I'm pretty sure that even after a swim in the heavily chlorinated pool and a long shower, I still smell like eggplant casserole dog fart.

I hope you all had restful and delicious Thanksgivings.


Running and living said...

Oh, going back to running after time off is always hard. But, as you know, in a couple of weeks you'll be back. And the weight will go back to where it used to be during training.

I wonder if anyone is "above weight"? Would that be something to strive for? And think this is not an all or nothing issue, but there is a lot of gray. I like the gray.

Your dogs are too funny! Love it!!!

donna furse said...

Happy thanksgiving Mary. The dog stories are hysterical. Keep up the good work, your body truly needed the break and the extra poundage will soon come off but it will benefit you in the long haul.

Unknown said...

Too true, I'm only above weight when I'm small. Gosh, I feel so shallow.
I got the boobs remark from my husband yesterday. Ugh.
It seems we're in the same boat but thankfully, I don't have stinky dog bottoms :) .

Jon said...

I can't stop laughing regarding the dog story!

kT said...

I really, really can't stop laughing about the dog story. Curious why someone feels the need to comment on your weight, but I suspect I'm just projecting my own issues with my (crazy) mother on this subject. Anyway, a few extra pounds (on an otherwise skinny chick) are helpful during flu season. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Pining for Pinterest said...

That had to be a very interesting smell going on!!!! That is hilarious! I hope you have a great week :)

Petraruns said...

Ugh - dog fart is BAD!

As for weight - it's a very interesting topic as I think a lot of us endurance athletes have lost weight and gained a little and lost it again and have quite complex relationships with self-image...

dawn said...

I feel your pain -- there has never been a whoopie pie that I've turned away! I make killer pumpkin ones.

I have to keep telling myself "it's the off-season." Race weight is not necessary until May/June.

Ooooh, Ocean Park :) love that idea! Eggplant dog farts --- bad idea!

Mike Platt said...

back to the single reason I train,
to RACE.
and the only reason I get thin is to race.

My racing weight is that and only that, my racing weight.

I have raced around the same weight since college 148-154 (that is a typical delta range for a male runner)
5'11'' @ 150 I am 5% body fat

within two weeks of the end of racing season I am 165-170

if all I do is jog, bike, and lift for a few months I will be 175-180 and 10-12% body fat. (I am a touch over 170 right now, but if I get the itch again I will get right back to sub 155)

I have been 200 pounds and would not be described as fat at that weight.

I don't care if I am skinny, or fat, for that matter. All I cared about was how fast I could get from point-A to point-B, and I would suck off the weight if it helped.
And conversely, I have had to put weight on to create better racing. (I have sucked it down to 139 when I was young and worthy of that effort) at low 140's I was worthless.