Wednesday, November 10, 2010

lasagna, flour, confectioner's sugar, chocolate milk

What do these four foods have in common?

They are all foods that Hazel ate yesterday, without my permission, of course.

Yep, I sure am the pack leader.

She has learned to paw open the cupboard. On the bottom shelf we have cooking supplies, and some bulk stuff for the kids' lunches. Her first steal of the day was the flour, which she quietly extracted from the cupboard and brought to her crate.
You can imagine that mess. Nothing like flour licked into a dog bed. The flour was caked onto her nose, too. It was nasty.

I cleaned that up.

Hours later, it was the sugar. Then a carton of chocolate milk.

At lunch, I warmed myself up a piece of lasagna, and placed it in front of the computer so I could eat while I maintained my active, but nevertheless slightly pathetic, online life. I forgot a glass of water, so I got up to get one. When I came back, the lasagna was gone. She didn't even spill the plate on the floor. She simply sat in my desk chair licking her lips. And my plate was licked clean. I was gone all of 30 seconds.

So, I got myself another plate.
Lest you think I am intelligent, I will now prove you wrong. Once again I got up after placing my lasagna down, this time to get a scrap of paper on which I had scribbled a list of new swim workouts I had created to be entered into Training Peaks.
And once again I came into the room to find Hazel licking her lips. ARGH!

I think Hazel and I need a little intervention from Cesar. I'll let you know if we get on the show.

In other news, I am attending my first yoga class tonight with one of my athletes, Linda. Linda is a big time yogi. I'm definitely worried about looking like an ass. But I'm desperate to work out, and yoga is permitted! So here we go.... Full report at 11.

I wrote a couple of reviews on my Reading It blog. One is on The Rules of Survival which is a young adult novel, so probably not of great interest to you all. The other review is of Raymond Britt's Qualifying for Kona 
Check it out!

I am steadily making it through a list of books I created for my November and December goal of reading a book every 48 hours. If you have a suggestion to add to it, let me know.  I am currently truly a nerd. I miss my athlete self.
I want to publicly thank those friends/sister who have reached out to me in the last week, worried that I have completely gone off my rocker. Thank you.You know me well.


Kim said...

oh hazel! i hope she didnt get sick from the chocolate milk?

suggestions on books:
Girl in Translation
The Help
Running with the Bulls


Keith said...

I'll tell you a secret. Come closer. Everybody looks like an ass doing yoga, except people who have been doing it for a really, really long time, or are naturally talented, flexible, and (frankly) a mutant. But it's all good stuff, enjoy it.

What is the link to your reading blog? Took a look around but didn't see it. Can't make suggestions if I don't know what you've read lately. Well, I can, but they might not be very helpful.

Annie Crow said...

I second "The Help." Running-wise, just finished Matt Long's "The Logn Run" and thought it was great. Plus, "Going Long," a collection of best long-essays from Runners World.

I have a troublesome cat (oh, and the 2-year-old imp), so I can offer no advice on dogs.

GetBackJoJo said...

Keith, you can click on the leg picture on the scroll bar to the right, or you can just click on the title, Qualifying for Kona, in my post, and it will take you there.

Keith said...

Thanks! and Doh! shows how closely I looked.

John said...

Sounds like she needs a crate more than an intervention from Cesar. :)

And I agree 100% with all the yoga suggestions. I've been doing it for over three years and love it.

Adrienne said...

I was laughing so hard when I was reading your post. My golden Cisco is a HORRIBLE beggar for food. He feels so entitled. I answered the doorbell one day and two sandwiches were gone. We also cannot leave beer poured into a glass out or he will go and lap it like it is for him. Yes, a dog who likes beer- go figure.

Book suggestion- have you read Born to Run? I don't buy into it all, but it was an easy read. I have it- it was a gift. So, if you want to read it, I will mail it to you

Jean, aka Mom said...

Just returned from Italy and am (vastly) enjoying all your recent
posts . . .from the Cross race report to this Lasagna and books
report. May I sugesst:
The Dead Lie Down, by Sophie Hannah
and Lil Bee
I don't know Lil Bee's author (nor how to spell that first part of the
title) because the book is still in
Italy with my luggage, or possibly
in Timbuktu.
About the goal of reading a book every 48 hours. Beware of turning into your mother!

Jean, aka Mom said...

Just returned from Italy and am (vastly) enjoying all your recent
posts . . .from the Cross race report to this Lasagna and books
report. May I sugesst:
The Dead Lie Down, by Sophie Hannah
and Lil Bee
I don't know Lil Bee's author (nor how to spell that first part of the
title) because the book is still in
Italy with my luggage, or possibly
in Timbuktu.
About the goal of reading a book every 48 hours. Beware of turning into your mother!

andrea said...

Book suggestion: 'These is my words' by Nancy E. Turner. The story of a woman in the Arizona territories in the 1880's.

Running and living said...

So Hazel likes her carbs, who can blame her?

I rarely read fiction, but here are some nonfiction books that I liked, in case you missed them: Outliers, Blink, The tipping point, How we know what isn't so, The Book Happiness, Mental Training for Triathletes.

Oh, and I did get a tri bike (Cannondale Slice 5, and am in the middle of my bike fit). The plan is still to come to IMLP this summer:)