Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I haven't yet shared the acrostic poem Jordan (age 6) wrote for me for Mother's Day.

Must go to the food store
Ofin (often) does the lundre (laundry)
Thotful of us
Helps me with the dishs
Espesholly nice
Really nice

I lose sleep thinking my kids believe I'm an absent mother because I spend so much time thinking about and training for triathlon.

As this poem reveals, however, my worry is slightly misplaced. Apparently I am, in fact, thoughtful and nice. If I am absent it is not a result of training, but because I am busy going to the grocery store, doing laundry and forcing my children to do the dishes.

I feel better. That makes me a pretty typical suburban mom, wouldn't you say? Admit it. Isn't that how you viewed (perhaps still view) your Mom? She is thoughtful of you, very nice, and she spends her whole fucking life doing chores, specifically laundry and grocery shopping, and she was the taskmaster who made you do chores.

I'll have to have her write an acrostic for the hub. for Father's Day. I'll report back as to how the two differ. You can be sureeeeeeeee they will.
I had a great weekend in terms of training. I went on a 61 mile ride (that additional mile is muy importante) that took me out to Upton, which I'm super proud of because Upton is wicked far away. I was psyched to stop a nice couple walking a pug when I got to Upton to ask for directions. I casually mentioned I had come out from Westwood and I wasn't sure how to find blah blah road. They were satisfyingly impressed. "Westwood? How long did it take you to get out here?" they asked. I was very pleased with their incredulity.

I also got in a long run this weekend with my running buddies from GNRC (my running club.) They seriously kicked my ass. I need to run with them more often. They keep me pushing. This wasn't what I wanted when I was doing all zone 1 training, but now that I am allowed to sprinkle in significant zone 2 mileage, I need to begin running with them again.

I have the Mooseman International Tri coming up in three weeks, and because I am obsessed with goals, I'm going to write them for this race. (drum roll, please.....)

1. SWIM: To get with a lead pack on the swim and hang on for dear life. I'd like to go under 22:30 for the swim. I did a 23:45 at the only other Oly I've ever done, but that was an ocean swim. It was a cove, though, so they are similar, right?

2. T1: Get out of my wetsuit without making a complete ass out of myself and getting all dirty with grass and grit. To get out of there under 2:30. That would beat my old Oly record of 2:34.

3. BIKE: I know it's hilly. I'd like to average at least 19.5 mph. That's a real reach, but I think I can do it if it's a perfect day and the wind moves around so it's always at my back. Anoher goal is to smoothly take sips from my Aero bottle. I always have to slow to a crawl, hold the straw and wiggle my lips around to actually get a drink. As you can imagine, this slows me up quite a bit.

4. T2: To dismount without falling. I plan to try NOTHING fancy. I plan to stop. Breathe. Swing my leg over and get off the bike. If I lose time, fuck it. Better that then fall on my ass again.

5. RUN: I'd like to go under 45 minutes. I know it's hilly, but I know I can do this if the conditions are good and I've eaten properly during the ride.

Overall: Place in my age group. This will be very hard, because this race is super competitive (at least in my book it's competitive...) Ange is in my age group, but I'm relying on her to actually PLACE in the top three, so she won't take an AG spot. So go fast, Ange! None of this 4th place overall 1st in your age group stuff! :) I already know there are some super fast Mainers coming down for the race who also happen to be in the 35-39 AG. eek! I'm getting pretty psyched!


Rainmaker said...

Good luck! That would be a smokin' swim time!

Trisaratops said...

Love the poem! :)

Have a great race!

Kim said...

awesome goal times, and totally attainable! cant wait to cheer you on!

Anonymous said...

"Isn't that how you viewed (perhaps still view) your Mom? She is thoughtful of you, very nice, and she spends her whole fucking life doing chores"...OMG, thanks for making me laugh out loud!!

After I crossed the finish line at a triathon last year (trying to catch my breath) one of my sons thought it would be funny to ask me...I'm hungry, what's for lunch??

I love the poem :)

Good luck with the upcoming race!

Anniversary Moments said...

What great, specific goals!! I will be routing for you from the middle of the pack - pave the way for me Mary!!

Anonymous said...

It is great that you lay out your goals...they make them REAL!!! GOOD luck w/ your race and go get em!!! Jen H. :)

Swimming for ME said...

You do realize that using the term "wicked" officially makes you a Mainer don't you?

Who oh who is going to the Mooseman from Maine? Anyone I can trip on the pool deck? Just kidding ... that particular person has showed somewhat of a nice side lately. And you know what? I think you might be faster than her in the swim. Go Mary!!

mjcaron said...

Acrostic: (better look this one up) ryhmes with agnostic (sounds farmilliar) def. a poem, in which certain letters in each line, as the first or last, spell out a word, motto, etc.

God, does your daughter know more than me? She's only 7 or 8 isn't she?

Regardless.. I like how you post your goals. I think it's much braver to post goals than to hoard them all to yourself in fear that you won't achieve them. Cheerio!

Judi said...

Your swim times are of the fucking hook. 1500m in 23 minutes? Holy shit. I wish I could train with you.

Speed Racer said...

Oh my god, your race scares me just reading about it! You could always just leave the straw in your mouth the whole time. That way you would be FORCED to stay in your aero bars and wouldn't lose any time aiming your mouth at it.

So do your kids think that EVERYONE goes to the supermarket dressed in running shorts, spends 3 hours shopping, and comes back all sweaty and without any groceries?

Ange said...

no pressure or anything Mary!! :) I'll try! I love your goals. You're motivating me to get my act together and think about some specifics for myself. Oh, I especially love T2. I still laugh that we both got cocky last time, tried a "trick" and wiped out. We revealed that we're still "newbies" in this sport.
It's going to be such a fun weekend for us! And I love JOrdan's poem. So sweet. I'm going to have hte kids do one for Daddy too...very interesting to see the differences isnt' it!
have a great day!