Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fashion Goddess

I'm completely unfashionable. When I go to work I dress in corduroy jeans, a white shirt and clogs. Everyday. I wear my hair in a ponytail, no makeup, and the same silver hoop earrings. Everyday. On the weekends I wear jeans and one of two cotton Old Navy jerseys that I got for $6 each two years ago, and old running shoes. I have one big, thick green down coat for the winter, and my Boston Marathon wind jacket for spring and fall. That's pretty much it. That's my wardrobe.

When I go to the city to have dinner with my chic friends from college, I feel like an incredible fashion loser. To these events I usually dress up my cords and white shirt with a belt. I still wear the clogs. My friends are ultra hip. These days they are wearing stilettos and wicked hip expensive jeans (I'm such a fashion loser I don't even know the brands), tight tops that are still somehow classy, gorgeous long, interesting coats usually made of some expensive fabric or fur, and jewelry that costs a lot and is very sparkley and was given for some anniversary. (Long ago I made it clear to the hub. that I never wanted jewelry as a gift. If getting me a present get something like a bike, or new running shoes or how about a power tap?) My friends are always manicured--with perfect toes and hands, eyebrows, hair-- My toenails are bent and crumpled because of they consistently slam into the toebox of my running shoes, and my fingernails are ripped and short.

Anyway, what is the point of this lament?

I guess I'm feeling a bit LONELY. I don't care about purses, jewelry, hip jeans, push-up bras, window dressings, the right furniture, the right house, the right counter tops, the right car, the right restaurants where "foodies" eat, the right wine etc. etc. etc. I seem to be having trouble talking to most women my age, because I just could give a fuck about these things. That's not to say I don't like a nice pedicure or facial, or that I don't like dressing up and feeling pretty. I just don't care enough to actually put in any effort.

However, I am the queen of fashion when it comes to sport. Well, maybe not the queen. I don't have a hip, pink bike, or really cool Splish suits to wear in races (like Bree Wee). But if I'm going to splurge and go shopping, I always shop for new workout clothes or workout equipment. For example, I just got the cutest little Sugoi racing shorts that I'm so psyched to try out. I also just got a black Craft top that is very hot, and a pretty aqua blue Terry top for biking. I have really nice running bras, socks, running skirts, cute Nike Tops, and a new pair of running shoes every three months. I have eight different swimsuits--all very funky and with bathing caps and goggles to match, and I've been drooling over wetsuits lately (not as enamored with my Zoot one as I was last season) etc. etc. blah blah you get the picture.

But who wants to talk about all that at book club? Who wants to talk bikes and races and workouts and training and cool, new, hip tri clothing?

No one.

NO ONE. At book club we talk about WINDOW DRESSINGS. or TREATMENTS, I guess they're now called. If I'm lucky we might talk about the book we were supposed to read. If I'm lucky.

Also on my mind: Don't you hate it when you don't feel like you've been doing that much, but your body is acting like you've just completed an Ironman? I'm in the build phase, but my weekly hours have only been reaching between 12-14 hours a week for the most part, and my workouts are strenuous, but followed up with recovery drink and recovery rides/runs, and time--and furthermore they (my workouts) are not THAT hard. But my body is freaking out. I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm grumpy, my glands are swollen and any food I consume makes a beeline through me and out of me so fast I have to run to the bathroom before I even finish a meal.

And no, I don't have a virus. This is what my body does when it's trying to tell me to cool it, when it's trying to tell me, YOU AREN'T SOME SPRING CHICKEN, Mary. Get a grip and take a day off!

Sigh. Shut up, body. Just shut up. How am I going to become a superstar tri girl if you don't let me work out more than 14 hours a week?

I did have a great run this morning. It started off on the lame side because I had a bowl of cereal with milk 15 minutes before I began (bad, bad idea--milk. not good.) After about three miles, though, I was feeling okay. My legs felt strong on the hills and I kept imagining myself winning Kona against Chrissie Wellington. Very fun. My last four miles I did at more of a tempo pace. It felt good.

I have been checking out the competition for the Mooseman Oly (or International, I guess. Is there a difference?) I'm doing next weekend. It appears that every fast 35-39 year old in New England (and some outside of New England) decided to sign up for it this year. I will have to be secretly inhabiting the body of Sam McGlone if I want to place. Oh well. Actually, though, I feel a little relieved. I plan to kick ass--but you know, kick ass FOR ME. Hopefully that will translate into finishing well among these crazy fast women, but I don't necessarily expect it to.


Janette said...

Hi. I just read a few posts in your blog and this one really hit home. I'm 25 and I really just want to talk about running and training. I never had a lot of girlfriends because most of them just wanted to talk about hair, shopping, fashion, etc. I'm always telling my boyfriend how hard it is to go to a girls event because, in your case, we end up talking about window dressings. Well guess what? I don't even have curtains! But I do have 5 pairs of running shoes. :) And I'd rather spend money on my workout clothes than dressing up my apartment. Thanks for the great blog post!

Anonymous said...

Mary, you are not alone. I am a fashion-idiot when it comes to hair, nails, clothes, shoes, accessories. I am wearing my Sedona Marathon shirt and running shorts as we speak. This is usually how I dress.

Jeff knows I don't want flowers or jewelry as gifts. He knows I like race entry fees or cool running, biking and swimming gear :)

Good luck with your upcoming races...your training is great!

Anniversary Moments said...

This reminds me of my post after my visit to Mommyland Suburbia to visit some girlfriends, and a very wise triathlete whom I admire reminded me that most of that stuff is all a veneer -- oh wait, that was you!!! It can be hard sometimes to not squelch all that makes you extraordinary when you are surrounded by so much ordinary all the time. Next Saturday will be further proof that you are extraordinary when you kick a$$ and give yourself & your family another accomplishment to be proud of --- take that Window Treatments!!

Ange said...

Yes yes YES!!!! I feel the SAME way out here in the OH. (oxford hills...a tri friend referred to it as the OH the other day.) I don't remember the last time I bought "real" clothes. honestly. I like what LG said....:)
Next week will be fun. A good test of our fitness. And Mary, I'm beat too. 12-14 hrs/week IS a lot. think about it. Think where we were 2 years ago.
see you soon!!! And think, a whole nigth of nothign but Tri talk. woohoo!!!

The Lazy Triathlete said...

We men love women like you. At least active men. That other shit is nuts.

Anonymous said...

HA! This is a great post b/c I can picture you walking around in a cord skirt and clogs! Classic. And, sometimes I have the SAME PROBLEM here in the neighborhood. EVERYONE is obsessed w/ decorating and cooking...which, both I suck at...and don't care about. Now, I can talk kids, but for like 20 minutes and then I have NO interest in talking about how great Bobby Sue is a soccer for the uptenth time. My neighbors think I am fashion forward, but honestly, I just like NEW THINGS. I do stay ahead of the bell curve, or at least I try, but the othe day I went to Morgans (6 yo) "FUN RUN" at school and she just looked at me and said, "MOM, what are you wearing?" I had on running stuff - and BLACK tights (it was cool here)....and then a 10 yo girl asked me how much they ('pants') cost and giggled at the same time. SOOOO....not sure I am cool at all. Oh least my cool pink bike matches my HTFU pink suit and pink goggles! HA HAHAHA....You will do just super at Mooseman - stay positive. Hey, I am 35-39, wish I could join the party too!! Jen H. :)

Rainmaker said...

I hear ya! I'm so bad with fashion. I too am always choosing the wrong push-up bra for the occasion, or the non-matching jewelry. And onetime I even forgot to paint my toenails. It's a huge issue I say!

Nitsirk said...

I have the same problem. It was much worse when I lived in Boston but here in Maine there are more relaxed standards for fashion. I can wear Old Navy jeans and no one bats an eye (been wearing the same pair for about 6 years now!). You really aren't alone and don't worry about it. Do what makes you happy. Take solace in the fact that with your smokin' triathlete body you could totally rock those expensive jeans....if you cared :)

Swimming for ME said...

boy I wish you lived here.
everyone in this town is athletics obsessed.
can't wait to get in the water with you.
Good luck this weekend!!

triguyjt said...

Hey...don't go ballistic on yourself... YOu have strong priorities and they are Your Priorites. Thats what makes them cool. You are in great shape.. You can compete forever..You are tough. You are a Mom, which is the biggest undertaking of them all.
You. Rock. YOu got fashion, its just on your racing and workout stuff. My Bride enjoys her fashion, but doesn't obsess on it..and spends alot of her time in yoga pants, sweats, tops, sports bras..etc... she balances it...
Lets work on Splish to get you some suits. Can you be one of their spokespersons????

dogs turn left said...

Wow. I seriously can't think of anything less interesting than window treatments.

Kim said...

i hate blogger. i put in my comment this morning and the thing totally crashed! BOO!!


my friends say "let's get dressed up and go to a nice lounge for drinks." i say "only if i can wear flipflops".

at least we are the better dressed and better looking triathletes out there since we spend so much damn money on the gear!

you are gonna kick ass on saturday. i cant wait to witness it! :)

Judi said...

How come you can sum up my thoughts in just a few paragraphs? I mean - you got me to THE TEE! I am the same way about clothes. Zero make up. Cut off shorts and a white wife beater tank.

I also have 8 pairs of running shoes, just got a pair of Sugui trishorts (LUNA) and my bike shop lady gave me a matching Sugui Luna tri-top. I also bought a new Craft tri-short and mine is red. It is so bad ass. I am psyched to wear them. So you are so not alone and your fellow tri-sista's totally get it.

P.S. I am so embarressed you read my blog sometimes cuz my times just suck compared to you! I always think about your fast swim times whenever I am doing my laps. You are a crazy woman! FAST!

Judi said...

I linked this post to my blog. Awesome.

P.O.M. said...

Hi. I found you thru Judi.
I have to admit that I'm not quite there YET, but I'm getting there too. I still have expensive jeans, but now when I have extra "shopping money" I tend to go the the running store instead. And when I'm bored at work, I peruse running clothing/shoes/gear instead of "fashion."

I am trying to keep a balance though, especially because I'm in the market for a hubby. ha ha.

Rachel said...

Ick. Sore throat. Time for a recovery day.

I'm the same way--I wear jeans and a t-shirt, no make up everywhere but when it comes to what I wear on the bike--I am totally color coordinated from head to toe--helmet, sunglasses, jersey, shoes...everything!

kodiacbear said...

I'm with you here! Great post. Truly, there is so much more to life than being domestic!!

BreeWee said...

We would be friends if we lived in the same neighborhood! I am with you... I wear the SAME outfit daily and even cotton t's when on the bike... BUT when it comes to run shoes and swim suits I am always putting the money there! (or thanking Asics and Splish for donating to me)...

Seems like we even had a similar week with our health too. I hope you are feeling better soon and ready to blast away at your race! hey, you are a fast 35-39 year old too!

Oh, I totally LOVE the image of you running up hill winning against Wellington! That is classic! We can dream right!!

Jen said...

Same here...when I have some "mad money" for shopping,I will always choose new tri gear over trendy clothes :) Whatever works for you - right!