Saturday, October 24, 2009

All about mememememe me! and my foot.

First, a big thank you to all who offered me information and advice on my injured foot.

This is what you did for me, though I know it wasn't your intention....
I think I AM going to get an x-ray after all.

I am not sure it's a problem with the fascia. That said, my calves are a mess, and I have had trouble with both my Achilles and plantar fasciitis in the past, so clearly I need to take all advice there, staring with getting myself a foam roller and a massage tool (other than my husband) for my calves.

However, I think this may be something else (though naturally it's all connected, I know.) It's not neuroma, I'm also pretty sure of that, because it's not high up enough and there is no ball there. It's really right below my second toe (index toe?) in the exact center of the ball of my foot. The pain radiates from that spot into my index toe. My index toe is tingly and feels a little broken. I know that sounds like a stress fracture, but I just don't see how I could have run on it all these months if it was one. Still, I think I should check it out. The advice that made me think this was from Go Big Green. You're right. Now is the time to heal. I should at least know what I'm dealing with, even if I do believe they will probably just send me home equipped only with the advice that I should rest, stretch, strengthen, ice and take Aleve.

This feels a little like the TV show, House. And I get to be the star! (I love it when it's about me...)Now that you have more detail, are you all willing to make another stab at what it might be?
(I love this shit.)  Oops--I just went into cardiac arrest!  Someone give me a tracheotomy!

In other news:
I am happy to say that I was just hired at the pool. I am their new Masters swim coordinator! (Oh boy. Now I have to figure out how to do this!!) Also I will be doing some coaching of the little squirts (I hope) and teaching some adult lessons. In the spring I plan to offer a course "on completing your first triathlon." If you're local, and you think you might want to be a part of that, let me know.

To KennyO--I definitely have my opinion on what to look for in a coach, but before I get to writing that post I think you should check out this post by Coach Elizabeth Fedofsky Waterstrat.She's a fantastic coach herself, and also a great writer.

Finally I leave you with some oh so beautiful fashion shots from my last race. I personally imagined looking more glam and marathon chic than that--but hey. I was wet and cold and busy getting a P.R. :)

No idea at what point this was taken, but it couldn't be that far in, b/c my left pocket is still bulging with gel.

Wet and cold, but at least I'm passing the dude next to me. This was taken at the end.
This is a good pic of me landing on my injured foot. No wonder I'm injured; it looks like I'm landing on the side of it. The way the treads on my shoes look, this appears to be the case.


Lucho said...

With THAT description it's almost for sure a neuroma! This is what happens to my right foot at 2:00 in to a long run wearing racing flats that are too narrow....
Ache in center of the ball of the foot. Then tingling in to the middle toe. Then stabbing burning on each foot plant in the center of the ball of the foot. After the run the toe is numb and the pain goes away.
If it is a Morton's neuroma there is a new therapy using alcohol injections (about 3-4 of them). I was just at the doctor for this a few weeks ago. He suggested a metatarsal pad which splays your metatarsals and lessens the pressure put on the nerve. It was BS for me and it only made my neuroma hurt all the time. I've managed it simply by wearing wider shoes to give the foot room to splay out. Narrow shoes cause the neuroma to flame up.

Judi said...

mary, i can't believe you don't foam roll. and massage? do you get them? and of course you know i am gonna say go get some acupuncture.

your pix look good but you need some knee sox.

Ange said...

you do look like a badass in those the all black attire. You look like you mean business...and appently you did!
Don't get me started on feet and pain....My feet are a mess.
I hope the xray gives you answers at least.
SO cool about the pool job!! love it.

Running and living said...

Great decision, Mary. You want to be sure it's not a stress fracture. Everything else is piece of cake compared to that! Good luck
I was about to curse at Capstone bc my pics are horrible, my body making these weird contortions...but then I saw yours, which are great... What can I say, the camera loves you:)

JBM said...

house my favorite show! in that case its probably sarcodoisis or vasculitis, so i prescribe some prednisone, it helps almost everyone on house, or sends them into a seizure. best of luck with your feet! i love the rubz ball and "the stick" check em out!

Sara Cox Landolt said...

I've had PF issues too. I have an extra bone on the side of my right foot. Foot pain is tricky, good thing checking it out. Congratulations on the PR and on getting the coaching job! Cool! Enjoy, your intro class sounds fun.

Kristina said...

You're a rockin' sexpot in those pics. Jealous. They couldn't see my bib # so there are none of me. It's okay. It would probably be a shot of me puking anyway.

Michelle Simmons said...

Great pictures! You do look bad ass.

Isn't it cool that you can get a better diagnosis of your foot pain from your blog readers than you could from most doctors??

solobreak said...

I had a similar problem last year and after xrays and mri, stress fracture was not found, diagnosis was nerve impingement. Got the cort shots and didn't run for a while and it seemed ok. This year similar problem but not nearly as bad and in a different spot. My theory is my foot is too weak to do what I'm asking, so I'm working on that. My foot doc is on Rt 9 in Chestnut Hill, works exclusively with athletes from what I saw in his office, email me if you want his name. Good luck!

Linda said...

My differential diagnosis a la House was inconclusive... But doesn't Vicodin solve all problems? ;)

Congrats on the pool gig!

Unknown said...

This info is all very helpful to me, since I seem to be experiencing very similar pain... It started right before Boston last year and ulimately ended up preventing me from running BayState (so all the more reason to get it checked out now by someone who knows their stuff)...

All of my past marathon race photos also show me landing on the outside of my hurt foot just like yours.

I was 'prescribed' a night boot called The Cub (from Healwell) to stretch out the gastroc, since it seems to be at the root of things.

Like you, my calves are consistently a nightmare, so rolling and massage has been critical.

I'm glad you have such a smart blog following that I can mooch off :)

Regina said...

Sorry to hear about your foot Coach, can I call you Coach? Congrats on the pool appointment. I wish I lived in NE so I could take advantage of some swim lessons; I need to go faster.

It sounds like you are making the wise decision on your foot. It certainly doesn't hurt to be sure it isn't anything serious and now would be the time to rest.

Now for those pics, a truer bad-ass was never seen on the marathon circuit!!

GoBigGreen said...

Congrats on the pool job! way cool.
You do look mighty strong in those run for the toe/foot/lower extremity in general...:) I am glad my thoughts helped, just get a plan that is your's and a clear rehab path, The Xray is the place to start and from there you can make more decisions once you get those results...

Jennifer Harrison said...

YOU look great in those run pics!!!;)

rungirl said...

love the black ... oh yeah!!

Regina said...

Mary, I'm happy to tell you all about the crazy Landmark thing if you want to shoot me an email rtisticfxatyahoodotcom. I have stories from way back and more recently.

Liz Waterstraat said...

Hey thanks for kind words in here :) Hope your foot heals soon!

Unknown said...

Black is always appropriate and fashionable race attire.

You better take care of that foot or you may not be able to keep on making the rest of us look so slow.

Looking forward to next year's BayState already!

mjcaron said...

Just saw this post. I love the black outfit. Is that at the WW Pool? Hope so....