Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I have been grouchy for a week.
Like really grouchy.
Worse, the reasons why I am grouchy are inconclusive.
  • It could be because I'm getting a visit from my lady friend soon (what a dumb ass expression, huh?) -- but alas, that doesn't explain a week's worth of grouchy, just a day or two. 
  • It could be because my house is disorganized and unsanitary (one peeing dog + one peeing boy = unsanitary at all times), and so far, despite tears and screams, my fairy Godmother has not made an appearance to help me out here.
  • It could be that despite my constant flurry of activity, I never seem to get anything done.
  • It could be that I have to fight my kids every day to STOP watching the boob tube, stop sneaking Goldfish crackers, stop fighting and scratching each other, start doing their homework NOW, and (in the case of my son) stop farting! What is up with that? Is it just because he is MALE? I know I have few male readers, but maybe if you are a male you could tell me why he farts incessantly, and seems unbelievably proud of this, especially if the fart is so nasty it threatens to kill all living things in the house?
The thing is, though, these things are constant, and so don't explain the week of grouchiness, really. Usually I can transcend these things.  Usually I can reach a state of inner calm and strength even when completely pushed to the brink.

Not this week.

My conclusion is that it is because I am having trouble beating the '09 Mary in workout land.

I thrive on beating last year's Mary. This is becoming tougher each year, though. It used to be a given. I used to be able to take her down without a hitch.
But last year she focused pretty hard and she got pretty good. Last year at this time she was thinner, stronger and more driven than the 2010 Mary.
And I'm pissed about that. How dare she! How dare she make it so damn hard to kick her ass!


Another irritation right now is that my health, as measured by my bloodwork done in December, is not perfect.
I find this annoying. I train like a crazy woman. I eat well. I get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. What freaking gives?

My cholesterol, though not officially deathly high, is not good.  HDL = 50 and LDL = 120 and ratio = 2.4
My blood sugar is high (100 mg/dL)--which I think is not officially deathly bad, but is not good.
My red blood cell count is low (3.88 m/cmm) and my MCH is high (33 pg)
My anion gap is low (6 mEq/L). (This is an electorlyte thing.)
My creatinine ratio is low (11.3). (This is a metabolic thing.)

My doctor insists that all is well. I  have no reason to worry. I am all good. In short, she refuses to indulge my panic over imperfection in terms of blood work.

But the small amount of research I have done indicates maybe I SHOULD BE CONCERNED. 
If I'm doing everything right,  why isn't my bloodwork--especially the sugar and the cholesterol-- spot-fucking on????

Furthermore, I am not sure what to do about the other levels which are off. I already take iron--so I don't know why my red blood cell count is low, and I don't really get why the MCH is HIGH.

If you are a doctor, or otherwise know anything about bloodwork, can you give me a nice juicy comment as to whether I am stupid to worry-- or not? And if I am not stupid to worry, what can I do here?

I'm done now.
The next post is going to be super cheery and upbeat.


solobreak said...

You cholesterol ratio if fine. The other parts of hematology are too complicated and interrelated for us mortals to understand. This is what you pay your doctor the big bucks for. What was your hematocrit? You could always go on the juice but most athletic types that I know, myself included usually test out low normal.

Pining for Pinterest said...

If you are really worried, do you want to get a second opinion somewhere? I understand the not being able to get anything done. I am looking at my schedule of what I need to do, but instead I am procrastinating and commenting on your post :-) I hope that you have a great day!

kT said...

Hi Mary--

I'm not that kind of doctor (just a chemist), but I ALWAYS have a low red blood cell count. I eat red meat, I take iron, and it just doesn't make much of a difference. So we'll see what the real doctors say, but my understanding is that some of us just don't metabolize it as well as others.

R.e. your old self--the only reliable solution I see here is either intentional mediocrity (doesn't sound like you!) or switching sports (kind of a drag). Could be worse: I have a runner friend who gave up smoking and was psyched to beat all his old times, but he waited long enough that he hit the downhill trend that comes with age and never improved at all as a non-smoker. Yikes. Seriously, though, I don't think you have to beat yourself all the time to occasionally kick your own ass at a specific race. So Last Year Mary is probably still scared.

mjcaron said...

I totally get your son's need to fart. What does that tell you? Don't worry I won't fart in AZ.it,s a humor thing. :)

Anonymous said...

If you're interested, I would suggest looking into the "paleolithic" diet. You can start by looking here:
He has a ton of information that might give you some answers. I recently switched from a typical healthy diet to a paleolithic diet and have experienced a significant difference in how I feel and perform.

Katie said...

You're probably just having a bad week. Everything seems irritating when you have a bad week, and there isn't always a good explanation for the why. Your cholesterol numbers are fine! I have no idea what the rest of the numbers mean...sorry. And I'm sure you'll be kicking last year's Mary's butt soon enough! Hang in there!

Kristina said...

We don't need you to be cheery. We like you b/c you're real. At least that's what I tell myself about my own readers when I'm pissy on my blog for weeks.

donna furse said...

Well, lets start with your cholesterol, the ratio is good but I' m a bit concerned that with all the exercise you do that your HDL is only 50, I would expect it to be >55 if not higher. YOur LDL is okay but still not great, something to look at in the future. With regards to you red blood cell count I didn't see all your numbers, Hgb/Hct, MCV, etcc, if you could show me them I might have more info to give you. Also a recent (Ferritin level) if you have it.
I was wondering if you had your thyroid checked. When you are hypothyroid it can cause one to have higher than normal cholesterol levels and it can also cause anemia, so if that is the case your iron isn't going to correct the problem. Anyway, let me know or email me.

Velma said...

I think that the way you will beat yourself this year is by being smarter - use all the coaching knowledge, and I am sure you will see gains this year.

Can you get a second opinion maybe from someone who has more of a sports background. Just a thought.

If you can figure out how to manage all the issues related to having little boys around the house - PLEASE - let me know.

Michelle Simmons said...

I totally get what you are saying about competing with yourself from last year. I find myself constantly checking my logbook from last years and comparing myself now to that. And wondering how the heck I was so strong and fast last January?? I had a 3 month old so, um, hello??? I wasn't even sleeping through the night. But Michelle '09 is kicking my ass right now. Ugh.

And about the red blood cell counts... I think it's common for athletes to be a bit on the anemic side? I read about it a while back in Runners World and it said it was 'normal' for runners to be on the low side there. I always am low/anemic. Not sure if that helps you though. Sorry.

Running and living said...

I think you should repeat the blood tests in a month or so. I have a feeling the blood sugar test will be fine. Also, I would look at how far off the numbers are on the tests. The number brackets are just recommendations, but really everyone is a bit different (I always have low sodium), and being .1 or so off is not a big deal. But, you know I don't have an MD:)
As far as farting goes, myself and my family have farting contests - bet you would not have guessed that about me. I always wondered what farts are considered bad? I mean, they are absolutely normal... Hope your mood will brighten soon. Sometimes there is no reason why the mood is off...

April Bowling said...

Cheery is WAY overrated. And FYI I have to take toxic levels of iron to make a dent in my ferretin levels...and I've had to cut sugar out almost entirely because I'm developing insulin resistance like the rest of my stupid...er, I mean charming and well-evolved family. So much for the health implications of endurance sports, eh? ;)

Nick Holt said...

Noah farts because he can and you can't stop him! Ha Ha! A good sign, really. He'll stop as soon as he develops a sexual interest in others.

MaineSport said...

Male, farting, consistent....and you can't stop me- na na na na na na

Ange said...

I can relate to this...I was grouchy last week. Things are rarely totally under control around here either and it gets to me sometimes...
Anyway......on the #s. I don't know much about any of that except but on the iron...are you tired? Run down? If not, I wouldn't worry too much. During that post-delivery surgery I mentioned in my last post I lost a TON of blood.....tons.. And I was seriously anemic for a while. If you're anemic you'll know it. Your workouts are ok???

Linda said...

I totally fret over cholesterol, BP, etc... BUT being married to a paramedic gives me some perspective - Every day he takes people in their 20's and 30's to the hospital with heart conditions, breathing problems, etc... we ain't so bad!

maria conley said...

You are your worse enemy when it comes to training/racing!!! You are so hard on yourself. I think by next week you will be back to being Mary. Can you please try to take naps. My boys pee & fart like animals and there is nothing I can do to stop them.

Swimming for ME said...

too many gels going to your brain??

Jessica said...

I have two boys, 5 and 7 and the potty humor (farts and everything else) has reached an all time high. I just sit and stare as my husband cracks up. BTW, do NOT get him a whoppie cushion. Trust me on this.

Regina said...

I have no idea what to say about your blood work; I failed out of chemistry and biology rather decisively in college.

As for the farting....I wish I knew. As long as my husband continues to do it, there is no hope for my son.

It's good to get your grouch on every once in a while.

Judi said...

if the dr says you're fine, you're fine. chill the fuck out.

what vitamins are you taking?

John said...

Can't help with the farting, but I do have a few new expressions for you since you're clearly tired of the dumb-ass one. :)

The painters are in
Liverpool is playing at home (Liverpool is known as the Reds for you non-soccer fans out there)
Cat's got a nosebleed