Wednesday, January 23, 2008


This morning's swim was just plain lethargic. I kept thinking to myself, "Okay self, this repeat is going to be a big effort. Work it!" And then I'd continue to slug along. It was a long, slow, tired 2200 yards. But I did it. It was done. I didn't cut it short by a single yard. And after work I had a nice 50 min run planned. ahhh. I love running. I couldn't wait to suck in the cold, crisp air and listen to my new, cheese-a-rama playlist on the Nano. After dismissing my last class I ran to the bathroom to change. I had to rush because I had a doctor's appt. in an hour, and this run needed to be squeezed between work and this appt. (I have no shame. I show up to all sorts of things sweaty and out of breath.) I scrambled into my tights and shirt. I pulled on my jacket and stuffed my work clothes into my bag. And then I realized it: My running shoes. Not here. Not in the bag. I had left my running shoes at home. Argghh! I changed back into my work clothes and trudged solmenly back into my classroom. I kept thinking, Is there any way around this? Could I find a pair of running shoes in the kids' lost and found? How impractical would it be to buy a new pair right now so I could head out before that appointment? Could I run in my big, clunky, black, street shoes? Should I cancel the appointment so I can rush home and get in the run before picking up the kids? Desperate thoughts. I folded my hand. I was defeated. Now I am going to have to find a way to do both a bike workout and this missed run tomorrow. Sigh. Bike will be before work and the run after. I have already packed my bag for the run--and my spiffy shoes are right on top.


Kim said...

that is SO annoying!!!!!!! ugh, i feel for you my dear!!!

it never gets easier does it?! :)

greyhound said...

I have forgotten my dress (work) shoes before, and my bike shoes. But I always wear the running shoes out of the house.

Darn, forgot the dress loafers. Guess i have to work at home.

triguyjt said...

ahhhhhggggg I have done that many times...
lots of times, i forget the shorts and..frankly..theres no way around that one....

Pam said...

what a bummer :(

AtlantaMom said...

You are truly the iron woman. I do not know where you pull all of this strength from, but I do wish I could siphon a bit for myself....

An extra pair of shoes (older running shoes) which live - though hopefully don't breed - in the trunk of the car can prevent future accidents. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Awwh..I hate when that happens, especially when you're looking forward to it! A couple of times, I got to the pool and realized I forgot my goggles and swim cap. I tried to swim anyway, but it wasn't very productive!

Hope your make-up run went well :)

kodiacbear said...

I hate it when that happens!! Good idea about running shoes in the trunk, I have extra towels in there when I happen to forget them.

Michelle said...

Ugh! What a pain!

Nice job getting through the swim workout, though.

Rainmaker said...

Ugh... I know the feeling. Done that numerous times. I did actually run in dress socks once when I couldn't fine my running ones. It was very fashionable.

Since then I follow KodiacBear and have a full set of everything in my trunk that I never use (old decommisioned running shoes, socks, shorts, everything!).