Thursday, January 17, 2008

Don't You Hate it When...

You think you are a svelte goddess who has shed all of her holiday weight, and then you get on the scale? I've been trying to think up good reasons why the scale hasn't budged: I am bloated, it's late in the day, I am sore from shoveling and retaining water etc. etc. Sigh. But I know the truth. Damn scale.

I don't even own one, actually. I went to the gym today, and they have one. And you know, gym scales are like the REAL DEAL. They don't lie like the dinky house scales most people have. Sigh again.

I have been working out like a champ this week because I am racing on Sunday and I needed to get in all of my mandatory death trainer time despite it. To clarify, I'm taking the day before the race (Saturday) off, which is when I usually do that long, horrible death trainer ride. All of those evil hours on the trainer were incorporated into my training this work week, courtesy of Cait. I've been looking forward to this race for awhile, though, so it was all worth it.

It's supposed to be 10 degrees on Sunday with a wind chill below zero. WTF! Well, actually, it is January and it is New England and the race is called the Frostbite. What did I expect? I'm trying to believe it will be a super great race anyway. I know I won't run really well--but that doesn't matter much to me because I am not supposed to be racing well in the off season. What makes the race fun is that I will be able to see and catch up with my running buddies with whom I am so out of touch.

In other news, I just found out that an old friend of mine bought Fast Splits, the store who sponsors my tri- team. Amazing. He owns it. Like the owner. Like the whole thing. My hub. doesn't see why this fascinates me so much. But it does. I'd like to be the owner of Fast Splits... someday. someday.
Someday my tri-life will also be my professional life. Maybe. You never know.


The Lazy Triathlete said...

I am running with wife on her 8 mile training run tomorrow and it is suppose to be in the low 20s or high teens. I know she will be bitching about it. So I can feel your pain.

jbmmommy said...

I'm sorry for your scale frustration but I'd love to someday feel anything close to a svelte goddess. Good luck on Sunday.

AtlantaMom said...
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AtlantaMom said...

Scales schmales. Hate 'em - the
lying bastards! LOL I tend to put on muscle quickly, which weighs more than fat, so the numbers make me feel fat even when my clothing tells me otherwise. I try not to even weigh myself anymore lest I throw myself off my back deck!

Pam said...

Good luck Sunday! And ditto, scales are the worst.

Michelle said...

I hate scales. I try to just go by the way my clothes fit.

And yeah, I'm not looking forward to that arctic blast! The race sounds fun, though - hope it is, despite the cold!

Triteacher said...

Oh, I was sooooo hoping someone would get around to mentioning weight. I have actually LOST weight this holiday season. My secret: for the first time in years, Wisconsin has SNOW which of course means skiing.

Have a ball at your race - stay warm!