Friday, January 4, 2008

I'm on the Scene

Tonight I'm talking to my hub. about (what else) triathlon. He recently ordered that Open Water swimming video and book by Terri Laughlin, the Total Immersion man. Lately he's been into thinking about swimming technique, and I think this is what inspired it. Anyway, he mentions that he also checked out getting a few Spinervals dvds, but he wanted to ask his runner friend who bikes whether he'd had experience with them, and whether they were any good. His runner friend forwards his message to one of his tri-friends, and that's when it happened. I am known. This tri guy, who I don't know, KNOWS WHO I AM, and mentions this to my hub. Basically he wanted to know if he (husband) was interested in Spinervals, or whether I (his wife who's in the local tri-scene) wanted to know. I AM IN THE LOCAL TRI-SCENE! I'm like, known! By someone--you know--other than by my parents or the hub. or close friends! I know it's likely b/c I am newly a part of this team that is known locally, but still. I'm semi-known in the running world, but I had yet to break into the ranks of the tri world. Yahoo! I'm giddy. In other news I am feeling fat as a truck. The holiday cookies are now situated on my hips and waist. This is not helped by the fact that this week I'm on a "break" week. You know how every fourth week you're supposed to cool it? I have the urge to run like 10 miles a day, which is, by the way, what I usually do at this time of year b/c I'm 1. Usually training for Boston and 2. freaking out b/c nothing I own fits and I am finding gray hairs and flab under my arms. But no. This week I ran about 10 miles according to the plan. The plan which I must trust. Trust. It's all about trust says my man, Jesse. As icing on the cake I'm to run a 3.9 race on Sunday with the Colonial Road Runners, a local running club. If I can run 3.9 miles hard it will be a miracle in itself. I absolutely can't wait to email my time to my coach. Hmmmmmm. 15 miles a week averaged in December + 7-8 extra pounds = -----. On Sunday I will fill in the blank. By the way--Locked and Loaded (Kim) got me all into the Site Meter thing. I now realize that my silent stalking of several bloggers has been out in broad daylight. OhmiGod. The powers of technology. Other than being cowed by my obsessive lurking, I'm also flabberghasted at the amount of traffic some of the bloggers I read get. It's kind of amazing. I get little traffic. Sniff. Can't some of you out there visit my site for a second like 10 times a day so I can feel special? I'm easy to please. All I want is a little traffic... ;)Look how happy I am to know that some random person knows vaguely who I am? Someone from Nigeria did find my site. Probably it was a mistake, but whatever! NIGERIA!


Flo said...

So much to comment on!

-I just got the Open Water Swimming book/DVD in the mail today. Hopefully I'll check it out this weekend.

-Gray hairs under your arm?!?!?! Scary :)

-The guy from Nigeria probably has $24 million he wants to give you.

Have a good run Sunday.

The Lazy Triathlete said...

I know when you stalk me!!!! :) But is it stalking if you like it?

I am starting to notice more gray on my head and it does bother me. It will make much more sense after I finish my poll.

As far as you being "known". I have gleened from this blog you were the President of your running club, you have run Boston. With things like that on your resume, people will know who you are.

Good look on the race.

kodiacbear said...

AHH--break week--just when your feeling Great! and are itching for more, its time to take it 'easy'--UGH!! I am with you, I had mine 2 weeks ago and then was sick this past week, but now am back on track. Good Luck on your race tomorrow.

AtlantaMom said...

Gray is earned!

How 'bout this: I'll visit you if you visit me??

Of course, we are on completely (read: C O M P L E T E L Y) different levels with our running. You are inspiring to me.

Pam said...

You are hilarious!! I got an anononymous comment on my blog once and it both excited me and consumed me... I was so glad to know someone was reading but was absolutely DYING to know who the mystery reader was. (it turned out to be my sister). I like the blog title, btw. Very clever.